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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Birthday :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 || 8:06 PM

Wow, the difference of a letter r in a word is BIG. It was supposed to be 'worst b'day eve'. Not 'worst b'day ever'. :/ I bet I must have made everyone worried about me. But you know what's best? :) This year's birthday! :D Seriously, everything turned out so well. I'm SO satisfied about everything. Except the truth that I was being a jerk who made every one of my friends worry. Trust me I WAS BEING SO JERKY yesterday, even jerkier than the jerkiest person alive. I was so tired of everything, stressed out about PMR and stuff. I'm sorry for what I've done.

I'm gonna be honest, I was crying the few seconds before 12, but I was smiling all the time after that, even till now. I realised that God didn't want me to learn the 'never trust anyone else except Him' thing, He's only teaching me that, 'you can still trust your friends, your best friends, but as long as I put Him as the first, it'll be okay.' I mean of course it'll be okay, God is the wisest God ever :) The only God. The trinity God. The alive God. :D Also, I've learned to NEVER use my bro's laptop because the keyboard sucks! It's the keyboard which made me typed eve as ever -.- Thanks la thanks, mr. keyboard.

This was supposed to be last Friday's post, but I was too lazy to update that day. So here you go. My favourite food :D

First, you need my kakak's secret recipe for sambal.

Cut mushroom, turnip and carrot into long pieces.
Cook it. (Almost forgot to write this, you won't eat it without cooking it, will you?)

Some vege.

Put them together like this.

Wrap it like how you wrap a present. TADA. You can now have my favourite food.

Lamest recipe ever :P

Love this song.

I accidentally found this song, enjoy :)

Lunch with family for my birthday.
Dad's. Spaghetti.
Mom's. About RM 35 I guess. Red wine pork.. whatever it is.
Er, bro's. Lamb.
Eldest bro's. Red wine beef? (whatever it is!)
Mine! Chicken Chop :D
Some random egg which we didn't like.
I prefer Pizza Hut's :(

Me! :D
So yeah, I'm officially fifteen! :D


Anyway, just acting cute, as usual. :D

Fish braid.
From Uncle Mike, dad and.. Jonnath (I'm confused, is this from your grandma or what? Is the bracelet from you.. or from your grandma? :O)

It's VERY ADORABLE like me. At least it's what she said :P
THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I'm so glad I met you. I'm serious.
Or else I'd be all alone last year.
And this year.
You're a GOOD, SMART, CUTE, MEAN (sometimes, just because I'm mean to you :P).
May God bless us in PMR and SPM, all exams, and that we'll NEVER forget each other in the future, and that you'll bring your child to me when I become a pediatrician :D

From Jonnath Tan Wai Joon! :) His drawings are freaking cute. HEHE. There are something else inside. SUPER CUTE :)

I wasn't confused just now, but come to think of it, I think I took the wrong picture, is the angpau from your grandma or this? I'm REALLY confused oh my gosh)
but anyway, thank you very much to both of you and your grandma :)
OH NOW I KNOW. 'use it however'. Omgosh why did your grandma give me money? :O
(sorry for arranging it to the wrong thing, I didn't think so much.. )

From Siew Chin and Siew Yoong.
Thanks both of you. ♥ REALLY THANK YOU LAH. See thank me for taking it so nicely :D
I know I'm cute *winks.

Thank you Amar for the pens and Hui Mei for wrapping it. :)
Thank you la Hui Mei, shouldn't have told you what I wanted last year -.-
And you still remember it. SO GOOD.

THANKS people. :) Zooming in to thank personally. :D
Stay tuned! :D

This little chili padi made me cried, tears of joy.
Her creativity (38ness) can reach the boiling point of water. I'm serious.
She's freaking 38! HAHA, 'cause she's the leader of it.
THANK YOU smartie.
Be doctors together someday ♥

One of them didn't go to school today.
Really a piggu.
Thank you piggu.
Hmph piggu.
Be together forever, aight? :)

Monkey Sexy Leng Lui Twin brother.
Happy birthday to you too.
The most perverted person I've ever known.
Birthday wish also sounds wrong. Pfft.
Thanks la! At least got something :)

Sorry for taking it so blurly. D:
Thank you Seen Ying ♥ You're the first person who wished me in school :D
Jing Wei is a pig hahaha :)
*pushes nose to show a pig's nose*

Thank you Wan Teng :)
You also be leng lui forever kay. :D
Send my regards to Puan Wong. HAHAHA. :)

Thank you CHERYL LOW :)
Like your poem inside. :D
Jae Jin forever? Or FT Island forever? :D
Actually I don't have a favourite food la. Too many nice food. :D
I just like to eat rice!
(not brown rice)

From Felicia Lee and Yong Suet Mun.
The two very pretty girls. :D Thank you!! :)
Stay pretty and smart.

blur :/ sorry. Thank you Melissa! :D Let's be semangat for Leo kay!
And stay smart and pretty. Like you always do. You're so gentle and nice. And hardworking :)

Already said yours :) Lawyer Lee Law Yer's future wife! HAHAHA.
Thanks again!

First card I received after I reached school :)

Thanks FIONA! :D
Stay smart! And blur! AHAHAH.
I've never seen you getting stressed out before.
Wonder how you study.
Always got 90+ for Sejarah!

texts & calls. (official.)
Before 12.
#2. JonnathTan the sketcher :P

After 12.
#1. Lim Hui Mei the cute girl ♥ (right at 11.59pm but wished me when the clock strikes 12.)
#2. Jonnath Tan (12.04am)

#1. TYS
#2. Xiu Ling
#3. Jonnath Tan
#4. Lee Suet Er
#5.Siew Yoong
#6. Hui Mei
#7. Siew Chin
#8. Jeremy Chee
#9. Theres Kuku (happy birthday to you too)
#10. Marcus Lye (with a belated wish, hahaha)
#11. Papa.
#12. Aunty Cecilia.
#13. Michelle Chee
#14. Edwina Yeoh
#15. Lih Jia
#16 Uncle Mike
#17 Lee Jing Wei

And this list is useless. It's not the matter of being the first to wish, I mean, I'll be VERY HAPPY if you even remember my birthday. Seriously.
Not being too particular about the placing..
Can't reply texts anymore, no credit :(

Here's a hot guy for you. HAHA
(I don't know what this thing is. But it's in my youtube subscriptions page.)

Thanks also to everyone who wished me.
Including Puan Surita :)
Happy birthday to Sir too. Hooray. I shall off. I've been blogging since 4 hours ago. LOL.


Posted by Bernice with love.
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