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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: 8D :D
Wednesday, September 29, 2010 || 10:14 PM

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This is confirmed EPIC. :)

helloooooooo, guess who is this. :) | Part 2

Tan Xiu Ling(You memang smart de lor :D): Bernicee, hahaha (:

Chua Hui Hua(So sad :O): helloooooooo, i have no idea. :)

Traser Chee(Okay..): idea.

Ng Li Xin(Wow, so close): Hmm, Marianne, or maybe Bernice? :)

Kwan Kit(I don't know his sur name, pai seh): duno..who are you??=.=

Nurul Falena(Heh :P): Helloooooo , I don't know .Who is this ? :))

Marianne Ho(TEEHEE): hello! i've no idea :)

Chay Sin Ting(o.o): Helloooooooo,I don't know who you're. :)

Gabrielle Lee(Hello :]): heyyyy there,i have no idea. :)

The end for that .
Wait, do you think it has part 3?

You asked me how many guys like me.
I wonder.. but probably none. hahaha :)
I also don't know why, but too bad too sad, I was born like that. xD
Thank you for being so important in my life. ♥

So, my year end examination is on 8th November.
Wish my luck, guys and girls. :P

Thank you Stanleigh, for introducing Skype.
Thank you Stanleigh, for using Plurk when I asked to.
Thank you Stanleigh, for telling me that I wasn't being rude to my friends.
Thank you Stanleigh, for everything.

Like finally, I understand what's the meaning of the lyrics of 一个像夏天 一个像秋天.
This song is dedicated to all my true friends, and those who were my best friends.
Lim Jo Ann, Sia Hui Nee, Wong Yen Ni, Neoh Jia Xin, Khor Ye Yun Yet Zhao Wei, Hoh Li Yen, Lee Suet Er, Lee Jing Wei, Ng Siew Chin, Lee Kyleen, Zoe Chin, Norman Leaw, Charmaine and etc.
Edwina, Erica, Michelle. :')

如果不是你 我不會相信 
就算我忙戀愛 把你冷凍結冰 
你也不會恨我 只是罵我幾句
如果不是你 我不會確定 
我的弦外之音 我的有口無心
我離不開 Darling 更離不開你

If you're not my friend, I wouldn't believe that
Friends can be even more dead set than lovers
Even if I'm busy dating, and leave you aside to be a frozen ice
You'll not hate me, you'll scold me by just using few sentences
If you're not my friend, I wouldn't be so sure that
Friends are better listeneners
My implied meaning, and the words I didn't mean to say
I can't leave my darling but I can't bare to leave you too.

(Something like that, hope my English won't be so broken)

你了解我所有得意的東西 才常潑我冷水怕我忘形
你知道我所有丟臉的事情 卻為我的美好形象保密

You know what I was always proud of, so you poured cold water on me 'cause you're afraid that I would carry away
You know all my shameful secrets, but due to protect my good image, you keep them as secrets instead of spreading them.

Siew Chin, I hope you're doing it in that way :)
I promise I won't be angry anymore.
If you're not too overboard. :P

Thank you everyone in this world that appears when I'm alone/depressed. ♥

Posted by Bernice with love.
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