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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

Click the following links to know more about me!

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Title: 8D :D
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 || 10:14 PM

Everything We Do is Driven by Bernice.

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Generated by the Advertising Slogan Generator. Get more bernice slogans.

This is confirmed EPIC. :)

helloooooooo, guess who is this. :) | Part 2

Tan Xiu Ling(You memang smart de lor :D): Bernicee, hahaha (:

Chua Hui Hua(So sad :O): helloooooooo, i have no idea. :)

Traser Chee(Okay..): idea.

Ng Li Xin(Wow, so close): Hmm, Marianne, or maybe Bernice? :)

Kwan Kit(I don't know his sur name, pai seh): duno..who are you??=.=

Nurul Falena(Heh :P): Helloooooo , I don't know .Who is this ? :))

Marianne Ho(TEEHEE): hello! i've no idea :)

Chay Sin Ting(o.o): Helloooooooo,I don't know who you're. :)

Gabrielle Lee(Hello :]): heyyyy there,i have no idea. :)

The end for that .
Wait, do you think it has part 3?

You asked me how many guys like me.
I wonder.. but probably none. hahaha :)
I also don't know why, but too bad too sad, I was born like that. xD
Thank you for being so important in my life. ♥

So, my year end examination is on 8th November.
Wish my luck, guys and girls. :P

Thank you Stanleigh, for introducing Skype.
Thank you Stanleigh, for using Plurk when I asked to.
Thank you Stanleigh, for telling me that I wasn't being rude to my friends.
Thank you Stanleigh, for everything.

Like finally, I understand what's the meaning of the lyrics of 一个像夏天 一个像秋天.
This song is dedicated to all my true friends, and those who were my best friends.
Lim Jo Ann, Sia Hui Nee, Wong Yen Ni, Neoh Jia Xin, Khor Ye Yun Yet Zhao Wei, Hoh Li Yen, Lee Suet Er, Lee Jing Wei, Ng Siew Chin, Lee Kyleen, Zoe Chin, Norman Leaw, Charmaine and etc.
Edwina, Erica, Michelle. :')

如果不是你 我不會相信 
就算我忙戀愛 把你冷凍結冰 
你也不會恨我 只是罵我幾句
如果不是你 我不會確定 
我的弦外之音 我的有口無心
我離不開 Darling 更離不開你

If you're not my friend, I wouldn't believe that
Friends can be even more dead set than lovers
Even if I'm busy dating, and leave you aside to be a frozen ice
You'll not hate me, you'll scold me by just using few sentences
If you're not my friend, I wouldn't be so sure that
Friends are better listeneners
My implied meaning, and the words I didn't mean to say
I can't leave my darling but I can't bare to leave you too.

(Something like that, hope my English won't be so broken)

你了解我所有得意的東西 才常潑我冷水怕我忘形
你知道我所有丟臉的事情 卻為我的美好形象保密

You know what I was always proud of, so you poured cold water on me 'cause you're afraid that I would carry away
You know all my shameful secrets, but due to protect my good image, you keep them as secrets instead of spreading them.

Siew Chin, I hope you're doing it in that way :)
I promise I won't be angry anymore.
If you're not too overboard. :P

Thank you everyone in this world that appears when I'm alone/depressed. ♥

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: hello, guess who is this. :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 || 1:16 AM

I asked everyone that exists in my formspring list. So cool. :)
And I've got all sorts of cool answers, from cool people. TEEHEE !

helloooooooo, guess who is this. :)

Sabrina Chan(Well.. I admit. It actually sounded like Charmaine.): Erm , charmaine ? :O

Amar Smajić(I am the one you trust the most, hello?): hello xD... a dude or a gal? hahaha i'm not tht smart, gimme some clues lo :P

Ian Tan Kay Meng(Hey, daddy! :[): How can I guess? :( give me a clue

Beatrice Jeanne Tan(LOL, hehe :b): I've no ideaaa. Who're you? ;D

Marianne Ho(Oh gosh, marianne!): hi sook yin :)

Amanda(Do I know you? :O): Ishh...according to your smile, I guess you are qijin. AM I RIGHT? or Yeezuin? |:

Kimberley Koh(I hope you won't see this :|): HELLOOOOO. Err no idea :P

Tan Pei Ru(I am who I am :]): Helllooo :) Who're who you're.

Chong Yew Han(I couldn't take this, I am your top 4!): Ummmmmmm.... No idea. LOL

Will update when it has more answers. HAHA! PWNED! :)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Can Anyone Explain...?
Sunday, September 26, 2010 || 10:20 AM

I have this sad sad sad sad sad problem between my ear and my head.
Just look at this:-

Damn sad right? Imagine it's on yours. & you thought it was just a tiny huge pimple or even a mosquito bite. I wonder what'd happen if I die young, if it really happens, Jo Ann, please come to my yard whenever you're back to M'sia. ♥ & alot alot alot more. :'(

I hope it wouldn't affect my whole entire body. Please! Although I keep repeating "I want to die already" but, it's not the time yet. I still wanna enjoy my life. :(

My ear is having don't-know-what-is-it.
Someone must help me!
Can you tell me what is it? (If you know)
It won't be cauliflower ear right? I mean, in future.
'Cause it's getting worse. D:
Click the cauliflower ear only IF you're brave enough, 'cause it's extremely superly whateverly gross.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: McD @ 1 o'clock.
|| 1:32 AM

Ladies and Gentlemen, McShaker Fries is back. :) ♥
I'd just eaten my dinner, really late dinner.
1 am. It's my second time I guess, for this month. LOL!
Few hundred times in my lifetime.
So, I sense I'm going to be a fatty-bomb-bimb-bumb in future.
Like really. Oh gosh!
Can you imagine a fat Bernice standing in front of you?
Sure yes. 'Cause I'm fat, this moment, and maybe previous too. Hehe!
Go try McShaker Fries!
Shake it & Taste it.
That's what they'd written there, on the packet.
Then you'll go aww, ('cause it's cheesy?) and "hey, it contains too much of Ajinamoto".
Whatever .
You just eat them, it's delicious, who cares if you die after eating that?
Like I care..Well, I care. hehe :b
No more next time. Really.
My mouth is still full with the cheesy seasoning something something. :)

The new new new new new hot stuff.
Okay pokayyy, it's quite awesome possum.
'Cause me, myself, personally, don't really like beef, but since I can eat, I will eat it. :)
I never ate beef until last year. I was having the hungerphobia, haha, so, I tried it.
Not bad, but it's not my style. Lmao, laugh lahh laugh lahhh!

Exam is in 2 days time.
Monday: Pendidikan Moral and Chinese/Agama.
Tuesday: Pendidikan Seni (Teori & Amali)
Wednesday: Pendidikan Jasmani & Kesihatan and Sivik.
The end .

And I don't know when I'm taking the next ones.

I ate Chicken Mc Deluxe. It's my favourite burger. ♥

Golden Award was............................. okay.
Luckily I didn't vote. *Phew.
Nicholas Teo the BeiJiXinDeYanLei!
Fish Leong the RuGuoDeShi!
Gao Yi Xiang the tall guy!

This is a song. A really nice song. By Lee Hom! Aku cinta padamuuuuuuuu. :)

Ni zhe me shuai ♥

So, okay thanks and bye.
Wish me luck :b

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Fake Jed D:
Saturday, September 25, 2010 || 12:49 AM

"Do not buy Jade while on tour"

Many people do not have the real knowledge about jade. Sometime they thought they have got a good buy on a rare or precious jade, and they did not realised that they have actually purchase a dangerous stone that will endanger their health or life due to the chemicals that used to process this fade jade and the release of the chemical reaction to human after a long term wearing. Read the below info:

Normal type of stone , without sign of water, no base and colourless!

Horrible thing happen ! They used a very strong acidic and trong chemical to soak the stone for half a month!

After chemical reaction, the stone have change its look!

Additional work on the stone after chemical soaking.

Placing the fade Jade into a machine for high pressure injection.

This high pressure injection will take a few days to complete!

Semi finished products , its look has changed!

Finished products exhibite in the market, some pricing up to 70 - 80K per piece. Fade good sold after a price negotiation.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Tell your friends about this.. :)
|| 12:29 AM

I cannot stop myself from sharing this with all of you.

Its all started when I received a call from someone claiming that he was from Maxis and he asked me to shutdown my phone for 2 hours for 3G update to take place. As I was rushing for a meeting, I did not question and shutdown my cell phone.

After 45 minutes I felt very suspicious since the caller did not even introduce his name. I quickly turned on my cell phone and I received several calls from my family members and the others were from the number that had called me earlier - 3954380.

I called my parents and I was shocked that they sounded very worried asking me whether I am safe.

My parents told me that they had received a call from someone claiming that they had me with them and asking for money to let me free. The call was so real and my parents even heard 'my voice' crying out loud asking for help.

My parent was at the bank waiting for next call to proceed for money transfer. I told my parents that I am safe and asked them to lodge a police report.

Right after that I received another call from the guy asking me to shutdown my cell phone for another 1 hour which I refused to do and hung up. They keep calling my cell phone until the battery had run down.

I myself lodged a police report and I was informed by the officer that there were many such scams reported.

MOST of the cases reported that the victim had already transferred the money! And it is impossible to get back the money.

Be careful as this kind of scam might happen to any one of us!!! Those guys are so professional and very convincing during calls.

If you are asked to shut down your cell phone for updates by the service provider, ASK AROUND!

Your family or friends might receive the same call...

Be Safe and Stay Alert!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I'm honest !
Thursday, September 23, 2010 || 3:01 AM

If you're reading this, on my blog. You can ask me anything you wanna ask & I'll be an honest kid :D but there are some exceptions, of course :) Actually there is only one exception, stuffs related to me, like privacy. :b Ask me here. (: & Go to my formspring to check the answer yourself kay? Or here:-

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Ice cream(Talk to me)
|| 2:23 AM

You talk to me
You speak with me
Don't sink before you rise baby
Don't fade away

You hesitate
You seem to wait
For all the time we had
Feels like a world away

Who's to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile
Cause we're the same
And I know that we'll never change
Look I bought your favourite ice cream
I don't wanna see it melt away
If you walk out now
I don't know if we're gonna be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause I want you to stay here with me

The memories
The things we did
I locked inside my heart
Where I know I won't forget
And now, whos to say, we'll be ok
We will make it through the night
Don't wanna wake up in this state
I just want us both to smile
Cause we're the same
And I know that we'll never change
Look I bought your favorite ice ream
I don't want to see it melts away

If you walk out now
I don't know if we could be the same
Baby just talk with me
Cause I want you to stay here with me

I want you to stay here with me..

Look, I watched Eclipse, just now.
Haha, I know you're going to say I'm brave.
Next week I'm going to have finals and I'm still doing something I'm not supposed to.
But what to do? Hehe :b
I'm naughty. (:
Yew Han, face it, I'm hotter than you. :D

Happy Birthday YOU!
Yes, you!
Dear Choong Pei Shan! :D

You little cuteeee girl! :) Stay cute.
You want Ice Cream?
Or Marble Cheese Cake? ☻
Want any pressie from me? :b

HEY, Form 5s and Form 3s, good luck in SPM/PMR.
Not forgetting others, in finals. Score as good as you can, then you're awesome! ALLL THEEE BESTTT! ♥

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Vote please :)
Saturday, September 18, 2010 || 10:44 PM

Which one do you prefer? The first one or the second one?

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Something 'bout ♥
Thursday, September 16, 2010 || 10:17 PM

I found out this thing, damn AWESOME! & I think it's true! Try it out! :D

Secret Love Calculator. (It's free. No virus.)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Nights. :)
|| 4:47 AM

Nice chatting with you, gor! :P ♥
You know who you are. :D

Okay lahhh, longer. :D
Be honest.
I miss you too lah.
As what you said, we were just brother and sister last time.
But now, we are brother and sister in CHRIST.
Let's be Christian forever and believe in God forever okay?
Say Amen! :P

You donkey! It's late now. You better go sleep ahhh!
I heard a rooster sedang KOKOKOKOKOK.
However it sounds like.
Sleep tight!
All the best!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: o_O
Monday, September 13, 2010 || 8:27 PM


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I don't know what's life about. X|
|| 7:01 PM

I don't wanna answer you doesn't mean I'm rude.
I just don't wanna fight back.
You know you don't really understand me, but you just know how to scold me.
& say how stupid I am.

It's my birthday, cannot cry. CANNOT!!
Please don't. Not a drop.
Okay, fine. Few drops. Don't continue, okay? (:

Kay, STOP!~

& nag, lecture.
Which you don't even WANT to come back to celebrate my birthday.
You just like to do what you like.
You don't care about others.
Or maybe, maybe you don't know how to express your love.
I know you love me.
Just maybe.

Bernice, you have to stop that, kay? NO MORE CRYING.
It's your birthday!

It's funny when my dad says my mom is those old fashion kind.
but, she's not. Apparently.
She's just too in. IN. As in too fashionable.

Okay, I'm going to cry again, but this time is different type of tears. :')
It's.. Uhmm, my dad just wished me:-
Happy Birthday to my lovely daughter!
Wishing you everything nice and all good things come your way.
That's really really touching! ♥

Hey Bernice, STOP!

Okay, I bet everyone wanna know what happened.
Or maybe I'm just being perasan.
I used my mom's card to buy tickets for my standard 6 reunion.
You know, it's over a hundred ringgit.
Of course my ex-classmates need to return right? D:
I bought 21 tickets.
But then, some of them didn't attend.
And some, they said they don't wanna watch, but I guess that decision wasn't confirm yet.
So, I bought tickets for them.
I know, I acted smart. I shouldn't have just simply make decision myself.
Then the next day, I waited them at GSC.
I passed them the tickets, then they told me they're going to shop and eat with themselves.
So, this is the story.
Should I get the money back from them?
'Cause I'm really upset when I saw them online but they just don't seem to reply my message on Facebook.
So, I wrote on their wall.
I hope I wont be hated like this.

Someone says he's gonna give me birthday present by mailing ^^
That's so sweet! ♥

Btw, answer me, am I really wrong to get money from them?
Or is it right?
Tell me please. I'm really stupid. I know.

Or it's just as what my mom said.
I'm stupid to have this kind of friends.
My mom asked me, why do you even have this kind of friends?

Yeah, why do I have this kind of.. I don't wanna say it.
Thanks for bringing me into this world.
I love you. Really.
I'm so rude! OMG. I didn't wanna be like this!
I scared I will leave my house, but I know I wont.
I'm so sad now!
& helpless.
Do I really need to be so lonely?

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Thank you people! YOU rock! ♥
|| 6:27 PM

245! Two Hundred and Forty Five!
wished me on Facebook! o.o

Facebook Top 10 list:-
  1. Angie Hui Mei
  2. Edwina Yeoh
  3. Aaron Koay
  4. Lee Kerwiin
  5. Rachel Lee
  6. Ashley Yee
  7. Phang Tuck Jun
  8. Lee Ann
  9. Jun Wei
  10. Tan Pei Ru

SMS Top 10 list:-
  1. Angie Hui Mei
  2. Marianne Ho
  3. Chan Kai Sheng
  4. Edwina Yeoh
  5. Ng Li Xin
  6. Phang Tuck Jun
  7. Chong Yew Han
  8. Theres Kuku
  9. Poo Kah Wai
  10. Aldric Lim
Thank You Very Much!
You all are seriously awesome! ♥

I went to hospital today!
I measure my height.
Damn short right?
I'm shorter than Doctor ST Lim by few cm. :')
Then, doctor asked those nurses come in.
I'm taller than them.
So, doctor says I'm actually normal.
Not too short.
Jing Wei is taller than me now!
I'm so short. :'(

Thank you everyone! Byebye! ♥

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: sweet 14th.
|| 4:12 AM

120 ppl wished me on Facebook! Thank you very much people! :D
You all are so awesome! ♥
Awesome BR cake! HOMG, you know I didn't like BR cake?
'cause it's too sweet. :D
But now I'm super in love with it. ♥
Thank you Sophina, Jeremy Chee!
I really wish I could have a really awesome year from tomorrow onwards.
At least, no more crying? Please! (:
Thank you Aly, Edwina and Kah Wai for blogging about me in your lovely blog! :P
I realised I haven't get any present yet! TEEHEE.
Who's gonna be the first one?
I wonder..
The first one who calls me is Lee Mun Yee.
Thank you very much, you are so awesome. You called me right on twelve! ♥
The second one is Lee Suet Er.
Yea, both also Lee. This makes me realised that Lee has awesome people! :P
Thank you. I love you all. ♥

1st one who wished me Happy Birthday was church children.
2nd one who wished me was Digi.
3rd one was Edwina Yeoh Ying Jia.
4th one was Ong Yun Wen.
5th one was Chan Kai Sheng.
6th one was Ng Hann Jie.
Thank you all of you! :D

Okay, everyone is awesome! Happy Birthday Yeap Zheng Yi!
You should be my soul brother one day! :D

Nice talking to Ji Yan! She's so kind. :P

It's 4.25am now. Goodbye!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: It started with a kiss.
Thursday, September 9, 2010 || 8:36 PM

I am re-watching this very stupid show.
Uhmm, you can call it as a very sweet show, kinda sad but it's funny! ♥
Happy Early Hari Raya to all Muslims.
You all fasted for one whole month!
I didn't even fast a single day.
Wait, I fasted half day that day to save money!
Uhmm, in my brain, I think I only have few Malay friends. =.=
I will list you all down here! ♥
Idayu Izreen!
Afrina, Syafila!
Haris, Hariz!
Siti Aida!
Megat, Ahmad!
Lol, Aiman?
These are some who I don't think they know me...
Wan Aidi.
Syed Imran?
Is he a Malay?
Oops! I've no idea.
Anyone, tell me if you know.
Sorry sorry! D:
Okay okay! Selamat Hari Raya!
Eat as much as you can!
Smile always, alright? (:

The day before yesterday..
I texted someone..
I don't know why, but I asked him stop doing what he's doing.
I hate myself.
That guy, will do something I don't want him to do IF I don't text him.
I feel like giving up.
I think I'm frustrated.
I don't feel like forcing anyone to stop doing something they like to do.
So I told him I'm tired and I wanna sleep.
Actually, after that, I didn't sleep.
I was lying on my bed crying.
Felt helpless.
& I really don't know why.
I guess it's time to let go everything.
Even the one I love?
But then whenever I feel like giving up, the one I love will suddenly text me and say hello.
Yes, hello.
He's just, I don't know what's the feeling.
I MISS HIM, alot!

Whatever. The end.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Awesome Lee Hom ♥
Monday, September 6, 2010 || 1:57 PM


You know I actually support this girl for saying this in 'Sokong Siti Inshah Dipenjarakan' fan page.
There's a comment under it.

前的华人不敢出声所以他们才会将嚣张!如果我们不出声,那谁又会知道我们 现在的华人是多么讨厌他们!"

I wish I could dislike this comment!
HOW WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW THEY'LL DO SOMETHING MORE OVER?! YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE? So you want them to know that you hate them. This shows it all. You can print this comment and translate it, then send it to Government, or IF you wish to meet Najib, pass it to him.
Najib shouldn't actually let these things happen! >.< & I like this!
"To change a racist's mindset is to start with the heart. I'm all for re-education, not incarceration. You can jail someone's body but you might not be able to change her mind. It is better that she undergoes a Muhibbah programme and do community service as part of her redemption. Here is where Siti gives free tuition t...o poor Chinese and Indian children who can't afford it (remember, education can help these poor kids escape poverty). If she likes,
she can visit the hospitals and care for the sick and abandoned Chinese and Indian elderly people (God willing, she would be able to open her heart and see humanity behind skin colours instead of wasting tax payers' money behind jail)."

Puan Siti Inshah shouldn't ask us go back to China. If we need to go back, then they should go back to Sumatra too! As what Kyleen said, Malaysia is only for Orang Asli. Chinese, Indians, Malays & etc, are immagrants! Malays think Malaysia's theirs. Actually NOT!

I seem to support something really different with others. I don't like Puan Siti Inshah, I don't like Namewee too! I like myself only! ♥ Err, and him? Maybe! 'Cause he supports Namewee, T.T
And this is the main point. NO ONE supports me! At least NO ONE supports me. I like NO ONE. (: Actually I love him banyak banyak. ♥
But I don't want to.
Not now.

How I met your mother.
Maple Story.
How I trained my dragon.
So busy! (:

Oh ya, yesterday, LOVE IN DISGUISE. ♥



3、蝴蝶! 医生你个头!




7、在很偏远的边疆的 边边……






13、乔:明天下午我们去看杜明汉的演唱会! 杜:太好了~~~~(囧囧)

14、陈冲:去哪里? 杜:哦~我肚子痛!!







21、是知音,不是爱情 !


23. 明汉的笑容让你天天畅,天天通(好无语的广告词)

24. 我叫杜···(某魏白眼)姆哈姆德,姆哈姆德

25. 开什么玩笑,我是明星耶,一举一动都要注意的

26. 让他们拍吧

27. 就这么几片烂叶子买这么贵,真是太剥削了!

28. 费加罗,费加罗,费加罗~~~~(旁边讶异的慕凡···)

29. Bullshit~ *turns around looking shy for shouting that* 这几片叶子卖得这么贵,简直是"剥削!"~ *giggles*






6. 不可能,不可能,不可能~!!!

7. 这边弯掉了,可能走路要一瘸一拐的了(电话那边JOAN姐,

8. 蝴蝶和女鬼,是你的新灵感吗?

9. 我才不管什么子牙跟伯期···杜:是伯牙跟子期



3. 我没事,我没事!~

4. 那你呢?你叫什么,阿德?(拂袖而去)

5. 这叫拟人手法~

6. 我对流行音乐其实不太感兴趣



3. 法庭我也没少去,你见我输过一次吗?(旁边掉下去的可怜服务员)

4. 少说话,多弹琴





5. 没想到你们乡下来的还这么有实力(指钱)

6. 民乐系,就要走进历史了








4. 他根本不喜欢女生~!

5. 看来传言是真的~~




4. 没看见我在工作吗?(转身回去教一群小朋友唱歌)

5. 我告诉你他的问题在哪里,他根本不懂得用丹田唱歌

6. 你刚刚这首诗出现了几个错误(开始罗列,完全无视快崩溃的晓青——)

I read every sentence and I laughed at every sentence.
Damn frigging humorous weih!! ♥
I don't get the sad part, but I love the jokes they told! :DDD
OMG OMG! & I shouldn't watch in cinema, internet can download lahhh :O
Nevermind! Saya suka Lee Hom! ♥
I don't mind wasting money like that! (:
Downloading... :D

Today, I cried in my dream, & reality. (At the same time!)
Yay! Birthday is coming!
I got a birthday cake and a birthday sticker! (:

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: I feel so bad.
Saturday, September 4, 2010 || 8:34 PM

I'm a devil. I'm so evil.
I'm a lemon. I'm so lemon. :O
I feel so bad.
I told my mom's friend my birthday's coming.
& I'm gonna celebrate my birthday.
She gave me RM50, before that she belanja us dinner.
In a frigging expensive restaurant.
I feel SO bad.
I'm SO lemon.
I think I shouldn't tell her that my birthday's coming.
I shouldn't tell her I'm watching movie tomorrow.
My brother said I'm SO smart to use this tactic. D:
I really didn't want that money.
I wanted to return it to her, but she rejected.
I stared at the money. I forgot to say thank you, until she says: "You just keep it, go shopping, Karaoke, watch movie, & buy anything you want, what you have to do is just say thank you. (:"
OMG. I was being rude. I seriously hate myself lahh. :'(

Other than that, I always hurt my friends.
I feel BAD. :C
I'm sorry! Sincerely..


Tomorrow will be a busy day! (:
8am get ready to Basketball. (Downcourt)
10.30am get ready to go Church.
2pm get ready to eat lunch.
3pm Hui Mei's coming my house to study, again.
4-5pm go One Utama buy ticket for Love In Disguise. (Wanted to go TC Mall, but I checked internet. Takde such movie.) >< 7pm watch movie. 10pm go home. Tomorrow is the day. Can't wait! My birthday's coming! WOOHOOOO! ♥

I think I'm getting braces. I not sure lahhhhh. (:
KYLEEN! Should I teman you? (: (:

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: This is SO private but I'm blogging it.
Thursday, September 2, 2010 || 1:36 AM


No offence. Your ear would burst listening to this. Agree? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Well, HA-HA!

Ps: You really changed alot, like, alot alot alot alot alot. I want the friendly you back, T.T

I'm not in the mood, right now.
There are millions people ignoring me now.
Some told me they wanna delete me.
Some told me they are going far far away.

Okay, I just don't belong to this world.

Posted by Bernice with love.
1 squid(s) - Leave a squid

Title: I'm sorry about this .
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 || 11:56 PM

That was very humorous, and it tickled my intellect and senses, causing me to express myself in a laughter, ha,ha,ha.
I love that.
That's really funny. :D

I actually hate Namewee.
Seriously, he should get a life.
If he isn't proud to be a Malaysian, get off.
He was born to be a Malaysian!
He thinks we have to be like him?
Protest whenever he reads a news..
About NAHH video.
Banana his head!
I don't really know about the news..
He should go and be a singer.
He has fans right?
He can compose songs right?

Namewee, I wonder how you get your name.
Namewee : The Nation's Excess Baggage

Whoever who likes Namewee and if you're reading this, I'm so sorry.

Yes, some of the Malaysians are racist.
Malays always get more than Chinese, Indians, etc do.
I believe that our president will know what's wrong with him one day.
Our rules should have some changes one day.
1 Malaysia day rocks!
We have one more public holiday! (Y)
I can actually celebrate my birthday on that day! :P
Thanks Malaysia!
You rock!
♥ (:
Let Chinese and Indians get cheaper price when they wanna buy some properties for their own.
Then you are way better.
Whoever agrees with me?
You rock too! (:

Posted by Bernice with love.
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