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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Amazing!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 || 6:39 PM

I just wanna share something, actually a lot of VERY amazing things that have happened on Good Friday night and the days after that.

So it was Good Friday night when my brother finally went to bed (I was in a camp, feeling quite sad because I didn't get to attend two Easter parties but still was very hyper though), anyway, he said he entered to a lucid dream, which was pretty scary, it's like devils were trying to overtake him but Jesus saved him. My brother told me that Satan said to Jesus that, he wants my brother, but Jesus told Satan that He wants my brother to go to Heaven, just one night. And guess what, he did hear God's voice after that. God was telling him, "Money is the root of evil, if you want to work, work for experience but not for the amount of money you can earn." (something like that). All my brother could think of and feel was that his soul is somewhere else and that he couldn't move his body.

It's so amazing that my prayer was heard. He's a changed man, and I really pray that he'll continue to be like this and that God will change the people around him through my brother.

My brother became so good and (not to say VERY holy) but his faith is seriously so strong that I'm shocked. He told my mom and I the story yesterday. BUT guess what happened to me after that.

I slept at 10 something, and I woke up this morning at 6am, my iPod was just on the table beside me. (I was sleeping on my living room's couch btw) And I saw Jesus Christ's picture once I on the lock mode. Then I was guessing like.. okay it could possibly be my brothers who've changed it, or Julian, who's the changed man I mentioned. But when I asked him, he said he didn't. And after school just now, I called my another brother, Jeremy to ask if he's changed my wallpaper, he said he didn't. Who could it possibly be? When no one else in my house knows how to use it. It's not my dad 'cause he wasn't home the whole night, it's not my mom because she doesn't even know how to unlock an iPod, not my maid when she's a Muslim. Not me, cause I NEVER slept-walk before. It's just like that. (and fyi I didn't have any wallpaper before that). It kept me wondering if it's God who did it, as it's quite funny when God knows how to use an iPod, it's just amazing, you know? I didn't put in any Gospel photos on my iPod, just Gospel songs because I just had my iPod past few days. Unbelievable amazing!

Another thing, my brother just borrowed a book from his boss (his new boss which he thinks God wanted him to work for -- and side story, his boss chose him to do some photoshop thing on the computer when no one else knows HOW to do it, no one else among the 20 workers in the company) anyway, the book is called 'God and Legions', he borrowed it WITHOUT reading the description behind, basically he just borrowed it because the cover looks nice (it does), and guess what he just randomly read the description today and the story, now finally he knows that it's about Julian, a sheltered scholar and pacifist lives in peace-until a summons from Emperor Constantine the Great changes the young man's life forever.

And which amazingly cling to my brother's life because he's a sheltered scholar and until God changed his life forever. And he thinks God wants him to read the story book.. :) Now, I'm really really really glad and I thank God that He heard my prayer. I prayed for my brother because just previously, we were arguing about Lady Gaga's Illuminati and if he should listen to her songs or not. I was the one who disagreed to the max and he said it's nothing. We were arguing until my mom was quite pissed off and I broke down. The next day, there was a CF meeting so I told my friends about it and they asked me to pray about it and told me that God will surely hear. Days past by and I was feeling quite.. not to say unfaithful but I didn't pray as much.. I went for CF camp, amazingly, Pastor Victor was talking and preaching about family, and if you know me well enough I actually have LOTS of family problems which I actually keep them as secrets because everyone has secrets that only God knows. Anyway, all I was praying is that my family will be more like a family, soon. And I still believe God will change my family's lives. Everyone's.

How amazing can it not be when God's just SO NEAR me? My brother's bringing his whole lots of friends to church this weekend. And he's wondering if he should get a tattoo which obviously a no from my mom, but I (and his Christian friends) asked him to seek for God's permission first.

He's REALLY a changed man. He waited for me today because I was about 20 minutes late from Benedict's house(we had practice for this Friday's Easter's sketch) NORMALLY, he would scold me until I cry but after this whole thing, he just changed, completely. He never said anything or showed me he was pissed or anything. I'm so happy he changed, to be a better person because of Jesus Christ!

And I still can't believe my prayer actually worked, and that my iPod has a Jesus Christ_Shepherd pic as my wallpaper which was changed automatically like Idk, it's just so amazing I can't stop crying because of happiness. (I'm not crying now but I was when I was telling Kyleen a part of the stories)..

Amazing, it's just so amazing!

The pic looks like this :

Anyway the reason he feels that God has touched his life is that he's stopped working(giving out poker cards) at some very - the place where you're not supposed to go to, a place where people gamble - My mom disagreed because recently there were many cases about polices trying to break in and catch illegal gambling, but he just DIDN'T want to listen to her. And God just said one sentence and it changed his whole life. He's never gonna work there, and he's gonna preach, at least now he thinks God's using him to share about Christ! :)


Posted by Bernice with love.
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