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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: the whole week.
Saturday, November 5, 2011 || 8:45 PM


I found this photo from smkts leo album. Come to think of it, the interview was so funny, easy and interesting. Honestly, I really enjoy being a leo. I really appreciate how I'm an assistant treasurer in leo. Out of so many people, why did I even get chosen? This is weird, but really, why am I trusted?

So were you wondering why didn't I blog for 9 days? You should be, 'cause I blog almost everyday. You should be surprised, that's what I meant.

And you probably should know, whenever I don't blog for this long, the next post will be super long. So, it's actually a way to fulfill your desire of reading my blog. Man, what was I saying?

27 October 2011

-Baking session with Siew Chin and Jing Jing. ♥

So it was good, I suppose you're wondering how the product actually looked like, here you go.


And right after that, I had my favourite food for dinner.

I know you're hungry now, but move on!

29 October 2011

-Random photos.

I am that random. Realising I'd nothing to do after reading the bible, I took some photos of it. I love my bible, but I've been skipping the reading bible plan for 4 days already. I'm a bad girl. I feel bad though. I'll read it later, I promise.



It's good to read God's word, you know :)

30 October 2011

-Sunday church party & Outing with birthday boy.






Can you find one similarity between these two boys?


The theme was butterfly, I think.



Her name is Preety. :) Yes, it's how you pronounce 'pretty'. The one on the right? She's Esther Yun.


Stalking Isaac in progress..

Please do not misunderstand, I'm not a pedophile, I just love kids. For your information, the kid on the right is not Isaac.


They look alike, don't they? They are not sisters but best friends :) 24/7 sticking to each other, like magnets.

The pink dress girl was saying to the hot pink dress girl :" don't want to friend them(refers to the boys beside them) already." She really said that, and I was laughing like mad. I remember how I used to say that 24/7. :')
I'm sorry, I forgot their names. :( I only remember one of their names is Bethany.


Put your hands in the air!




Joel said :"Teacher!! I want milo!!!"





Outing with the birthday boy -Aaron Tan Tze Rue!! :)







"SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY.." - she was dancing and singing :P


Saw this and immediately thought of Kyleen. :)




Too random.

31 October 2011

-Earrings and Baskin Robbin.

We had nothing to do in school so we made earrings. New skill :) ♥



Yummy :P

2-4 November 2011

-Kursus Peningkatan Pangkat Sarjan dan Staf Sarjan 2011

It was okay, but after that was crap. When I say getting a sergeant without knowledge I'd rather not get it, it's what I say out from my heart. You know I don't like this kind of thing, where you don't know any single shit and you get something you're not supposed to get?! It's like an insult. Ultimate insult. The truth is, I never knew that was an exam, I went there without any preparation.. Though I kept praying to God that maybe I could be something, but end up still failing in voice and almost everything. You expect me to accept sergeant?! And Siew Chin, you're challenging me to not wear that sergeant badge right? I will not wear it, until I really know how to tie the gadgets. Until I know how to teach juniors. You seriously just insulted me by challenging me. I felt so sad but I didn't show it. I was seriously upset with my body system.

Ugh, why can't I just use my stomach to shout?! Why can't I just be smarter and learn things fast?!

And honestly, I didn't like the way you said you wouldn't teach the juniors next year. No matter what, (I'm just voicing it out) we should teach our juniors, we should be responsible. Okay maybe you can say seniors are not responsible why are we supposed to do these? You always say that! People are not responsible, do you wanna be like them?! NO, you wouldn't wanna be. You are the most responsible person ever! How can you give up teaching the juniors?! Even if we don't know anything, we should learn and do our jobs and also be responsible. 'cause even though I'm upset, I'm still trying my best to use my stomach to shout.

Why are you guys always blaming seniors?! I received your text today, TOLD YOU.

Now you know a fact about me, I seriously don't like people who blame others. I find it kinda annoying, you know. Like how you challenged me for not sewing on the sergeant badge. I won't sew them until I know the basics. Just hope I will learn it as fast as possible.

I'm still happy that I've learned something there. I realised, on the last day, that I wasn't there for the rank, I was there to learn. We are always learning, but was it too late to realise?! I was seriously upset when you doubted me. I was, seriously, going to break down.

After the camp was crappy, very crappy. Everything seemed to be not going to the flow. So I called my brother at like 5.00pm.. I honestly didn't know he stayed up for 30 hours to work.. So I kept calling him. I thanked God that he had finally picked up my call, after a few times.. I called my elder brother but he didn't pick up. You'll know why he didn't pick up, soon. I asked my eldest brother to fetch me and he said yes. After waiting for like 45 minutes outside the school, I decided to walk home. I was weeping on the way home.. I mean, I was weeping on the way to Secret Recipe.. I was praying hard to God so that it wouldn't suddenly have heavy rain. The sky was dark and it was going to be drizzling. Yes, that kind of weather.

Thank God, thank God! Hallelujah! I saw an almighty friend, Bah Shu Junn. It was really like God sent me an angel to me when I needed help. I prayed to Him that He'll send me one and He did, in a way. I've known this guy since Standard 3. We were quite close last time as we saw each other every week in tuition. I knew who he liked and I think I was one of a few who has seen him cried over something before. He's a good friend. :')

I used to call this guy Ah Junn, I still do, sometimes. God is really awesome. So I borrowed his phone to call my brother, to know that he was still sleeping. You know when I was walking back home before I saw Shu Junn, the verse : "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. - Matthew 6:12 " was stuck in my head. It was also written in a song - The Lord's prayer.. It says that, we should forgive the people who did bad things to us, as God forgives us when we're all sinners. It's amazing how God is always so great. The day before that.. It was a moral lesson, Malays were having their prayers and Chinese were supposed to attend for moral class. We were asked to talk about our own religion, of course most of them are Buddhists, there were only two Christians, including me. I talked about how Christians are forgiving, 'cause God forgives us every time, day, without failing.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. Hallelujah!

I walked home and was dead tired! I was all stinky.. I hated myself for not bathing in the camp site. I was holding 4 plastic bags, one carrying bag and a sleeping bag. I felt like no one cared about me. I went home shouted for someone to open the gate.. My mom did it, I thought she would at least say something nice when I shouted 'mummy/kakak' from outside, but she scolded me instead. I was like WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!

Then I was all angry but still ended up calming myself down, putting all the dirty clothes into a basket.. AND GUESS WHAT WAS THE MOST INTERESTING PART? :) Bathing! I bathed more than an hour. Suddenly realised how important water is. :') Thanks, God, for water!

Then I watched tv to relax after bathing. I knew my brother was the one who knocked the door so I didn't wanna unlock the door. I was angry of course I acted like I was angry.. So he was like explaining how he stayed up for 30 hours. BUT STILL, how could he promised to fetch me, how could he say OKAY in the first place, letting me wait outside the school for so freaking long when I was so freaking tired after the whole quite-torturing camp?! All I wanted was just to come home to bathe! Can you imagine how I didn't bathe for 3 freaking days?!

5 November 2011

-NKF and prayers for grandparents.

NKF also known as National Kidney Foundation. Leo club has organised this for leos but most of them weren't interested in going. Too bad. It was so educational. I feel so proud to have seen a haemodialysis machine right in front of me! Too bad I haven't seen a peritoneal dialysis machine before!

I felt SOOOOO bad for Lion Ivan, he was waiting for me to go home for almost 1 hour. He's so responsible, I don't know what to say. But after getting convinced to go for LLC, I still don't think I can go for it. Not about the money, actually it is, somehow I feel like going for Church Camp more than a leadership camp. I think I'm not an outgoing person.. LLC, I've seen all the pictures on Facebook. They'll do something like bungy jump, but I don't think I've the courage to do all of them. I probably will just faint to death!

Then I was quite pissed at my brother. He always pumps petrol when the warning is out. I seriously DON'T like that. Plus he made Lion Ivan to wait for me, but I had a good talk with him. He's a really kind person.

My brother made me cried when I got in the car. He scolded me about yesterday's. He didn't even pick up my calls and he scolded me like mad. He said until like he's so busy! When he was only watching a movie yesterday, not like he ended up fetching me home yesterday RIGHT?! I walked home in the end. He was pissed off and I don't know why. He's a jerk. My family members, all of them, none of them actually cares about me.

Suddenly thought of Edwina, when I was sick, she takes good care of me. She's really a good sister. I wish I had her as my sister. Since Erica doesn't appreciate her.. :'(
All the best in SPM, love.

So I skipped church. I went to my grandparents' graves today with Chee family. I didn't know he was a smoker, but he smoked in a cute way. Hahah, my dad and my uncle was telling me about his stories.. Now, it's not grandmother story but grandfather's stories. :) I've never seen any of my grandparents in my life. I wish they hadn't passed away..
This time, no joss sticks, just candles.
I realised, Christian's way of praying to ancestors are so simple and nice. :) We just have to buy flowers and say prayers.. I seriously don't want to touch joss sticks. I hope my mother's brother (one of my best uncles I've ever had, he was like my grandpa.) will understand. ): Is it necessary to hold joss sticks to show my sincerity? Sigh.

I want to go for church camp! My dad keeps asking me not to go. :( Now I've to try my best to convince my mom to let me go for church camp! :)

Wow. I'm finally done blogging! :')

Warning : do not wear ankle socks when you're gonna wear KRS boots. It kills.


Posted by Bernice with love.
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