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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: 1st day of VBS 2011! and days before it.
Saturday, November 26, 2011 || 5:50 PM


I've been eating this since forever. Everyday one packet. It's so fattening and am gonna get fat.
The thing is, I haven't been exercising since a few months ago.. Waittt, when was the last time I went for jogging?? Oh shizz, it was before PMR trials.

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Supper after Breaking Dawn premiere that night. Or do you want me to tell you honestly? Alright, I will.. Supper after Breaking Dawn premiere that MIDnight. :D

What about some vain pictures of me?

Oops, no longer know how to hold a camera.

That's why, a few more pictures after that.

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Succeeded after a few times of trying! Diagonal french braid :D Thanks Kyleen. :)

OH OH GUESS WHAT?! VBS 2011!! It isn't that fun this year as we're not going to spend much time with the kids because Aunty Connie and family (Sophina's family, fyi) are at outstation..

Kids(4-6 years old) and children(7-12 years old) are combined together so all the take-care work will be done by children church teachers and helpers.

Which is pretty sad because I don't get to dance in front of the public this year. Or sing. HOHOHO ):

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Cream puffs by Aunty Mei Leng. It's very extraordinarily delicious!

No, just kidding. I didn't even get to eat any even though it's supposed to be teachers' food. (because I acted shy.) But I assume it is since Aunty Mei Leng has been making a lot of nice food. (assume it is delicious, by the way)

Kids food :






But teachers got to eat all the leftovers. :') I didn't. (acted shy, again)

Teachers' breakfast! :')

It's jelly! You jelly? :D
Oh, but it's not for you.

Silly! Am I that mean?

A love shaped jelly for you. Yes, I am, by the way. (I am that mean, I mean. Does that even make sense? :P)

We got a wristband. :')

View from teachers' room :


Look what I've done to the whiteboard in one of the rooms..

On the whiteboard in teachers' room..

A nettttt! :D Oh the theme is 'High Sea Expedition' this year.

Which was pretty funny because Pastor Steven made a joke about it. One of the teachers asked why are we not pirates? We could act like bad people! We could have painted an eye patch on our face! Then he answered: Not all pirates are bad, for instance, Captain Jack the sparrow.. He is actually kind.. So we should be like Captain Jack the sparrow.. Jack the sparrow??!

Then we ended up laughing.

Look! Kids nowadays.. Playing with an iPhone ; refusing to eat.

Ian Boon!!

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Evil Javen Teh! He has been always the only one who remembers my name but he was so strange today. He forgot what my name is. Saddest thing ever!


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A liverpool fan. Okay la, I admit that I used to dislike him because he was naughty, but he's okay now. :) ♥

Hi. LOL, random.

Wanted a fish tail braid but ended up with a french failed fish tail braid.

Oh lol, gotta admit, slacking in the room. :D

Skipped church today although I came home at 4pm. Kyleen was there alone since Valerie didn't go to church too. Feel kinda depressed now because I've no dinner AGAIN. Parents are out, eldest bro's working, elder bro's in Penang. Maid answered me with a 'so' after I told her my dad has a wedding dinner to attend. Although she asked me what I want to eat later after half an hour..

Dad asked me to eat bread for dinner. Saying that it's American style. WHATTT?! Then I was all pissed off and didn't wanna continue the conversation. Hung up the phone with maid's 'so' answer.

Is this life? Am I alive? Oh my goodness. Then I hate it so much, except the part where I get to know Jesus Christ.


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Breaking Dawn part 1.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 || 11:49 PM

You know I thought Breaking Dawn was going to be a boring movie, but.. it turns out.. MY EXPECTATION & PREDICTION were right! I wasted 2 hours of my life, or rather.. 3 hours 10 minutes of my life to watch and waited for the movie.

No, just kidding. No HAHAHA I was just kidding, again, kidding on my kidding. I was serious, it sucked. Almost 1/2 of the movie were kissing scenes! I know how they wanna drag the movie to earn more money like how Harry Potter does, but the truth is I didn't even watch Harry Potter. Lol, no, but the truth is it turns out making me feel disgusted.

Whenever Bella and Edward started kissing,

I would be all like :
"errr.... you sure you wanna do that?? like again?"

"please don't do that again!"

but they did it again..


It wasn't exactly wasting my time though, at least I got to watch the trailer of an interesting movie!

Fiona, are you interested? :O Just thought that maybe we could watch it together. :)

Or anyone else?
It's definitely going to be better than breaking dawn part 1, GUARANTEED.

I was feeling so bad, that's why, never trust me in giving directions, you would end up like my cousin brother. He had to follow the 'crowd' to get back to the highway, just because of what I said.

You don't get to learn any moral value from Breaking Dawn part 1, but you can definitely learn from the incident that happened just now. So my cousin had to turn a big round to get back into Tropicana City mall. Oh my gosh, I still haven't figured out the way to go to Tropicana City. Sigh, what a failure.

Feel so bad to get a free ticket from him and had him fetching me there and sending me home too. Also, complaining on my blog that it wasn't really an oh-so-awesome movie.

Oh well, now, knowing that what it is in Bella's stomach, and also, well, the story, who's interested in watching again? You can definitely ask me personally but I won't tell you the story here. I don't wanna be a spoiler, not a degrader either.. The movie, was overall okay. Maybe a bit worse than okay. You gotta watch the movie to judge it.

I'll tell you what happened during the movie. The film got tilted upside down and no one thought something was wrong except me. I kept looking up to the .. (where they put the film) place, I knew something was wrong! And the whole cinema got into darkness after a while. It went on for 10 minutes. They said they wanted to restart and I was like: (okay, decided not to add in any gif) Everyone was shocked and scared, because we were watching the part where Edward told Bella about his story just a while ago. About something that happened in the cinema, in the movie.

And yes, you gotta watch it to know what I was talking about.


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: holidays?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011 || 12:15 PM

I've been missing out a lot of fun. Yes, a lot. How could I only watch a few episodes of HIMYM last time? I should've watched it with my brother since 2006. What had I been doing all that time? Now I've to spend my holidays on 'How I Met Your Mother marathon' and maybe 'The Big Bang Theory marathon' next, alone. Damn it, I think I've fallen in love with Ted Mosby. Sorry but he's cute. :O

Not forgetting Barney Stinson.

No worries guys, it's just a sudden obsession because I'm currently watching HIMYM, it'll be gone after some time. Maybe after 'The Big Bang Theory marathon'?
I might get all obsessed over Sheldon Cooper. Or rather, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

Just some random pictures I took at home these few days.

Yeah, you know what it is.




The Samsung Galaxy family. Aww man, everyone in my family has an android phone except my mom. We've been convincing so hard to let my mom to get one but she still insisted in saying a no. Well, guess she'll never want to get one.

And yes, you know what holidays are all about.








We do need to support Malaysia's products sometimes. (If it is a Malaysia product) In addition, the #blackandyellow won the game yesterday. Sorry to say but I was watching How I Met Your Mother the whole time during the match. But still, #proudtobeamalaysian.



Not forgetting The Almighty God! :)



I just bought the small little book. It explains what it's all about in the bible, book by book(39 books in the old testament, 27 in the new testament!). It's super useful, not regret buying it. Plus, it's super cheap, only RM2.90.

HAHAHA, I'm a random prick. But really, don't just keep having fun/sitting in front of the computer all day long. Remember to take a bath! HAHAHA. I sound like a mother now.

Last but not least, SLEEP!
Come on! What's life without sleeping?
Yes, it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake. But there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to know it's a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say yup, it was a mistake. So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake because then you'd go your whole life not really knowing if something's a mistake or not. ▬ Lily Aldrin(How I met your mother)
Aw I memorised it. :') Big achievement!

Aw man! Kyleen!!! HOW COULD WE MISS IT? ):

Gonna love this guy forever. :')


Posted by Bernice with love.
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