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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: We are planetshakers!
Monday, January 27, 2014 || 12:26 AM

Money is not the root of evil, but the love of money is. The flesh is good, but the lust of flesh is not.

I feel extremely awesome to have been spending my past few days in church. Being able to serve a living God, whom we call Father. I find it super duper cool to be calling the creation of the world Father. For by the Spirit we are all adopted to be His Sons and Daughters. Isn't it great also that we are Jesus' brides? I find that super amazing, I mean, I feel special.

I have been an usher for a year plus now but I think I haven't been doing a good job. It's true that I fear to offend people but I have never realised how sometimes as an usher we should be doing our job, yes, firm is the word I guess. It's okay to be asking people to move. I mean that isn't hard. I've learned my lesson, I hope.

Sigh I was just quite emotional to be said I wasn't doing my job by a person, who wanted what's best for herself. But I was fine with it, I was really okay though I got distracted by it while worshipping, but in the end I guess I was just too touched by the Spirit. I was crying my eyes off I couldn't stop, I couldn't sing too, but I felt so thankful for whatever He has done. So thankful. I was also very shocked how Pastor could sense that there were people with Thyroid problem and that God wanted to heal people with that problem. My jaw literally dropped.

I couldn't feel anything on the first day but the message on the first day was so great! It was about David's life. How he was a rejected son because when God wanted to anoint a king he asked Samuel to go to Jesse to look for David. David was out in the field, his companions were just sheep and other animals, you name it. He had no one, he had no instagram, but he had God with him. He trusted in God although he could have been feeling so broken. He had his 'target practice' when he was in the field. God then anointed him as a king. He then was asked to fight Goliath, a dude who was nine feet tall. He won in the end. It was such a good message, isn't it?
Even when the enemy might look like a giant, when we have God, we are stronger than we think we are. (Even when circumstances may seem huge, but we shouldn't be intimidated by them because we have a God who will help us through.)
Also, Pastor Henry(from Grace church) was saying how we can go through circumstances because we know the end result of it. Malaysia still has hope because the Kingdom of God stands forever. We, just do our part to continue to be obedient children of God! :P

I attended the conference on the third day! (YAY! Thanks so much to Chee Hong who got the band from his neighbour for me :P) Pastor Daniel was sharing how his family members didn't agree that he decided to go full time for God after coming back from UK for further studies. He then told us a story about a person struggling because his mom didn't let him to get baptised. He asked for a few years and finally decided to be baptised but before that, he wrote a letter to his parents. He wanted to be near God, but he also wanted to honour his parents this way. It was the best decision, I mean, we should really put the journey with God above all else.

I could relate, I could relate because I have my mom who doesn't allow me to be baptised too. I think she would probably chase me out of the house or something if I really get baptised, but I'm praying each day very hard, and I know that the Lord loves her as well.

At night, it was time for rally and this time I think I did quite a good job(I hope) and there were overflow rooms so after some time we didn't have to be worry about how some people still haven't gotten their seats anymore. :') but 2nd day was practically a chaos. D':

Anyway on the third day, things got better. And this time the Spirit was so strong. We were asking for more of His Spirit. Pastor Russell declared that Malaysia is gonna be changed after that night, and we believed so. He then started to pour water on a worship leader's head, and that person fell on his knees RIGHT AWAY, his head was on the ground. We were asking for more, we kept worshipping, until a few second after we stopped singing, people were laughing, falling and I was suddenly speaking in tongues. It was so divine. I mean I couldn't stop. I was just so happy I was overjoyed. I felt so much of Him. My soul was rejoicing. Even when I was crying on the second night, I was at the same time laughing.

My soul was happy. I wanted more of God.

It's true also how Pastor Russell said the devil has been trying to brainwash other people to make them think that Christian gatherings are boring(and we ourselves tend to fall into the trap), but nope, not at all, in fact we should be the happiest people who party every day because we are spiritually satisfied. We are having party on Earth because that's what happens in Heaven too. People have misconception that heaven is a quiet place but nope, in Heaven, they worship 24/7. Angels sing when someone accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, when a lost sheep is found.

They are having party every second in heaven, a place which is only filled with milk and honey, love, joy, eternal happiness. Heaven is home.

And I, I am definitely awaiting that one day to say "I have finished my work on Earth and I'm going home now to You, Lord," with full excitement. The amazing difference between Christian and other religions is that we actually look forward to return to God, all in all, we were actually from Him, now it's just a period of test for us, isn't it?


Posted by Bernice with love.
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