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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: LEO trip'13 - Seremban!
Saturday, March 30, 2013 || 11:55 PM

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1:17 (NIV)

Blessed Easter (it's tomorrow) everyone! God is risen, He is risen, indeed! :)
Isn't it a joy when you get to worship such a great God, a living God who never forsakes, who loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for us, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. - John 3:16 (NIV)

He's an almighty God, all knowing, all loving. He knows what he has planned for our future.. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jesus knew no sin, that's whoever believes in him will be made righteous.
For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ. - 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NLT)

It's amazing how God is so amazing that I'm always amazed by His amazing work and perfect plans!
You may have never experienced His love, but His love is too amazing.

Anyway let's not talk about this but let me first be thankful that I'm alive! Jesus is alive! :D
Skip, skip. Skip to what I've done in Seremban! :D

First day 
Yakult factory

Failed camera-whoring.

Yee Li is behind us!! That really shows how fail my cam-whoring skill is ._.



Check in.


Flower is as pretty as..


Aussie Ostrich.
Winter=good mood=give birth in just 2 days.

Spring=good mood=give birth in just 2 days.


Male = Black feather = with lipstick.
Female = grey feather = without lipstick.



"Yo I'm RED RIDING HOOD, literally."

The race!
"Have never won in seven years"


Treasure Hunt

Party in my tummeh.

Second day
Good morning!


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: The new SEE-GEE.
Monday, March 25, 2013 || 12:51 PM

I'm sure you know who Nick Vujicic is. He's so inspiring. Thank God for Him. :D

Last Saturday, I went to church for CG. It was BURNING HOT in the room because it's really small (it was our previous CG-E5 room and the number of members wasn't that MANY). So we were ALL soaking in our own sweat (I know right, ew) + we were playing physical activity for icebreaker ( ice that we really needed to break but apparently still stubbornly remain frozen, even with the PHYSICAL HEAT..) & since the air conditioner wasn't working really well - we didn't have the controller to adjust because it went missing, I guess.. OR had passed over to somebadeeeh and that person forgot to return.. AND because it's shared among the CGs hahahah. - we went down to the cafeteria after a round of sharing about how our weeks have been (said I'm here and I'm in to check ourselves in - LIKE AN INN/motel/hotel!) Nothing much happened in other people's life as well as mine except Ashwin (our new asst. CG leader) who is a very nice culinary guy and a good cook - I heard :) hmm food! :D but it was awkward when he said he heard John saying that I'm a very nice person, oh my gosh it was super duper awkward i didn't know what to say. I MEAN WHY WOULD JOHN SAY THAT. I miss John and the old CG so much, and Jehanne too! I miss baking with Jehanne! - My first ever, CG leader who was so mother-like! Hehehehe :P

Oh yea then we went to the cafeteria.. And we were asked to write a letter to our future self (or our end-of-the-year self) and open it on the 31st of December this year.. ahhaaha again, I tried to write a lot of nonsense so I will have something to laugh about later on. I'm so afraid I will be drifted away from my faith because that's what happens in my family - my dad, brothers. None of them held on to their faith. My eldest brother seems like he has the faith, he told me he knows who the real God is but when I asked him to go to church with me he insisted that I was forcing my family members to go, but honestly I wasn't, I was just asking very sincerely(a bit naggish), I didn't know why he thought I was forcing them, I felt sad after hearing that. He chose jogging over going to church. Indeed, maybe I was being quite annoying asking them to go, I tried my best to invite them every week but it didn't work so.. I will try on special days like Easter/Christmas. I was very thankful that they went on Christmas day. It definitely was a great testimony for me. Yup, I hope someone is praying for me that my faith will be so much stronger and that I won't backslide in the future, because that's what I pray for myself every night.

CG was not as good as what I expected but I'm glad I've met Ashwin! I heard he isn't a 2nd generation Christian too, that's why I thought he was inspiring since he still is believing God. It's true that a lot of people have been so faithful in high school but have become atheists after going to college. That just shows how the world can influence you so badly, swiftly. You just have to keep holding on to your faith because it will save you from eternal sufferings..

For by grace you have been saved through faith.

That keeps popping in my head whenever I talk about faith.

It was an eye opener to see how CG was so different last week than any other CG meetings I've gone to every other week. It was so fashion&technologically influenced. People were holding their handphones calling people right after the CG ended (IT ENDED SUPER EARLY, when I saw the clock on the cafeteria it was only 3:30pm.) I thought Ashwin said he was gonna ask us what we're still doing in CG but I guess he forgot about it so he didn't ask LOL. And CG-E4 is so different oh my goodness :o there are so many talkative people (not in a bad way) I think it's because they know Ashwin really well.. somehow I think my CG and I were as if a level lower than theirs, I mean, worldly-influenced wise.

CG is never the same anymore, sigh..

I think God is planning something better ahead. I hope and I believe.

We're painting Easter eggs and writing some messages next week! It's gonna be legend-wait for it-dary!

Anyway sermon after that was good! It was preached by Pastor Chris! :D He sang as if he was in RedBox with us LOL. It was so nice to hear him sing. And he was saying how in the bible, not everyone ended well and our purpose is to end well in life. So yea, being faithful is important, really important.

I hope I will finish strong.


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I'm back for GOOD, I guess.
Thursday, March 21, 2013 || 11:01 PM

For the betterment of
BAHAHAHA. Yea people, I'm still the self-praise, self-obsessed me you've always known. I won't change because it's for the betterment of my community and my country. (Y)
Anyway, I guess I just KNOW that you guys have missed me, that's why I'm blogging now.

I've been BUSY lately I think.

Let's recall what I've done in this 1 month of not-blogging. (I've never ditched my blog okay, it's just that I don't update, I still do visit - self-obsessed proof.)

So after that singing, I guess, on the 21st of February, I got a few messages saying that I've a good voice. (but there are so many people out there who have unbelievable nice voice.) Examples?

Can't think of one now. Adele, I guess.

22nd? Tuition day, meh. My Fridays are always meh, so let's just not talk about it. 23rd, I think I did go to church and I forgot what happened there but ANYWAY sigh, let's just not talk about what I've done day by day it's getting boring.

Let me talk about some major changes or events that have happened. Like:-
1) Well, the CG.
We've merged with the other CG (which has all the famous extroverts there), I heard it was awkward. The introverts are all in my CG but I really hope I will get to know the good sides of them, 'cause from what I've seen, they are those super typical girls whom, often complain how fat they are and how they should start dieting, have boyfriends etc. But that's just how I looked from the side, so I can't really judge them by how they look and act like outside.
Yea, you just shouldn't judge a person from how they look.
Actually I didn't really think Sarah meant it in a harsh way, but I guess she just thought she was closer to us so she believed that we can be more friendly within a short period.
Still, I always think I shouldn't judge a situation if I've never experienced it. So I'm a kinda dilemma person. :/ Always complain but feels bad after that.
And I really didn't think Sarah meant it in a different way, as what Kyleen has said. I mean I really hope Valerie wouldn't be drifted away just because of what she said to her but would realise that how Sarah really puts her trust in us to help her through.

I guess all I can conclude from all these events that have taken place is that.. I really do sympathise leaders, especially when they are so stressed out about what they are doing. BECAUSE I have experienced being a bad leader. I'm always a bad leader so when I'm a committee, I will try my best to lessen the burden of my leader. Is that something good? I think LLC was a good experience, it taught me so, so much.

a. I knew that I shouldn't be the one who takes charge but give advice. There shouldn't be so many leaders at once because instructions given by so many people will be messed up.
b. I knew teamwork is really important so I would contribute ALL ideas I have even though they may not be accepted, but I will be happy too, if I've contributed.
c. I knew the support from your team members/ committees is really really important so I will try my best to support the person in charge.
d. Every bad experience will make you grow in any way.

Thank God for LLC. I guess joining Leo is one of God's plans for me. I've learned so much from every club I've joined, of course it's not only Leo, but it's played a major part in my life.
I've met a thousand of (kidding) people, and they are mostly all so friendly.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for. Then you will call to me. You will come and pray to me, and I will answer you. You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart (GNB)

2) Hmm, the planning of the camp.
I've said so much for the first point so now I've -kinda- nothing to talk about.
But yea, I guess the plannings are always better than the events that are gonna happen. It was good, everyone contributed and I felt that the bond of the team was getting stronger. Now, KRS is a part of my life and I want to be bonded with each one of them so badly, as in, I wanna get to know them personally (not in a bad way). Okay I'm just weird so may you just ignore that part. What I really meant was, the bond in a team is so much more important than what we think and outweighs every other factor to make a team, a team. LOL. Whatever, just skip it if you are in a blur state now 'cause I don't know what I was talking about too. YAY wind five. *too late*

It was not bad.

3) On the real day.
I was nervous the day before BUT I STILL COULD SLEEP.
Anyway, I thought I had so much to complain but I think I will feel bad doing so.
First day - Well I was quite angry at everything that took place I think. Weird me, but I was quite stressed out because I didn't have any preparation to face the teachers especially Miss Anne. She was really fussy (though soon after that I realised her advices were SOME for our own good, because she's experienced them), still, it was a bad day for me. I really wanted to go home. + the sad part is that I didn't have the chance to be out of the kitchen except when sleeping and settling 3 groups of Fortune Teller.

The Second day- as usual, nags by Miss Anne. But I think the best part was the Fashion show . but MK was kinda odd 'cause there wasn't any teacher watching. There was almost zero interaction with the teachers, which what I thought was the worst part. I mean I was the one who witnessed all the hard work teachers have contributed for us. :( I hope teachers had fun among themselves.

Third day - I was washing almost all the plates and WHATEVER THAT CAN BE SEEN THERE. Even the sink. I was honestly VERY VERY pissed at the Kebersihan department, yea I was. I'm sorry but I just was. Handling food was already a disaster then my job was added to assign people to throw rubbish, I had to wash plates and all the utensils all by myself (actually with Siew Yoong, glad to have her, my complain partner .) on the first day itself. And honestly was quite pissed that those AJKs would just walk pass us saying "hi" or "have fun washing chicken" when we were so tired doing so. I mean HONEST HONESTLY that just didn't sound very cheerful at all.

I've kept that for too long I just thought I should release them out, but after everything I thought it was worth it. I mean, the camp was okay and those were all my jobs (actually not really I just like to take things to myself 'cause I can't just let those dirty stuff be left aside and not care about them) then I thought also that, maybe it's not entirely the Kebersihan's department fault since she didn't know anything about the kitchen at all when she was also handling a lot of posts out there. I could have been more tolerate. Sometimes I just hate myself complaining so much, but I just have to let them all out. If you're offended in any way, I wont be surprised, because I know I always get angry without telling which is unfair to that person.

Anyway I should stop complaining about other people. I'm scared to voice out because I'm not perfect or anything but I think one should really tries to do his/her best when he/she's handling something. That's one of the things I learned too.

Then BAADAABOOM. It was monthly test. I did very badly for all subjects so yea. Bye.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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