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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Of accident and them.
Monday, May 12, 2014 || 1:18 AM

I've been wanting to blog since forever, but everytime I went on blogger I got distracted by other tabs while waiting for this to load. hahah, nope it didn't take very long to load so I was just looking for an excuse, but I really did almost change my blogskin. I know. Nearly clicked save but still prefer my current blogskin so I changed my mind.

Anyways, haven't been blogging for months. I've been busy taking naps. I'm not even kidding. All I do is work in the morning, walk Hokkien drama, some random entertainment shows then bathe then sleep. Sometimes I only wash my face and brush my teeth then I collapse liao (ew) - gotta admit that I'm the dirtiest among my family members HAHAHA, apparently mom says my dad is as dirty. Yay we share the same surname and unhygienicism! But honestly lah, I've been trying to change. -___- my future husband will surely despise me for that, even I myself also cannot tahan ahahhaha.

I don't think I ever get bad hair day, at least I don't use that as a hashtag like a lot of girls do, but my hair gets oily very fast, and it's ultra annoying! :( anyone has any idea how to overcome that?

Okay fine, I do have bad hair days.

Anyways, you guys must have been wondering what college I'm getting into and what I've been up to. If I've stopped working or what course I'm taking or when I'm starting college. So many questions to be answered here. (hah, not that anyone reads this anymore but hey.)

I'm going to KDU guys, gonna be studying Foundation in Business like what my mom asked me to. Although previously I was so certain that God might have wanted me to enter a field that has to do with children. I had thoughts like to be Occupational Therapist/Kindergarten teacher. I did personality tests so to ensure that I would do something that fits myself. I was so certain, too certain that I might have been immune to what God was trying to tell me. I got really really stressed out and I even went out during altar call. I cried and cried so much because that lady told me that God told her my Spirit was dry, and it really was. She then asked me to start speaking in tongues. Anyways, after that Li Yen told me that I should just relax and making wrong choices is definitely okay. That God is mighty enough to bring me back to the path He wants me to go.

I prayed and began to feel calmer. I started thinking and thought it was good to go to Help for Foundation in Arts. Thought it would be a wiser choice but the day after I decided I got into accident, on the 17th (Thursday), I was driving to Caleb's for Alpha Meeting. It was the day before good Friday. I was so close to getting depression but I thank God so much for Caryl, she was back in Malaysia for two weeks that time. She was the reason I went to Alpha on Friday. Talking to the people there like Lu-Zhong and Caleb really did cheer me up a lot. They always have the ability to leave me speechless. The way they laughed at me getting into accident lol. Made me think it's not that bad after all. Then I had dinner on Saturday with them, Ashwin, Cheryl, Christi and Chee Hong. They again laughed at me getting into accident lol. And said how I bribed to pass my driving test etc. You may think it's ridiculous that they're saying all these to me but it meant a lot to me. They mean a lot to me. And also my DG leader, Li Yen and DG mate Kyleen, sharing their own accident stories definitely cheered me up. Not that I was happy that they got into accident, but to be able to just share our sad stories in a happy way, I find myself blessed.

Anyways, mom had surgery that day I got into accident so she didn't scold me. Actually that's not why, but she just said that I should be more careful the next time. I was really shocked to be treated that way, since I expected scoldings actually. I felt even worse not getting scolded. :/

Then I thought I would just really, honour my mom, to listen to her suggestion to take up business. After all if I really don't like it then I can switch to some other degree. Let's hope by then I will be more sure what I want to do?

10 sessions of Alpha have ended so we had graduation party last Friday night! BBQ yay. The King Scouts had it all set up nyeheheh. The pros of having King Scouts in the core team! :') I didn't wanna show them how bad I am at setting up fire so I just stood aside hahaha.

I'm blessed to have them, not just them but the whole core team. We've been meeting up at least three times a week I dream about them so often also AHAHAHA. Shhhh!

I cried on a Saturday during celebration. I cried so much. I felt so much of God too. To be able to cry away not having to wear a mask before God is such a joy! :'D

Posted by Bernice with love.
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