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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Holy Spirit and Tongues?
Saturday, August 3, 2013 || 10:55 PM

Pastor/ Apostle Julius Suubi.

I can't seem to get his information on the internet. So I guess I will share what I heard from him myself.
Physically? He's really tall. MANNNN, superb. He's from Kenya. I'm betting he can run extremely fast (not sure if black people -not being racist here- run fast or just the Kenyans.) - if you're interested in watching them running you can go search on YouTube. Or if you're looking for someone whom you KNOW, go on search for JumbaFund on YouTube and watch how slow Kevin(Kevjumba) ran when he was competing with some of the Kenyans. 

And since God looks at the heart, I'm guessing I shouldn't continue talking about his physical appearance.

Well, he's married. (He loves his wife, even his mother-in-law). He loves children. (So he wanted a baby and he tried really really hard. He kept on praying and praying, but still there wasn't any sign showing that his wife was pregnant. So he went on to fasting. 3 days, didn't work. 7 days, didn't work either. 21 days, nope. 40 days, his wife conceived. & now he has two kids.)

He was talking about how prayers have 3 levels.
1) Asking.
2) Seeking.
3) I'm not sure but I think it's something related to the church. Like community praying or something like that.

but it was inspiring, really.

I wasn't so excited about him at first. In fact, I forgot that he was coming. I was so happy that he came. He made everyone's day in church i think. He laughed at his own jokes and I, personally thought his laughter was super hilarious. Whenever he started giggling, people who were listening would just stupidly laugh at his laugh. (like I did - it's irresistible, HONEST.) Anyways, mmhm, I thought today's teaching was great, since it really reminded us how we should persevere 'til the end. He said we need to be tired of a situation because that will be the time when God answers.
You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck." - Genesis 27:40

Never really knew what this verse meant, but I guess I do now.

We need to get tired of a situation, we need to pray earnestly, faithfully, consistently. I guess he kinda answered what I was curious about. I was really, really curious if I should pray saying that it's all gonna be according to God's will or insist something to happen so that it happens. The bible also says, "ask and you shall receive". If you never ask, you shall never get what you've longed for. & God wants to hear what you want. I'm once again reminded that God is always there to stand by.

He gave an example. He said if we're praying for our family members/ relatives to have a chance to get to know God, we should really pray desperately but not "God if You want it to happen it will". I've always prayed this kinda prayer and I guess God just didn't feel how much I desire my family members to get to know such a loving and faithful God. I know I've mentioned this before but meeting God is definitely one of the best things that could happen in one's life.

Service (Celebration) went on quite long today. It didn't end right at 7pm but I left at 7:20pm (and it still hadn't ended :O) anyways, I went out to the altar today, I thought I should do it because I've been curious, too, about how Holy Spirit works. Many people went in front, all were speaking in tongues, I still refused to follow them though, deep down I knew if I did, I wouldn't be doing the right thing 'cause then I would be faking and lying to myself and God, wouldn't I? I wanted to let Holy Spirit itself does the work.

Apparently, everyone was speaking in tongues and I was silent, but with the desire to let Holy Spirit work in me. I don't know if it did. This was what I felt. I was asking for Holy Spirit to come to me, and I was praying really hard, everyone else was speaking in tongues, (I guess the person behind me did experience Holy Spirit, 'cause I heard a sudden gush of tongues- foreign language - it sounded kinda scary to me since I really didn't know what he was trying to speak and I could feel the power in it, like he was using all his might to speak because I could feel my hair getting a lil of his saliva, apparently. That's how 'intense' he was.) but that's not the point. The point was, after that, I myself felt strange. I felt really, really odd. Keep in mind that I was still praying despite of the distraction from behind, I felt something when he stopped! I really did, although I'm still not sure if it was Holy Spirit working, but when I was praying, my voice was trembling. Like I was just so close to gushing out some words, but instead, I was praying, but with a really, shaky voice. I couldn't control myself. I mean, I really don't know what happened, still. It felt strange, I didn't cry though, this time. I thought I would, but I didn't. The last time when I went to the altar I cried because I felt peace in me, I felt so guilty (or I don't know what it was.. ) I think it wasn't guilt, it was a desire, really - I still thank God for the Aunty who prayed for me (indirectly for my mother).

I've felt so much love from God I just wanna share to the people I love. Without God I wouldn't know how to love, I wouldn't know what is love. God is love.
 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13
Anywayyys, BK quiz today and I did very badly. I was really embarrassed and awkward in the morning I was so afraid I didn't know whether I could even go into the classroom to take the quiz since I was the only one who didn't wear school uniform (I didn't even know I should) - that made me felt more not belonged to CF - but I blame it all on myself since I haven't been attending CF lately and I didn't even go for the briefing the other day.

I was so grateful because after I prayed really hard, I wasn't kicked out from the classroom and I managed to take the quiz. Although I did badly (in fact, the worst) I still was glad to meet the Sri Sempurna guys. I was their recorder and two of them trusted me in recording so they came to me during Semi-Finals too! I was so happy and flattered because when I was recording for them the first round I actually calculated wrongly, but one of them still said he trusted me anyway. So happy ^^. Oh, his name is Julian Sya (another one which I'm actually having a hard time trying to figure out how to pronounce) -what on earth, never heard of that surname before. Anyways, they got 3rd in the end! I tell you, that school is crazzzzzeh, everyone in that school who participated know the bible so well. I mean, they were all really good in BK(subjective/oral). ALL. I failed my BK -______- (it was in objective some more) Shame on me. LOL. I didn't get to finish reading what I had to. Always also like that, I'm not even surprised anymore.

;Til now I'm still wondering if speaking in tongues is supposed to be done in church. Hope God will answer one day, uhmm.

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Posted by Bernice with love.
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