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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Rats, and prawns.
Friday, November 1, 2013 || 10:34 PM

I want to rant so badly. I have a neighbour who is so ignorant! How do I even put what I've learned into practice, that is, memupuk semangat kejiranan with them? The worst thing is to know that he's a discipline teacher in BU4.

Okay so here is the story:-
I bet you noticed (if you stalk me on Twitter - not encouraging you to stalk me because if you really do, you'll know that I'm not even on Twitter anymore) that I've been complaining how rats were appearing in my house, be it in the kitchen or outside the compound of my house [halaman rumah]. It annoyed me so much because this only happened when this maid took over. I thought it was her fault, well, I'm not quite a nice person so I blame her about everything bad that's happening (hahaha, I sound so evil, yea, really, I'm not that nice.) BUT SERIOUSLY LAH OH MAI, why on earth that there are more ants when she takes over the job ah? My brother agrees on this matter so it's not just me.

But thank goodness rats aren't appearing in the kitchen anymore or we will all be dead by now because of the diseases rats can bring. RATS ARE THE DIRTIEST, EW. Who even cares that my zodiac is rat. I hate rats but hamsters are a different case, and I'm excluding Zoe's rat. RATS, EW. I'm not even gonna feel sorry for saying it I hope you extinct. ):

anyways back to the story!! The BU4 discipline teacher who's supposed to be all responsible, nice, friendly, evil even, just shouldn't be so ignorant about the cleanliness one supposedly should have! If you've been to my house, and have seen my neighbour's house, his house might look nice with all the green plants he has planted but I tell you honestly that he has never taken care of the plants, PFFT. It's all planted aside and he has never once trimmed them. This has gotten even worse after his renovation of tiles. It might LOOK nicer with those pink tiles he has but really, don't judge a book by its cover because those plants there, although they may look nice (but unorganised, really), I swear you can see rat holes (not singular) in the afternoon. My maid says she's seen different kinds of creatures crawling on the ground. JUST EW, I don't even dare to look.

I've tried to convince my mom not to get so mad over this matter but now I feel my mom so much. I told my mom not to report to the people in charge but now I've changed my mind. I told my mom to just build up fences but the rats are still coming through the gate which is really annoying because the rats have been trying to steal my dogs' food. UGH!! And there will be their poo everyday without fail under my mom's car. If I could kill all the rats in the world I WOULD!! If I could just slap my neighbour in the face I WOULD!!!

The truth is that even after my maid has told him to clean his 'garden' up and EVEN OFFERED TO HELP, he still told my maid he's too busy to do so. How ignorant can he be? Not like we never told them about it, we've tried to hint them but they don't even care plus they build up fences themselves so that the rats won't go into their house instead. -____- What I'm angry about the most is that they had time to put on the net so that the rats won't go into their house but they have no time to clean up the 'garden'. And just decided to use a huge stone to cover one of the rat holes which didn't work because the rats still have other holes.

We will forgive them if this has only happened once BUT NO.

Let's all talk about prawns now?

So I don't know how many years ago we had this open house for my elder brother, or was it for me, I can't remember although my mom has told this story to everyone who comes to visit, and I got annoyed and told my mom not to repeat the story anymore because I swear she has told the story repeatedly for 7000 times, Don't ask me why I chose the figure 7000, because I myself have no idea why.

Okay, so prawns.
The guests we had dropped some prawn shells on the ground unintentionally (outside his house), he got angry and he put the prawn shells outside my house. -_- HOW CHILDISH CAN HE GET? After 20 years he still hasn't had a slight transformation. I would appreciate if he would at least smile at me when I smile at him. I used to want to fix this relationship back because of what I've learned throughout my entire life in school, but now that I think back, I think he has spent a longer time in school than all of us summed up (my brothers and I) have, seriously.

So what now, do I still fix this relationship or not?

I know I should do everything out of love and my little deeds like sharing food might just change his harden heart. Let's see what I will do in the future. Of course, there will still be hope if I just don't give up fixing.

ANYHOO, today's devotion is inspiring! (:

I am exhausted from crying for help; my throat is parched. My eyes are swollen with weeping, waiting for my God to help me. - Psalm 69:3 
"Do you ever feel tired? I mean tired of just trying so hard and yet just moving inches. Maybe you're trying to mend a relationship, advance your career, or just trying to gather yourself emotionally. Despite these valleys in your life, don't give up on hope. This hope is purposefulness of your tribulations that God has planned to produce the most beautiful story about you. Be patient, strong and trust in Him. Do not give up."

One of my guilty pleasures is to be thinking about doing what it seems to be impossible(to me). Mark 9:23 inspired me today. It says:'"Everything is possible for him who believes." It's children's day at my primary school today. I wanted to go back to school and give these to some of the teachers who taught me, but.. Oh well, please remind me to do this for my high school teachers and my primary school teachers too next year on teacher's day, okay? If you want to join me, please do! "Use your imagination and trust in God." But firstly I will need to get some origami papers instead of using kotex ones. -_- 

Posted by Bernice with love.
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