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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Proclaim!
Sunday, January 12, 2014 || 2:29 PM

Once and for all, it's gonna be a long post, be prepared!

It's rare to not be blogging overnight on the 31st December, which is I guess, great, to be not spending my last day of 2013 with the computer but with the churchies and God. It was definitely a memorable one.

I'm super blessed to have Caryl as my friend, basically she had her parents to send me to church for watchnight. Also, she played a huge roll in bringing me to Christ. I remember it was the musical thingy going on in my church in 2010 if i'm not mistaken, 2009 was still LOUD but I don't think I went out to accept Christ until a year later. I really did enjoy myself during LOUD and I remembered meeting Ian Tan (whom I called daddy - because he was with Caryl back then) for the very first time.

180 musical was good, but I didn't expect myself to accept Christ. All I remember was the whole gang went in front to say the sinner's prayer and BADOOM TADA. Although I was still quite blur about what was really going on and didn't continue churching then but I still loved the songs being played at home everyday. (Brother was that religious teenager who would blast Hillsong's songs every single day!) Until Kyleen patiently talked to me about Christ and I knew about the Bible having 66 books etc. I decided to follow my brother to church some time in 2011 and surprise Kyleen by going into her CG without informing her earlier. HAHA. I remember how shocked she was and she had her eyes wide open. Jehanne was the leader, Sarah was the assistant leader, John was the helper. Sarah wasn't there that time though, and Kyleen and Valerie were telling me how I SHOULD meet Sarah because she's that giggly girl who laughs ALL THE TIME, or rather, her laughs just make you laugh too! Now that I'm reminiscing the past, I kinda miss Sarah's laugh. Jehanne left, John stepped up to be the leader. John left, Ashwin came. Now that Sarah has left, Ashwin is leaving in a week's time to France. We're leaderless, but that shouldn't be the reason to stop us from going to CG (although I nearly did).. After yesterday's dinner (chilli pan mee YAY!) I was seriously impressed that Caleb was beginning to open up himself to be a leader, which was good. But all thanks to Valerie actually, she played a big part in telling what she really felt about the merging of CG.

I guess things are better off to be said honestly. Things are getting better in CG. Worries that I have once worried don't matter anymore. I guess introverts just take a super long time to feel comfortable around extroverts. Thank God, 'cause honestly I've been praying for the CG.

I'm getting long winded anyways, I was celebrating the last day with Caryl and her family, and I went to Kayu for Supper with the churchies (including John, Ashwin, Joel, Sara, Amanda, etc) and I even met Pastor Gilbert, Pastor Chris, Ian Tan and Hui Wei, oh oh, and Ken Vyn!! :D Also Bryan Loh 1AM at Kayu ahahha!

Oh I brought Aaron(Kan) to church too! His mom didn't let him to go clubbing with my brother (I understand the reason behind because he's now the only child) but I still can't really compromise how she wanted my brother to be the bad guy. That, out from a mom, is understandable, but you allow your son to hate my brother but cannot accept that one day your son will find out. I guess what I remember most is that sentence you said to me with that annoyed face: "Your brother is not the bad guy, I'm the bad person okay?" And turned away as if I deserved that sarcastic lecture. How on earth would I know that you will use my brother as a shield so that your son won't hate you? Although it's understandable that you did it all because you wanted it good for your son, but how would I know, seriously?

Anyways, John sat in front of me, Ashwin and Aaron beside me. John was asking about my purpose in life. I stoned for not only a while, but a very long time and tried my best to avoid the topic but he threw an even tougher question to me. It's about what he had taught me and what I'd learned from it. I seriously couldn't remember anything except predestination. D: But anywaysssss, silly me, I thought Ashwin wrote me a letter but it's a letter I wrote for myself in the beginning of 2013 but I forgot. I was screaming at home saying how sweet Ashwin was HAHAHAHA! Too funny!

I went to school the next day and Thiam Joo ditched me for lunch with Sir! And then I went to One Utama for a sudden shopping with Siew Chin and Siew Yoong HAHAHA! I was supposed to be having my nap! :P

Thiam Joo came to my house to do some work and we got to know that my brother used to be his sister's high school friend. Then he stayed back to play FIFA with my brother and Aaron when he was supposed to go home, but that's not the main point. He brought his gf to my house the next time he came and that's really why I'm talking about this!! It was the most awkward day in my life I swear. ._. What did I do to deserve that LOLOL. Sorry lah, but it's just so weird to be a lightbulb for them. It's already weird enough that I've been lightbulb for both my brothers. Ahhh, I'm gonna make 'em all a lightbulb for me and my future boyfriend one day as a revenge! HAHAHAA!

So things were better after they left, definitely.

I passed my Undang! Although I still couldn't beat my mom and my brother's score! Boo! But thanks to be God seriously, I only started doing the 500 questions at 12AM. I only slept two hours in the end, *sobs* then slept the rest of the day after the test hahaha!! Bengkel last Thursday and fortunately Seen Ying was there too! Too blessed to have a friend with a surprise presence!

And yea, that's almost all why I have been MIA for a while.

But I left out this one thing, which is...


I guess I will have my New Year Resolutions in another post! Hang in there, you guys!

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Posted by Bernice with love.
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