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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: 2011
Saturday, December 31, 2011 || 6:59 PM

I'm sure you already knew what day today is. It's the last day of 2011. Every single person in this world is looking forward to it, except the one who is blogging this post. Not because it's gonna be the end of the year.. oops, *day* (which I don't believe it, really, who's the one who acts like he's a prophet?), but.. it's because.. REALLY, I don't wanna freaking study.. oh my gosh. Talking about studies, you guys should've already known how much I got right? Honestly, my parents don't seem to be satisfied although they said they're quite happy with it.

Anyways, I'm just here to talk about #cilipadicamp.
I have three words to describe it.
It was awe -wait for it- some!
Okay byebye, the end of this post.

Hehehe, nope, it's not the end yet. I'm supposed to talk about this year.. Yes, interesting events(okay, they might not be interesting) that had happened this year.

Things I'm not happy about this year:-
• Uncle having his nerve ruptured.
• Cousins' grandma passing away.
• Cousins still not talking.
• Transport problem. (#mostannoyingone)
• Pn. Molly taking a month of leave.. because she fell down from stairs ): .. I wasn't that happy, I guess.
• Joining KRS.. ._. (Honestly, but okay, dang it, I did.. & I gotta make KRS better next year!)
• Etc.

Saving the best for last, okay, maybe not last, but.. next? Hmm..

Things I'm VERY happy about this year:-
• Joining CF.
• Joining CG.
• Joining Leo.
• Going to church almost every week.
• Being more faithful in God.
• Knowing God better.
• Getting to know CG friends & leaders. (Jehanne, Sarah, John Stefan, Valerie, Pinky, Allison, Shin-Min, Johann, Jaedon, Bryan, etc)
• Going to cili padi camp, definitely!
• Having known what I'm interested to be when I grow up.
• Etc.

Oh well, well. Actually there were a lot of things to be happy about this year. Except sometimes I got emotionally easily. I pray that I'll change my attitude next year, really.

So what now.. I had many ideas to blog just now, but I just forget everything........ okay, uhmm..

Cilipadi camp
You know I felt really bad when Ryan Fong said this..

Everything we do that is not of God is not for God.

Then I thought of myself not joining LEO for God, at least I never thought about God when I decided to join. But today, -I've no idea if it's because today is the last day or what that I think super a lot of things about God- I figured, joining LEO is not for God, but joining LEO & getting a post in LEO club is definitely God's work. He wants me to serve His people, to love His people.

Joining CF, it wasn't entirely for God too, it was because everyone said it's fun, and another reason was because every friend of mine was a CF member, or at least, they still are.

I have something else to confess. I didn't become a Christian entirely because of God. I think I was form 1, I went to LOUD concert 2009 and accepted Christ, I wasn't an active Christian, and worse, I wasn't really a believer. I just heard of the stories, and yes, I was kinda affected by my brothers. So then.. I think.. before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord & Saviour, I had conflicts with my Standard Six classmates & my mom. My friends insisted that they wont return me my money. They said it's me who wanted them to take the tickets. They just wouldn't wanna pay. And then I got scolded by my mom continuously/subsequently every month. She'd mention about it and I'd just break down in tears. I started praying to God.. I started thinking that God, is the only one who was with me, and didn't punish me or whatever, he's always the one who forgives me. He's always the one who doesn't leave me alone. God didn't give up on me, but He gave me a chance to serve in Grace Nursery Church. Thank God, that was the time I started learning more about God through the kids.

And then after a year, I decided to start trying out church. Oh did I mention one of the reasons I became a Christian was because of the worshiping part? How they can sing out their lungs, surrendering to God, committing themselves to God.. They don't care if they're out of tuned, because all they want to do is to worship the one and only God. And thank God my faith got stronger. & finally, I'm now a believer!

I thought I didn't have plans for tonight, but ended up I have one, which I'm gonna go to the place where my mom usually sings to earn some side income. It isn't a bad idea after all. At least I can focus reading because I won't have anything else to do. I thought of going to church, but sigh, I'm gonna be all alone. Another thing I don't like is that my parents aren't Christians, not Methodist, at least.

Yesterday was the first time EVER in my life to work. HEHE. It was so fun. I got scared when my brothers said the job was tough for them, but it wasn't like that for me. HEHEHE. At least I enjoyed.

Yay I'm going out with Jo Ann soon! It's gonna be awesome! :D

A song for you, HAHAH, random but who cares right? I love that song so much. Although I don't know what it means. ._.

Have a happy new year!

2012 is gonna be legend -wait for it- dary! :) (omgosh guess what, I just typed 2011 instead of 2012.)


Posted by Bernice with love.
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