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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: 天堂来的孩子
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 || 2:59 PM

I'm watching (The Kid From Heaven) now. sounds nice (: I'm free now!! RKA day today.. Tee hee!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: smiling to everyone. TEE HEE.
Sunday, June 27, 2010 || 2:47 AM

I'm addicted to RyanHiga's videos. WOOHOO, I'm getting Daniel Yoong's album.
Oh, I don't really like spammers that ask why they can't spam. -______- You know, it's like dogs asking why they can't shit around. Sorry, it's just an example. :\
I don't really wish to tease dogs. I ♥ them. (: I've been bringing them out like, I think 1 month. So, they won't be shitting in front of your house again, Pei Ru. If you wanna me to be honest, :D my family members aren't really like complains, but of course, we will receive complains and try our bests to complete your family members' wish. Yes, I think my dog did shit in front of your house, and because you complain 2 times to me, no, I mean 1st time to me, 2nd time to someone and ask that someone to complain to us, okay. So, I'm bringing them out every night even if I don't want to. 'Cause seriously, last time, we only put 1 dog free, and but since something happened to my brother, he decided to let 2 dogs free. I argued with my family members because you complained. I think I'm being rude, I'm sorry, but I don't wish anything happen in future, so, I have to tell you, my dogs wont be shitting in front of your house again. Trust me. They wont.
Uhh, Siew Chin says I love him. Do I? Maybe teenagers are just in the don't-know-love-or-like condition. Hmm, so? We should be proud to be tiny, T stands for ____? I for... Intelligent! N for... natural! Y for... forever young! I'm back to Daniel Yoong. :O Seriously happy to get his album. Next week! Woohoo! And Signature! And meet him face to face!! Like I met Ding Dang, Ah Shin, Wu Chun, Danson Tang excetra excetra.
Shit, who's talking or thinking or even dreaming about me? Why am I keep Ah-Choo-ing? God bless me. :P I need tissues, Oh my gosh! My nose :X
Help!! I'm downing in... whatsoever flu. Say no way to Influenza A and H1N1.
Projects are killing me. I'm dead!!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: ShamWOOHOO!
Saturday, June 26, 2010 || 12:16 AM

Ryan Higa is awesome (: seriously, why is he so funny?

Last year's teachers' day.

ooh, yea! I think I'm getting his album, (:

I never regret that I went this year, it's just AWESOME-POSSUM!
Can't you just tell me why they can dance and sing until like professionals? Hmm, they are professionals. (:
Hehehe, I know Daniel Yoong's TINY is dedicated to me (: (: No lar, not me :\ But I'm tiny! :D :D :D I realised See Toh Wai Zhung looks alike him. Seriously, when he was young lar, I stalked him like.. I don't know, quite long. Who asks him got so many fans? :P Included me. muahaha.
He's adorable. I'm sorry I didn't know you earlier. I just heard of you like few days ago. I was shocked when I heard my friend said: "He's a singer." I was like woahhh! I didn't know Taman S.E.A would be so cool! :D I'm proud of being Taman S.E.A-ians because of him, no lar. Guys & Girls, whoever that are reading this, trust me, I don't like him. You would think that - Why the hell this Bernice keeps talking about Daniel Yoong? Does she fall in love with him or something? ... Nah, no, I'm just admire him. Admire as in I'm his fan (: One of the fans. ahaha. (Y)

Dancing part - Lion Dance, Indian Dances, Modern Dance, Hip Hop!! Encik Alan, Ravi, Zul danced like heroes! Hehe! (:
Lion Dance: It was okay, after all. I think they practiced like mad for this. (: Congratulatioons! Great Job. :D :D :D
Indian Dances: 2 times. The first time, they had partners. & used some woodythick-chopstick-like and kept on hitting them. I prefer the second one, 'cause after the dance, a modern-dark glasses guy came out. I'm not saying that Indian dance not modern lar, but it's more to traditional. Hmm.
Modern Dance: I wanna nobody nobody but you. In that group, I only know a girl's name Lee Shi Min, which is my PBSM senior. (: They made-up. :O
Hip Hop: Alpha Crew. Woahhhh! :P Awesome-st lar!! Too geng already, there's no words to describe their funniness & skills. Freaking awesome. LaughedMyAssOff. And do you know, there's one guy in the group, I think he's the one that should bring the fake hairs. I saw the hairs I was like... wow!! fake hairs!-accidentally said it out. ... I damn shy. That guy asked me: you want arr? .. -______- phew. Luckily he was going to his car. Phew! Someone ate McD never buy Mcflurry for me. Hmph! (: But I have Lychee drinks. wahahaha.

My brother's in Australia now. Yes, Melbourne. Going to Sydney. Fredo & Tim Tam s' gonna visit me after that. They'll be ONLY in my stomach, not yours. Uhh, I'm hungry. Grr.
Good Night. I'm dead, my projectssss. :(

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: it's all about 3
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 || 11:07 PM

I less than 3 you, since 3 years ago.
23rd of June, was the day I first met you & the day we talked to each other, do you remember that? Uhh, maybe you don't, or maybe you do? I just don't wanna breathe without you, can you be with me for the rest of my life? Can you be there whenever I need you? No, never happened.
I think that way too far.
Hmm, I think I'm too young for that.
So, I'm not gonna think about anything about us. Not anymore.
(': I'm happy to meet you. Yes, I am. In this loving-you process, I cried a lot, misunderstood a lot, or maybe jealous a lot, missed you a lot, love you a lot. It's the part my my daily life. Maybe you don't do so, but I hope you know I do.
Seriously, I'm insane right now.
Exactly 3 years time, what I've been doing?
I'm planning to self-abuse myself. Why on Earth can't I send you message?
I thought you would remember today, fine, you did not.
I'm fed up with everything in my life. Do you know?! You'll never know how much I love you!
I shall give up on you, & concentrate on my studies. but, should I? I don't want to give up!! No way man!! Even if you force me to, I wont, never.
I'm sorry, I talked to your sister, I just hope you don't mind that. I wanted to ask her about you, but I didn't, I don't know what are you gonna feel if I ask her about you.

Something is just in my heart, for so long, Saranghaeyo-I love you-사링해요. Tsheshuenemeden-I love you a lot.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: You leave me.?
|| 1:19 AM

By the way, don't misunderstand, leave in my last post was just an exaggerating-vocabulary. Gosh, I'm learning Yew Han to live in an emotional world, how could I be like him?!? No way! I'm not gonna learn any lesson from him. I can't be like that, although, I tell myself, not to cry for you again. Uhh, maybe I did cry for you, but everytime I'm like getting sadder and sadder. Grr, Yew Han, you are right! I shall get a life, I shouldn't be such a bitch I guess. (although you never say that I'm a bitch, but you asked me to get a new life!! yerr!!) Maybe YS has a new one?(I mean I never his old one, or future one, I think) I hope that the girl won't be m-e, or my closest friend. Please, never happen these things on me. YS, I know I'm childish. Everytime, when I think of you, something negative will come into my mind, but in my heart, I don't know which system in my body, transfer trust-nerve-impulses then they'll send information into my brain. & tell me to trust you, believe you, don't ever suspect anything negative about you. :O If you can't contact me, I beg you, please come to my blog, & tell me in my cbox. It's always here for you! haih. Fine, I'm not gonna think about this anymore. Since you didn't reply me. I always wanted to talk to your sister on Facebook, then she went offline. Everytime, when I wanted to ask her about you, she was offline. It's my destiny, maybe I'm not gonna know what happen to you. :\ I just didn't see you online these days, were you studying? Question marks are always appear in my mind. I'm sorry. I just need some love from someone, is that so wrong? Or maybe, a little bit of protection. I know He will be here for me every second, that's why I trust Him, pray to Him, love Him. Well, I hope today is forever. I had a very very very happy life, and a superb sad life. Trust me, I'm always here to love you, whenever you need me, you can tell me. My shoulder is yours in this lifetime. (Although, skinny me, not suit you) Nothing's gonna change my love for you. & It's is never-ending-love. (Maybe until next lifetime) Please don't be ignore me. Another not delivered mesage. I'm really crying right now. Why on Earth am I have to wait the message report, seeing it failed to send and ended up cry for the rest of my life? I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Bye.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Twenty-third of June.
|| 12:09 AM

This is what I got today... ahahah, don't be shock! 'Cause I was lying (: My brother gave this to his girl friend on her birthday. Aww, how sweet. hehehe.

Happy Birthday, papa, (: (: You are officially fifty-three years old now!! hmm, actually you don't look old, I just know that you look like Andy Lau. & I'm proud of that, how cool! Hmm, I don't know what to give you, since the gift I gave you on Sunday for father's day is a craft. :O You never tell me what you want before. I'm sorry I don't know what to give, so, maybe I'll make a card for you la!! xD Hope you like it. Hehe. Papa, you are supposed to keep your money, you know, you still belanja us eat Nando's last few weeks, you said it's for your birthday due to Makko's being a Melbourne kid. Oh, fine, at least mummy went too.. & on Sunday, father's day, well, mummy went too, then you belanja us again, lollipop!! The fish is delicious, I love it. But how sad, Julian didn't go for those weeks. :O

Language that you might know. tee hee.
English: Happy Birthday!!
Chinese (Mandarin): 生日快乐
Chinese (Hokkien): Sen-jít khoài-lók
Chinese (Cantonese): sàangyaht faailohk
Chinese (Hakka): sang niyt khwài lók
Malay: Selamat Hari Jadi
Japanese: otanjōbi omedetō gozaimasu

(: Oh ya, & it's Uncle Alex's birthday too, papa and him same birthday :)
They are brothers. Hehe.
Hmm... yea.
Jeremy Wee's birthday too. lol.

I realised 23rd June has many events. Hmm, include, you know, hehe. Or maybe you don't. :( I'm seriously become freakin' emo after you leave me. Ahhh!!! Help me to get back my life, guys :( :( :( :(

woahhh! I'm lovely daughter, aww, my dad's so sweet! (:

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Pray for me.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 || 12:46 AM

Stay back with LiXin tomorrow just for the house practice.
Might be walking to bookstore alone, what I have to do now is just pray for safety. Please, I don't want anything happen to me before 23rd June. Seriously, I wish I will be safe & you'll remember what's special about that day. :\
Dad's birthday is coming, too! (:
By the way, today, spot check, I have long finger nails, but I covered them. (both thumbs, they are long, others are short.) Don't worry, I did not kena by Puan Aida, (thanks to my smart brain, hehe) but after that, I walked few steps then I stopped. Samantha & her partner were in front of me! 2nd time, they were hidden again, don't worry, I was safe, for this time. Please, tomorrow... S-A-F-E.
No robbers, no snatchers, no kidnappers.
God, please bless me.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Stranger.
Saturday, June 19, 2010 || 5:00 AM

This is what I promised to post. (:
Nobody is innocent, but nothing is impossible, so is there anyone that's innocent? I thought for a moment, and I only think of one - babies that are killed before they are born in this world are innocent. So, don't try to kill them. Thank you.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: From The Inside Out
Friday, June 18, 2010 || 4:11 PM

A thousand times I've failed
Still Your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in Your grace
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart, in my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

In my heart, in my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart
Is to bring
You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
My soul cries out to You
My soul cries out to You to You

In my heart, in my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Lord let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart
Is to bring
You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending
Your glory goes beyond all fame

And the cry of my heart
Is to bring
You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

Everytime, if I'm sad, I will listen to this song. & I know that this song will help me chill down myself, no matter what happened, I'll tell myself, God loves you, you have to be strong. I don't know why, everytime, after I sang this song, My body will have strengths & faith, it's like nothing's gonna knock me down, never.

I love You. I believe in You. (:

I have something to tell you, me. Just write whoever you are, not like I'll kill you if I know who you are
. & you are misunderstand. Tell me who's your boyfriend, I'm not stealing your boyfriend, don't worry. If you wanna be a stalker or whatsoever & plan to stay in my blog for your rest of your life, I have no idea, but you don't even know who I like right now!! Are you sure I'm stealing, stealing your boyfriend? You should have faith on your boyfriend if you do really think he is your boyfriend. & I'm not actually scolding you, don't be so perasan or whatever, if you have nothing better to do, I won't blame you, just go to your boyfriend and tell him to stay away from me lar! You tell me for what?! Being friendly isn't stealing or flirting. I guess you don't have any guy friends if you think I'm stealing your boyfriend. Not being rude. I'm sorry If I really did something wrong to you. -_____- stop misunderstanding!

Hmmm, guys! I'm gonna eat dinner after this, mwa mwa mwa~!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: no offense... it's just my feeling.
Thursday, June 17, 2010 || 8:50 PM

I found something related to my topic today. Hmm, yeah, maybe you guessed it correctly after you had a look at the pictures, but no rewards for you, I'm sorry. It's parents. So, we all learn about respecting, loving, understanding & lots more positive moral values when we're with our parents from every religion, moral text books, like what teachers told us, If they weren't exist, then we won't be able to live in this world. Yes, that's hundred percent true! I didn't say that wasn't true, at least you know I'm awake now.

Actually, this is dedicated to my cousin, since she feels sad because of this. Hmm, & I had experienced the same thing, but I'm not that close to that guy, so I don't actually really care if my mom doesn't allow me to talk to him anymore, but I did cry because of that many times, I mean I cared, but since this is what she doesn't allow, & I don't even close to him, I would rather choose my mom, it's better, right?

Hmm, yes, parents are like that, I mean, some parents are like that. Err, based on what they experienced, or what they had been seen ages ago, there's some raped, abused, kidnapped by evils(bad guys) cases, or whatever, this world is no longer safe anymore. It's all Francis Light's fault larr! Why on Earth should he taught us to use tipu helah way to treat people just for his own good?! Hmm, I can't actually blame him, that was just to show us how Malaysia went through all those unsolvable matters & get to know all those pemimpin yang beribawa, & maybe to show how bersatu padu Malaysians are, that's it!

Besides that, go back to my topic, these days, a lot of liars slack in this world. They would do whatever you unexpected just to rape you or kill you, that's why I said, this world is evil! We can't believe anyone else except your family and yourself. Sometimes, even your family members would lie at you or betray you for something, so we have to trust ourselves, be independent, all the time. Although I'm not independent, at all. So, I'm pretty agree to let my child to go anywhere like I always go to Edwina's house alone for quite long, next time, that's the way my mom helps me to be an independent kid. (: But I actually feel good when she gives me freedom, at all time, I mean, not actually all. Just a few times. Like at least I can go out with my girl friends, not with boy. Never alone with boys, I know, that's safer for every single girl on Earth, even, maybe he's your boyfriend, close boy friend, better don't go out alone with them, something bad might happen, but, if you trust him, I have no idea..

We have to know, what parents did to us, are because they love us & it's for our own good. But overprotective isn't good. My school counselor, I mentioned her in my blog before, she told my friend:" Secondary students desperate for coupling are normal..." & I don't even have a relationship right now! So did her? No, parents would easily misunderstand whenever you talk to a guy, just because you both are a bit closer, if they knew it, they wont let you talk to them.. So, we can only choose to listen to them, & do what as they say. They want us to keep secrets from them, because if you continue what you shouldn't do, you'll keep secret from them for sure!! Right? Because we could sense that they'll scold us one day again. So, how can we react? Listen to them, again. & they are smart! They'll use some of our weaknesses to scare us.

Edwina, I think your mom is overprotective, hmm, but it's also good for you, don't be sad anymore, smile (: But I have to tell you something, he's still your friend! Although your mom asked you not to contact him anymore, but after uni & college, after you finish your studies, you can meet him! Is not like, he's your enemy, you hate him, It's your choice. Being friendly isn't wrong, but since your mom acted like that, you can't ignore it. After uni & college, if you still like him, you can go to him! You don't have to forget him! He's part of your life, right? He's your ex-classmate. Just think like that. Don't have to forget him, but, just keep away from him. Or if you can't, write out your feeling onto your blog. You will feel better. You can set your blog as private, you have your own privacy.. If you're sad, watch Toy Story 3! It's freaking funny, but sad behind. :'( I cried, again..

Smile smile smile (:

I miss you. 23rd June, please remember that, you dumb dumb!! (:
hmm, for those who don't know what I'm saying, that's my dad's birthday, & my special day.. Tee hee. Secret. (:

Sunday - Father's Day!!
I'm going to Church and help the kids!!

But but but... :) My father's birthday is around the corner also. Two is better than one. lol, :) I'll make the card 2 in 1. (: (:
Church or Youth next Sunday? :O

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: ehehee. toy story.
|| 12:20 AM

Are you trying to tell me he is a girl? You should be kidding me!, but the truth is, he is a boy larh! Oh my jelly burger! Even his face shape, is totally girl la! lady, woman! I guess if he didn't tell the whole world the truth, 1000 guys are waiting him to accept them. -________- he's damn pretty. You would in love with him if you are a man, man! & I will jealous of him. :\ Even when he sings, he can fight with Hey Girl in singing. Seriously (: I adore him. But still Ah Shin, Ding Dang, Show, Aaron the best of the best. (=

Spain lost, I heard. I don't know why Li Xin is so crazy about that. I have no mood to watch World Cup, I don't even know who's competing.. But tomorrow I'm gonna watch Toy Story 3, say hooray! I'm gonna watch you! Erm, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Lotso, Mr.Potato Head, Ken, Rex exectra excetra. Caryl & Pei Ru are now in Australia. Good luck (: God bless you!

lala oooh lala! (: shalalala. Shhhh. Btw, view our blog if you know us. (JoAnn & me) Blog link .
(: I will always love you, too! Please, you know what you should do, (: Reply me!!

Sunday, I think, I might going 1u again. I went OU and UO this holiday. *woots. It's not fun actually; honestly. I need you now!! % my brother, just now, he was eating dinner, he asked me to take a bowl of soup for him, -______-. I was just aiyo!! why me?! He answered: You must learn how to 'fuk si' your husband next time. :O & I poured a lil out. -.- I can't be a good housewife. Never. I guess.
I read my old posts. My English was damn suck or maybe is. (: Fed up lar!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I really miss you. IMY.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 || 12:51 AM

Before & After :)
New Haircut equals to New Life.
My new life still need you, though. Please come back to me.
I don't care that if you hate me or whatever. Me is just me, don't try to change me.
Hey, why are you still don't wanna reply me? I had try my best to contact you. You're so mean. :\ Please reply me! I beg you hundred times. If you no credit, you can come to my blog & tell me. Don't make me cry for you over and over again. Just tell me what you want! & now I'm freaking hate holiday, because every holiday, you won't be there replying me, but instead, I'll lose your contact. You know why? 'cause you are going everywhere. & remember you promised me something. Don't ever forget, thank you. :D I would like to tell you the truth, but I just couldn't, I don't want you to leave me alone, :P

I did not force my mom to bend down. My mom was laughing like mad, because of something. Hmm, she was talking to her old friend. :O I don't care who's that, I was just born to cam-whore at everywhere. :) Don't laugh, I know you're laughing.

My hairs :) Err, maybe plus my maid hairs too :)

Do you wanna play checkers? Nahh, you can play here. I ate dinner here. I mean, I shifted to another table to eat because of the rain. :) Uhh, I can't play checkers in that table anymore. :'(

Chill guys, this isn't my daughter. I'm not married yet, but maybe I'm not available. :) See lo.. erhem erhem doesn't wanna reply me. How sad. :'( Oh, this small little cute girl is my cousin's daughter. I would like to tell you something. :) I have a niece that's same age with me, which is her undirectly-sister.(well, step sister.) :P & I have never seen her before. Not lying. Back to this girl, her mom is a Siam woman. (I think so..) Sorry, I have a complicated family. :D

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I'll be strong..
Sunday, June 13, 2010 || 4:49 PM

6E Reunion...
I felt so happy, yet sad...
Happy: I really had a happy life there, although I'm the shortest. I couldn't believe Norman taller than me by one head. Everyone's taller than me. :( But that doesn't make me sad. At least I'm the special/unique one. :) Height didn't affect the whole reunion event, but I know when I left, they didn't do anything else. I was happy that they gave me the chance to buy everyone tickets.
Sad: I paid extra 53 ringgit, because some of them didn't pay me. I mean I bought extra tickets, & they haven't return me money, so I'm sorry, I have to take back those money from you all. I just don't dare to ask.. Don't get mad at me if I take the money from you all. Sorry. & These RM53 is so not worthy.. someone hates me because I minded HER business. Do you think I'm busybody? selfish? I just wanted to be known & do something for 6E. Is that wrong? Freaking made me sad, & I even cried for that, I know I'm weak.

It made me realised something. Humans are like that, when you doesn't wanna care, they called that as selfish; when you over-cared, they called that as busybody. But I hope so not, humans can't be like that! Why do humans created these words?

Dear God, please forgive my sins today & protect everyone beside me, protect them from getting hurt... In Jesus name, Amen.

I'm freaking sad now. I just wanna be alone. & I hope you were beside me, but that's impossible, right? 'cause you don't even reply me.. I miss you lots. Uhh, but I have learned to be strong now. Nothing can knock me down; nothing can knock us down. If I believe, If we believe.

Hmm, today youth are awesome.. ♥ Song of the day. :)
Nothing is impossible - Planet Shakers.
Through You I can do anything
I can do all things
'Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible
Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible
I'm not gonna live by what I see
I'm not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I know that You're here with me
And I know that You can do anything
I believe, I believe
I believe, I believe in you.

You gotta listen to it. It's an awesome song :) By the way, tears just uncontrollably dropping. Sorry for not being strong. Just couldn't control myself from crying. & My mom just scolded me, & this time because of that RM53, and Ching Ying. I mean I don't actually care when she says I can't be the organizer/host of any event from now on or even online booking for my fellow friends. I don't care that, but slowly, when my brother mention about... about Ching Ying, he said:"ask the one that didn't go pay you back lar!" Walao, I was like what the heck were you trying to mention my saddest thing ever happened to me today?! So I answered:"She's angry at me larr." My tears are already started dropping by that time, & even now. I just couldn't mention it, but I hope I can continue these. Then my mom asked me: "Why would she mad at you?" Ahh, I know you're curious about it, but I beg you please don't ask. ''cause I didn't tell you, and you don't know what happened. Thank you. :') I really hope I can be strong, but I just couldn't, even if you think I'm weak. You know, I quite adore Yew Han actually, I mean now, it's just a few seconds ago. :) Kyleen told me something that is very true. Men who cry are the real men. I wasn't believe that time, I just went: "oh really? I thought that's kind of weak." She replied:"Of course men cannot cry for every single thing like - Fall down then he cries. That one only counted weak lar. I was laughing like mad that time, or maybe you can't even imagine how I laugh. :) just hahahahahaha all the time. Oh ya, she continued, men who wear pink are the real men, too! Yew Han, everything will be okay anyway, :D Nahh, don't ever forget I'm your top four arrh. Oh ya, & I sing 'Nothing is impossible' so that I can cool down myself. I mean so that I wont be continue crying anymore. It's a nice song, seriously. ;)

Owh, tomorrow, I'm cutting my hair! Hooray!! Fringe will be shorter. ahaha :) but, pray first, later Puan Julie conquers my hair then not good lar. :P

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: miss you, miss you.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010 || 2:00 AM

Can you tell me what's love?
What's love?!
Is it like what people say, when you see the one you love, your heart will can't stop popping, or jumping like mad. Okay, just can't stop boom boom boom -ing..
& you will keep thinking/worrying/missing/talking about your love one.. True? I don't know. I'm not sure. & I really wish there's no above 18 craps. Seriously, I really wish you are mine now, but, that's so not possible.
I miss you? Uh, yea, I miss you. That isn't a crime right?
Guys, can you tell me what to wish other than good luck? I realise I keep saying good luck to anyone else around me.. Gambateh is a bit,.. not my style. (: Jia You? Do you think westernized-people know what's that?
So, haha. I love you.
'I love you' these 3 words is actually being overused, for example, we(or only girls) used to say I love you to our normal friends, just because they helped us. Uhhh, or even, me, myself, use to say less than 3 to Kyleen, haha! My soul sister? :D But, 'I love you''s meaning's still the same. Nothing's gonna change my love for you (:
Owhhh, I need you.
{Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor.
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.
& I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone & I need you now..
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control & I need you now...
& I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now...}
Okay... stop! stop singing!... I love to sing lalalala Elmo's song!.. Okay, please, you must stop now.
Fine. Just stop! :D
I feel like hugging you.
This is a bit, underage. Lol, for me. I'm not that open-minded, as you know. I'm open,close-minded. :/ haha. sorry.
Kiss you?
Uhh, not until that stage, :\

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Yesterday is my Mayday..
Sunday, June 6, 2010 || 6:48 PM

Awwwww...... :D

终於你身影 消失在人海尽头
才发现 笑著哭 最痛
为了你而祈祷而祝福 而感动
才发现 笑著哭 最痛

I still remember when he sang "为了你而祈祷而祝福 而感动", his hands were crossing.
Awwwwww... I love Ah Shin & Ding Dang..

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Their perfectnesses make my life perfect.
|| 12:41 AM

05.06.2010, I love you.

MAYDAY'S CONCERT IS SUPER-DUPER NICE. I will upload ton pictures on Facebook. I damn happy. I never regret for that. Honestly, I didn't know concerts can be so perfect! There's no words to describe my feeling. After UPG top 3 contestants and the one who sang beyond's song, he's a malay, sing until damn freaking nice, came out, I saw the screen beside wrote 2008年,她的 [猜不透] xxxxxx, 2009 年,[我爱他] xxxxxx. I shocked, then I shouted like a mad person. When she came out, she sang 我爱他,then 我是一只小小鸟 which is her famous 标高音 song.

I ♥ 丁噹. She's very pretty. Oh ya, and her high heels is like damn freaking tall kind. Hottie. :D
Then here Mayday come. Mayday all along, then here 丁噹out, sang 拥抱 with ah shin. =P I just can't forget what he said:"我会流汗,不是因为热,那是因为你们的热情,让我流整身汗." They are such jokers. Ah Shin is super romantic. ♥♥

VIP rm428, wow! Ah shin was in front of me, few cm away!! But my camera's battery exhausted by that moment! OMG! That feeling is !@#$%^!... Luckily Pui Yan brought camera also :P She has Ah shin's picture!

The malaysian singer that won american's award sang this, he is a malay. :D

Mayday sang a lot of songs in his concert! They kept bowing, I thought the concert ended so early, 10:30pm. From 10:30pm you know, Ah shin kept saying that's last song that's last song. HAHA. Fans are crazy, they kept shouting 不要走! 不要走! I saw one of the guard cried because Ah shin said: 戴着黄帽的辛苦了. 你们都好尽责哦! OMG. Ah shin is so kind! :D

I am hyper today, no words to describe, because I saw 丁噹, which is I thought I was dreaming when I saw her pretty sexy hot face, and heard her sweet nice voice.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Not for tall guys, (:
Saturday, June 5, 2010 || 12:07 AM

Haha, I don't think this is nice to you all, but it is quite nice to me. It's like, making me look more mature. thanks thanks. aiyo, I where got so perasan.
Siew Chin, I'm gonna make you freaking jealous again. Haha. No lar... Shhhhh. You know today I no transport home. So, this Anthony and I last lor! His dad forgotten to fetch him, then we waited for like damn long... then I called my dad. He was like... nevermind! I ask my dad to fetch you home... (speechless..) I answered, no, nevermind, really. He gentleman ma, right? Kept asking me don't be so shy. I said to him: I don't even know your parents! ... He said: don't know then go know lar, ( you know like, make friends that kind.) ... *shy kid* Kept asking me don't be shy bla bla... After like ten minutes, his dad arrived. Before that, you know what he said? It's like wow! Anthony's as sick as you. He said:坐车罢了吗, 又不是做爱. WOW! -.- I was like shocked my ass off! Sick like OMG. -.- Okay, forget it. Next, he said, nevermind, I fetch you to McDonald then, there are more crowded. I ignored. I know if that's you, you will be like okokokok!! haha! I bet you will, don't deny. Haha. I feel so bad when I write that, 'cause if Anthony read that. Your secret will be publish.:D
Walk here and there. Actually my dad is the one that should fetch me. But then my brother, called his friend to fetch me. So, my dad was like quite angry. But I apologized to him, so he doesn't mind it already, I bet he's just frustrated. I don't blame him. He's reaching, and then suddenly received a call from me and I said , Papa, you don't have to fetch me already. That will be like - heart attack / high blood pressure. -.- Sorry papa. Rats aren't that cute, they are smelly! OMG. I was suffering for fresh oxygen by that moment. Somemore Edu Smart got super alot of rats in the drain. Waliao Aeiiii.
Tham Zheng Hao is freaking annoying! Damn you, zheng hao. You made me shouted like a crazy lady in the tuition centre room. Freaking... thanks to you. I'm gonna have sorethroat tomorrow. -.- thank youuuu! I bet everyone in that room would be : what's her problem?!?!
Today, last day of school. My friend crazy, brought flour to school! Then we had our bus party. Me, kena flour & water. Puan Julie was like damn scary. She walked to the back gate, and she called the name of the sprayer and the one that been sprayed. I saw Sue Siang and Pei Ru were like opening the bottle's 'cap' and when I told them Julie here Julie here! They close their water bottle immediately. HAHA. then Puan Julie demanded to those who didn't tuck in their shirts. Sue Siang was like busying checking his shirt after that. I'm the one who laughed my ass off. But it's kinda sad, Puan Julie shouted Shu Wen's name fr like ton times. Haih. She said to those : "after holiday see me!" WOW. pretty sexy Juliet is trying to be a scary headmistress.
I like every single teacher after all. =D

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: ; last day of school :D
Friday, June 4, 2010 || 3:24 AM

I miss Hot Shot! :D

Forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us ; Matthew 6:12
I really sincerely hope that I can understand Lim Khoo Boo Kean.
Everyone knows that, he's my bestie. But, who knows that he is sincere to put me at the place in his heart as a bestie. As a true bestie, trustable bestie. Seriously, I'm freaking pissed off when he said :"stfu" to me. Yea, look. I'd asked him before, am I his best friend. He answered yes. If what he says to me could explain the meaning of friendship. This world, this Earth, which we're living in, was just - Hate. & He even said he dare to do anything to me. Means even me, can't change him, I'm such a loser. I tried to understand him, but, he's the one who doesn't wanna trust me. & even don't take this friendship as a serious matter. He thinks he's the champion which is in everybody's point of view. He is just a no friends kid. I'm being honest, or you can say, I'm rude. I did think he smokes, but at least when he told me he didn't, I trust him. I chose to trust him, & I do trust him. Fine, It's just my life. I have no friends, not even one that try to understand. I mean yes, I have, I seriously hope you'll change, Boo Kean. Think the way you wanna walk properly. Okay? Good night, it's four o'clock in the morning now.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: New Moon.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 || 9:48 PM

I wasn't hiding when I take this picture. I was just accidentally click the snap button, then went:"oh, nice shot, i'm not deleting this." Exams results are like urghhh, driving me crazy. :| I'm in love with Puan Aida weih, she's damn good. I first time get A for Bahasa Malaysia.
Geography, ninety. 3 careless mistakes. 3 I seriously don't know how to do, I mean, not don't know... is, not sure. Whatever. I'm comforting myself only.
Haha, I thought of this... OMG, damn funny! I was talking to Haris about results, then I said So High!, he asked me why you say bad word to me. Speechless. & Rumours begun, Xxxxx likes me, ##### is my boyfriend. Argh. Thanks to Aaron Tan the PREFECT and Ahmad Fathi the SNOWMAN. Haha. Are you interested in that snowman's history? =P
Kiss J-Intercom - Because I'm a girl. Music video acted by Miss Corea 2000. You have to watch. You will cry. -__________-, <--- my tear. (: It's time to watch New Moon now. Oh, I had watched Alice In Wonderland. It's nice.
Currently reading Air Head - Being Nikki. (Book 2). I've found an interesting book - Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains. from SMK Taman SEA's library, sounds like a nice book! :D & if you are interested in it. You can read here : Sunshine over the Chocolate Mountains
bye. happy birthday to Ng Jian Yin aka NeNeYin :)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Unbreakable.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 || 11:11 PM

Unbreakable by Westlife. I ♥ Westlife. They are forever my idols. Although some humans dislike them. Okay, I cannot force people beside me to like them, they have their rights to hate or dislike them, but please don't tease them. Thanks. So, this is the week, the week after exam. Making noises in class is part of 2 Angsana's routines. I just cannot believe Edwin became quite quiet. LOL. Seriously, I hope Yong Heng will ponteng school forever, at least this can save our class from getting scolded by Puan Julie. Oh ya, this Joe Loh Yong Heng, copy cat. -.- He cheated for every single subject in exams. His sejarah got A right? He went to every single area of the class to say everyone noob. That's rude. Haih, disappointing lar.
Shhhh. Yuk Chai is obviously the best. Beh tahan Kai Sheng. Okay, I'm just... it's just because you studied at Puay Chai, I was at Yuk Chai. Stop teasing Yuk Chai. Please.
My peurata's so low. :( Err, sejarah 70;science 68;kemahiran hidup 67;pendidikan moral 66; bahasa malaysia 80; mathematics 83;seni theory 26/40; pendidikan jasmani kesihatan 56.
Luckily nothing failed. If not you wont be seeing me on Earth anymore.
whatever.~ So, how's my new blog skin? Is it nice? Better say yes. & it's a new cBox. just type some craps to make my cBox looks wonderful and not dead. and you have to, there's a thing that shows how many people have visited my blog. :D
Err, so...? My results are so bad, not good at all. Haih... So sad, how to face PMR next year? I'm starting to worry.
There's an outing on 12th June, who's willing to join? inform me. Really wish YOU can come. I wanna see YOU. haha.

This love is unbreakable,
it's unmistakable.
And each time I look in your eyes,
I know why.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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