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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: I'm legal, gais.
Monday, September 15, 2014 || 2:01 AM

To drink alcohol, I mean. And my parents are both not obligated to take care of me anymore. Which means, I can be kicked out of the house any second from 13th September onwards. Oh no. How can I live out there alone? I'm still a kid, right? According to everyone I know? Maybe I do act like a kid but I'm pretty mature okeizz. V^.^V

Managed to catch up with these people on Wednesday night! (even before my first semester exam ended!), but I didn't have the pictures until Friday so here you go! Be prepared for a lot of pictures of me and them! (I've become even more vain compared to last time, so)

That was Wednesday night for me. Wanted to try out inside scoop with them but it was closed already at 10pm. Super early right?! Who says you can't eat dessert at midnight. Eh imagine they have a store mainly for desserts past 12am! That would be kewl! (innovative me lai liao)

On Thursday I went to One Utama with my college mates after my last paper! I suck at accounts lololol. Btw that was the first Sushi Zanmai for me. California handrolls are too good who created it omgomgomg. And wasabi is so niceeee. :'D Although I almost cried eating 'cause it's so fun to eat hexhexhex. Anyways, that was also the Maze Runner day. Everyone is so crazy over the MinHo from the movie now. I'm not, so I'm a hipster. #Chey.

Then Friday comes ahhahaha. I'm so perasan actually. I thought going out with them four on Wednesday was them planning a surprise party for me but no. Darn smart you guys. Made me had expectations but then it was just a simple catch up session AHAHA. Anyways I thought my college friends knew when my birthday was but no LOL. They didn't know. So another high expectation (not that I was sad knowing they didn't throw me a surprise party) but Shervyn my close friend from college did remember! Thank God so much for her la. My classmates are mostly all from different religious background but I thank God I have at least a person whom I can share the joy in trusting the Lord Jesus Christ. You know she's like the prettiest girl in class and in college so all the guys are crazy over her, but she still likes that one classmate of ours. LOL. She's so crazy over him also. HAHAHA I don't know what to say. Everyone's around me is in a relationship it feels so weird.

#cheesecake - a term used to describe when someone goes off topic. (I cheesecake a lot with my church friends. We have too much to talk about everytime we catch up :'D) Love them to the moon and back seriously. So it's kinda sad when we have a meeting for a certain agenda but we end up catching up for 2 hours then have to finish discussion within 5 minutes because it's normally already 11pm LOL.

Anyways, FRIDAAAAY. (12/9)
It was also Jo-Ann's birthday I kinda missed her. We used to email each other every week and we shared a blog in case you weren't aware of it. Even if you did, uhm the blog hasn't been updated for years already. It's sad.

Yes, yes, come back to the topic where I went out with my college mates!
Actually really, it was to teman this girl to enjoy her last stay in KL(or rather, PJ). She finished her first semester in KDU but decided to stop the course because she has some other plans for her future. I actually really admire her courage in doing so!

More selfies with my new toy- selfie stick :P

Meet the prettiest girl form my class! :P

Thank you Shervyn for remembering my birthday and came to surprise me with a cake. Can't thank God enough for you. :'D

Shervyn left and so some of us went to the Curve (from One Utama) for Escape Room. Jou and I didn't have to pay because we are September babies. :P 

Farewell, Jou! Although probably gonna meet her next week because of a trip to Muar HAHAHA! (that's if I can get leaves from work. T.T)

Thanks Shervyn for the cake, And Gan, Ludi, Ken and Jou for the album! 

Had a really good day. Thanks guys! :'D

Then at night, Yew Han and friends came to surprise me. Aren't they lovely?

Yup, I was in my pyjamas.

Guess what's inside -____-

Thank you so much girls!

Ultimate organizer didn't get to take a close portrait with me so we went for special- landscape photo :P

Finally met up with Twinnie :'D

Assistant organizer who chose basketball over catching up with me.

Guess I can never repay you girls and you, Yew Han. It's amazing how you all would spend your Friday night to give me a surprise when I'm always so caught up with my church activities and too busy to catch up with you guys. Do know that even when I'm busy, I'm very willing to be there when you girls (and you, Yew Han) need me, okay? Xiexie!

Then Saturday was a very very long day for me 'cause I had to attend Leaders' Retooling in the morning! And guess who got a birthday cake from NextGen?

Thank you Pastor Alex and the other leaders who were willing to give out 20 minutes of their time to celebrate Marn Hoe's and my birthday. (Okay actually Marn Hoe's birthday is end of the month but this huge cake was for September babies so - too bad Luzh wasn't around or else he would be in the picture too!! But we celebrated his birthday during church wide leaders' meeting already so.. too bad lo)

By the way, he's Li Yen's brother and he dances really well ahhahaha!

Then, then we went for lunch (apparently) to celebrate Yennie's birthday (that's what they told me) but the people who appeared were my CG members. -___- what did you expect me to think? Anyways, Yennie was there too, so I think I suspected but I just let it be. Didn't want to think so much hexhex. But I was ultra grateful for each one of them and their intention to just wanna make me feel loved. You guys have truly, succeeded!

Thank you guys for the lunch although it was really really expensive but you guys still decided to pay for me.
Although I insisted not to!! :(

And my reaction when I received my Kendama. (thanks Chee Hong for the video hahah!!)

Thank you guyssssssssss!! :'D

Last but not least, dinner time with the DG and the others! :D :D I've only got a picture of my DG though! To more pictures to come!!

It's 2:00am now and I'm working tomorrow. Will update you guys about that some other time.

Thank you so much to whoever that was involved in any way. UGGGGH WAI YOU GAIS GOTTA BE SO SWEET?! k love you gais I gotta ciao.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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