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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: A-choo!
Sunday, December 11, 2011 || 5:10 AM

It's 4:01am, I better blog as fast as I can so that I can go to bed right after this. You must be thinking I'm crazy.. Awake at this hour just to blog. I've been wondering the whole day (well, maybe not the whole day) but does everyone speak in tongues? 'Cause really, I feel so left out to not know how to speak God's language. ):

Sigh, it's okay, I believe the Holy Spirit will really fill me one day, then that will be the day I speak in tongues. (Y) I actually have a testimony to share! Or two..

The first one would be.. Well, say hooray because my mom allows me to go to church. I wondered why so I asked her. She said even if she doesn't allow, we(my brothers and I) still will go to church, no point stopping us from going because we wouldn't listen to her anyway. Then she continued.. She said actually it's okay to join any religion, 'cause every religion teaches you to be a good person, as long as I'm good, it's okay to go to church. I just wanted to tear up just now, but of course I didn't. It'd be weird.

And, I was all so happy when my mom said she wanted to fetch me to church. I feel like God's really good to have given me an understanding mom.

I went to church today, learning that, no matter what our parents did in the past, we MUST still forgive them, 'cause a person who doesn't love his/her parents will not be Jesus's disciple. (maybe I didn't learn it, I was just being reminded.) I've always been complaining about my parents.. maybe I shouldn't, but who will understand my situation.. Well, except God Almighty, but is this how He tells me to forgive? I shall ask Him one day in Heaven. :)

The second testimony would be.. stay tuned. (I know,I know. I always say stay tuned but never come back to it. I promise I will, k?) Clue: it's about why I chose Jesus Christ, but not others.

A lot of prayers, maybe you think they are unanswered, but maybe God has already answered, just that you don't know that's the answer.. but I really do think God's asking me to be considerate.

It just makes me to bring this up, oh.. my goodness, Erica and Edwina, how can they be so stubborn? I mean, I seriously will get all stressed out if they don't talk anytime soon. It's been more than 2 years, and nothing is changing. (Well, maybe everything is changing except them not talking to each other?)

Sometimes, I think it's all God's work. (I mean, it IS all His work) Everything happened after they started to be like this.. Yeah, grandma had stroke, uncle got unconscious, grandma passed away, etc. But why, until now, they still don't realise it?! I really thank God that my uncle is okay now.. At least God heard my prayers. (Or others prayers too..)

I didn't even get them to talk again.. When I was assigned to, by my uncle.. Oh well, let's not talk about this. Maybe I'm just too useless/busybody.

How about some pictures of chocs? :D





You must be wondering why I'm like 'obsessed' with this brand of chocolate and why I took so many pictures of every single type of it. Actually, maybe I shall reveal it now. The reason I eat this so much during this holiday is because it's gonna be expired soon. -_- I know. Kinda in my 'appreciating' mood. Oh, and also 'not-gonna-throw-it-in-the-garbage-bin-because-it's-expensive' mood.

How about meeting Oreo's brother - Stereo? :)


It doesn't taste that bad, actually!

Pictures on Thursday .. when we were practicing Christmas songs? :)



Li Anne :)


They are pretty cute together. HAHA.

Snack of the day! LOL.


Aiyah! Too bad I didn't take a picture of the Maggie Mee I cooked for Zhan Yeh. It really looked bad!





I took these only because the sunlight was too nice. LOL! eleh, excuse. but really, the sunlight that day was . LOL LOL, me so special, hair's yellow when sunlight shines on it. (I know other people usually get brown hair, aiyah, too common lah!)

Woohoo, just painted and cut my nails yesterday.



Sorry for being so artistic lah. Natural talent. :P (two colours if you see it clearly.)

I was reading my bible yesterday night and I found this verse interesting. - Psalm 92:1


Today, the preacher Pastor Dennis Balcombe was surprisingly good! Valerie, you.. should regret that you dumped us for Janda Baik family trip. HAHA. But still, I hope you are having fun sleeping now. :D

I shall talk more about him, shan't I? He knows how to speak Mandarin and Cantonese. He's so good at it, (for an Ang Moh). He even explained all the Mandarin famous scriptures that some I didn't even understand. I felt kinda ashamed, actually. HAHAH, but anyway, he's one of the preachers who didn't make me nearly fell asleep, despite when he was telling us history of China.. I pray that God blesses him and lets him continues to serve Him. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. :D

Bye.. In advance.. because I'm......

not forgetting to end this post with awesome pictures taken by the awesome me. :D


Too random ahahah! Blame the sunlight. (NO, please don't, I hope it shines right to my house again! It's lovely.)

Just sneezed loudly and grossly before publishing this post. -_-


Posted by Bernice with love.
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