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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Caryl's farewell!
Sunday, January 19, 2014 || 2:43 AM

I guess I just have so much to thank God for.

Although it's a reality that leaders are leaving to pursue their studies I'm glad to have seen how the younger ones in NextGen or aiya, i just say the name lah.. I'm glad to see Caleb to rise up as a leader. It's quite overwhelming to see how he's all out for God after youth camp. I was kinda surprised how he suddenly became so active in CG, honestly speaking.

Then he explained today that he had practically no free time throughout last year and he's quite busy this year too. How he really wanna prioritise Christ this year and how he sees prayer so importantly now. He's also started to open up himself, I guess? It definitely requires huge courage to be sharing what you don't even tell you bradaas(close buddies in school) but CG members. True enough that most friendships last longer when there's a spiritual connection involved.

For example, Caryl and I? She brought me to Christ, that's how we connected and recently she was facing some problems and we got pulled back together because of Christ again. It's amazing how things turned out, and the fact that we are even closer than before, just amazing. I guess it's just how it goes when you bond with a person spiritually, truly amazing that it's indescribable.

It's kinda sad though, that she's leaving, but I do pray that she'll do well in her studies in Aussie. No matter how long she will be there I really pray that this friendship lasts.

A note to Caryl, not sure if she will read this but..
I thank God so much each day that I've Him in my life, but you definitely have no idea how thankful I am to have a friend like you. Although you said you didn't do much but this just shows us how important it is to just do our part, to just try our best to invite people and let God do the work in them. I've never expected that we would become this close after so much we've been through in these five years but I'm thankful that after all that has happened, we finally know who our true friends are. Just like what Pastor Chris said today (to be precised, yesterday), all sufferings only happen because He wants to shape us for the betterment, to be a stronger person. So I pray and hope that in the future, no matter what happens, if you can't find anyone that you can talk to about your problems or anything, I'll always be here available for you! Also, let's strive to seek God deeper, and also not forgetting to keep each other accountable, because being in one body (of Christ), it's important to always look out for each other. We sure won't want anyone of us to fall out from His goodness, and I'm sure this can only come true if we really spend time praying everyday, to guard our hearts, this can only be done through Him and by Him."
K this is awkward I just saw a rat right in front of me. It's huge and I don't know where it's hidden now. I hate rats ugh anyway..

Please do keep in touch k, love? :) 

UGh so stupid that rat just ran under my chair. I think my house is not suitable for CG anymore lol. Guess I just have a-too-amazing neighbour who never keeps his garden clean. :') So much for cleaning up I'm so glad to have him ugh NO!! I don't know where it's hidden now again!!

Let's just go back to seriousness or else I'm going crazy.

Anywaysssss, something amazing happened today I don't even know what to say about it. So miraculous in a way. Uhm, actually I drifted my mind away during the prayer in the morning because I was kinda worried how I might not be able to commit myself in YouthAlpha 'cause I'm guessing it will be during the weekends. I guess God shouldn't have answered me through Fiona but He works in amazing ways! (because I was being disobedient hahaha! Not focusing during prayer :P) So after the Alpha training in the morning. Fiona sent me message through Whatsapp that her dad's friend would like to hire someone who teaches a kindy kid for half a day.. Since that boy has only just started his kindergarten so the parents wanted someone to make sure that he's doing his homework and all. (let's pray that he won't turn out to be a naughty child)

And then I called the lady, I'm still quite surprised that I actually opened up to her honestly about everything and I hope she didn't mind me talking too much ahahha, 'cause the fact that I called her she didn't pick up and she called me back I might have already caused her to spend quite an amount on the phone bill hahaha!! But she was nice! She told me that it's located at Bangsar and if you know me well you'll know that I have transport problem 24/7. Then this lady said she will contact the parents and pass her my contact number. So be it, if it's God's will, it will happen.

I'm actually depending on Him a lot lately, especially in making decisions. I've decided that if Form 6 shifts to the centralised building, then I will choose early childhood (or even foundation/A-levels in Science) depending on my results! Which is good, definitely, to be able to depend on Him I feel so safe. So I think people were quite shocked that I looked less worried than they did ahahha!

I want to make it a goal this year to just surrender all my problems to Him, and be less worried.

"We're giving it all away, away, we're giving it all to go Your way!" I guess this sums everything up? :)

Coming up..
 1.There will be night rallies (CONCERT!!) this coming Thursday, Friday and Saturday by Planetshakers (Not some *CHAPALANG* band but they're all the way from Aussie!!) Do come if you wanna be hyped up for concerts! It's FREE! Not a concert person? Nevermind! You'll enjoy yourself nonetheless! Don't worry about being awkward 'cause everyone is very friendly hehe! Oh! It'll be held at DUMC, Dream Centre! Do tell me if you're interested(or FB/Twitter/Whatsapp - I have practically everything!)

 2. There will be a YouthAlpha Launch Party on the 15th of February (Saturday) for Teens from 2-4pm ; 16th of Feb (Sunday) for Campus students from 8-10pm. It's a party so don't be afraid to mix around! There'll be FREE FOOD! What say you? It's FREE!!  Do come, it's at DUMC, Dream Centre! Do tell me if you're interested, too!


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Posted by Bernice with love.
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