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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: PROcrastinator is being grateful!
Monday, October 29, 2012 || 11:33 PM

Same old thing. I was supposed to flip through my Sejarah text book today.. Guess I will just leave that for tomorrow.. I honestly, am quite afraid that my Sejarah will fail again..

So far, just so far, I haven't failed any subject. (pretty sure gonna fail badly for Bio, sigh)

I'm just gonna, study harder next year. I guess. I hope.

Hmm, so.. I have nothing to blog about. School after exam (-ish) is REALLY boring. I mean if I actually think positively, at least I don't have to study. It's time for slacking man! :D I should be grateful!

Ah! I shall tell you about last Saturday's celebration.
We talked about something that.. often, people forget to think/feel/do, that is, to be grateful.
I really thank God for Sidney Mohede, he's a person whom, seldom complains (according to him).. He drives to work everyday for 2 hours. He's that kinda guy who gives thanks for everything around him, ALMOST EVERYTHING, at least.. Even when he's stuck in a jam he wouldn't complain but instead, he will be grateful. I mean.. it's really hard to be grateful for everything when you're live in a world that.. lacks attitude of gratitude. Then this song.. came out..

I guess I've really learned that in everything/anything, there sure is something to be grateful for.

Like if I'm a procrastinator, HONESTLY, there's nothing to be grateful for for being one.. but perhaps, I procrastinate to bring joy to others, or do I? HAHAHA, that's excuse.

I mean, what I should really be thankful for is that God has sent His Son to die for me, and His amazing grace, is, AMAZING.

And I AM thankful to have some close friends, I am. Although I don't share my everything with them(I'm that kinda person who doesn't share everything) Not that I don't trust them.. You know what I mean right?

Thank God for God Himself; thank God for parents, thank God for food, thank God for friends, thank God for everything, thank God for love.

I'm very tired now I should go bathe and sleep. Bye.

Saving the best for last... TADA.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Shh.... Hill!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 || 11:48 PM

It's 11 o'clock and I'm sleepy!
Shouldn't I be studying now? HAHAH! NOPE.
I'm glad and proud(not really) to say that exam is finally over! Finals and finally over. I'm surprised that I didn't come back home, with a desire to touch the keyboard. Okay at least, not the keyboard, but the Tee-Vee. YUP, my routine(even during exams) is to:-
1. Eat while watching TV.
2. Bathe.
3. Take a short nap.
4. Go to tuition if there is on that day. If there is none on that day, more sleep. (Y)
5. Wake up, have dinner.
6. Study if I have to.
7. Sleep.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 the next day.

I'm slowly getting used to Paper 3 experiments questions now! HEHE. :D That's my procedure of living!

So yeaaaaaaa. Thank you Terry. You've done a great job in teaching me Add Mathematics. I got an A! But I'm kinda disappointed at myself because of all the careless mistakes I've done, are really stupid. So that's why, being over confident is bad. Because then you wouldn't check your paper and go to a sweet deep sleep. Like today's PJK paper. I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing when I was sleeping. But I did realise how Mr. Yap spelled his 'Physics' as, 'Psysics' and I WAS TRYING TO HINT KYLEEN BUT SHE JUST.. DIDN'T UNDERSTAND ME. BUT IT IS OKAY. I honestly don't know what has happened to me because, I keep spamming shift button on keyboard. It sounds like I'm very furious.

And why is everyone so into K-POP, I seriously don't get it.
I mean their obsession can be compared to the height of Eiffel Tower, or let's be more patriotic, Petronas Tower. Okay moving on, they can spam the internet with their info that you're not interested in, but anyway not that I'm annoyed.. it's just that.. I'm not into obsession kinda stuff. Even if I like The Overtones I won't go, "I DREAM ABOUT HIM ALL DAY ALL NIGHT" that kinda crazy obsession, you know. I feel, odd when things get too cheesy. Plus I don't buy it if you call me 'pretty', maybe cute is okay but as a compliment(adjective), not as a noun, you knowwwwwww, because unfortunately, I would take that as FLIRTING which I DO NOT LIKE IT because.. I never want complicated flirting relationship because it's just.. draggy and all. Yea say that when you become my boyfriend, okay?

Not that I've never been in that kinda relationship, but when I think about it now, I realised I was.. kinda a mother dog.

Movie outing among the COUSINS tomorrow, but sigh, I'm under eighteen so I've to sneak in to watch this horror movie. (I didn't know it was a horror movie so I just said YES without considering) Maybe I'll sleep in the cinema HAHAHA, but then since the next day is a holiday so I'm okay with it (I mean even when I've nightmares at night tomorrow, it's gonna be okay because oh yea, my dad bought me a HUGE teddy bear) I kinda think it's a waste of money COME ON it's made from China and it costs RM238 originally. Even if there's staff price it's still SUPER EXPENSIVE.. He also bought one for my cousin who is older than me by 4 years, TROLOL. I think ALL elders think all the younger ones are KIDS. Hmm..Not that I'm matured enough to not get one. I like hugging teddy bears because they're comfortable! but it's too big to hug it to sleep!

Who knows what it's about right? I pray that it won't be scary. Gotta go, bye.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Fly away.
Saturday, October 20, 2012 || 8:14 AM

This, unfortunately happens to me all the time. Or sometimes, just sometimes (I think and I hope) that I don't even intend to open my book and then I just go to sleep. #likeasi---r, sister.

It's hard to find another person (at least within my class compound) who is as lazy as I am.

It's finals, FINALS!!! but I DON'T HAVE THE DETERMINATION TO STUDY OKAY. I caps it not because I'm proud of it ._. I'm very disappointed at myself. I don't know what to do because I'm expecting my result will be like a piece of poooooop. Yea, a piece only la don't worry. I don't know why I went to google search a poop. I wanted to find an 'artistic' well taken image of a piece of poop. I nearly vomited. Ew.

So far, for almost 3 weeks (I think? Or is it? Wait) WHAT IT'S ONLY TWO WEEKS? Okay anyway, for these two weeks.. I have done answering 8 subjects.. but had gain not much knowledge (only because I didn't exactly study, but I believe if I did I would be a genius now) NOT THAT I'm STUPID, no one is, everyone can be smart if they are as hardworking as.. Fiona/Kar Mun/Jing Wei, those super genius in my class.. uhmm.. but the problem with me is that I'm BERRY-VERY-LAZY. (now that rhymes)

1. Biology - I think I did it badly.
_ Undone _ Physics Paper 3. -Psst, 12 marks gone. I was over confident k.
3. Moral - I got bored doing it during exam. Let's hope for a pass!
4. Mathematics - Maybe an A but not an A+.
5 Additional Mathematics - At least a B? Not trying to be greedy but.. 3 caresless mistakes in Paper 1. T.T
What's more.. uhm.. OH!!
6. Chinese! - I had tips, so... Maybe a B?
7. BM - Well well, I hope I did it okay.
8. BI - I hope what I wrote isn't too common for teacher, that's all. Let's not hope for a B. :(

Next Monday will be SEJARAH. which, I'm not READY ( I doubt I will finish it )
And then Tuesday, PHYSICS.

I'm dead. I know I am but I still refuse to study!

NICE. :]

Isaiah 53:6
New International Version (NIV)
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: 90's too good songs
Saturday, October 13, 2012 || 12:17 PM

Just listened to all the  90's and honestly, I was having a severe eargasm here.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Determination, yes and no.
Saturday, October 6, 2012 || 10:31 AM

Good news people, I finally had (note: past tense) the motivation and the determination to study. Of course I have.. Exam has already started but there's like 2 weeks plus to go and I'm done with books. LOL isn't it sad? Form4 isn't a honeymoon year after all, I'm still suffering from not having the determination every time exam is around the corner. They just shouldn't have put monthly test a month before. I was slacking so much after monthly test. :(

Let me tell you something that is really disappointing. I finally touched my piano to play some songs. It's disappointing because I knew I was procrastinating. If there's no exam I wouldn't even think of touching it. P/s, it's really dusty now hahahahah. But who cares, sigh. Procrastination is really bad.

Laziness. I guess everyone has that but mine is like trained kinda lazy lol. I mean it's to the maximum level that when I admit that I can get a second place for that (or Guinness record) no one would stand out and say they can get first. I, AM SLACKING DURING AN EXAM MONTH.

Hilarious, isn't it? Laugh all you want.

Yes yes I'm getting over my obsession(not really) already. I wouldn't like someone who drinks, someone whose heart is filled with hatred. I don't know la, he's just not as 'perfect' as I thought he was. I mean I thought a lot about it. I will just stay single and available. Uhm, unavailable I mean. I don't want or need a relationship in my teenage life.

Furthermore I've written my future daughter a note that she should look at a person's inner heart (like how God does) instead of his outward appearance. Not that I did, but yea.

I'm a hypocrite that thinks I've no weaknesses(I know I have, but it seemed that way), am I not? All I think is how bad another person is but I, myself also dislike whatever other people do. When all I do is something the same. :[ oh God of peace and love, help me.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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