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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Is it right to judge?
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 || 1:08 AM

I just watched a 'testimony' about a Christian with the title of 'How Christianity Led me to Islam'. I gotta be honest that I was initially kinda scared to even spare myself a chance to confront with this kinda religion-related stuff. I never wanna let myself be drifted away because deep down I know what the truth is, but as I encountered what I had encountered just now, really, my faith in God being the Trinity, just, became stronger. Thanks to be God, I prayed before I watched the video, that God would reveal, the truth.

It's sad, it's really sad how a person can be led to what he thinks is true because he thinks he knows a lot about his previous religion. He mentioned how he was a Catholic, from a family who DOES NOT practice it, apparently. Never gone to church except on Easter Sunday and Christmas Day annually. He was from a Catholic primary school, he claimed how he knew what was truth but from what I heard, 17 years of being a Christian, he really doesn't know a lot. I'm really not claiming that I know a lot, in fact, I know very little, very very little (and I wish to learn more about my amazing Lord and Savior) but the reasons of him turning to Islam didn't convince me at all.

Firstly, he didn't know that Jesus was mentioned in the Quran, and he was really amazed by that, that all the prophets in the bible were mentioned in the Quran. That's more like, he didn't really have any conversations with his Muslim friends when he was young, I think. Secondly, he said he decided to open up the bible one day and found out that the bible said Christian men shouldn't shave beard(means to leave beard to grow as it is). Yes, it's stated in the bible in Deuteronomy, but the laws were for Moses's time. Apparently he didn't and maybe still doesn't know why Jesus Christ came to die for us - the old laws for Moses no longer bind us, but we still keep the Ten Commandments.

I, myself was actually not sure about the Ten Commandments. I'm not sure to consider myself as a new believer because I know so little, but I've learned so much from my CG leaders, especially from John. That was really an eye-opening for me. Anyways, click here if you're interested. :)

Thirdly, he claimed that he has lived long enough to be a Christian and knows ALL the ten commandments, well you know what. He said people were worshipping idols and statues, well, I guess some people do, but that doesn't make all the Christians do the same. Fourthly, he said Muslims follow all the laws they were asked to follow, hmm yea I gotta be honest that they do, in fact my Muslim friends do, but for Christians, faith comes first, then deeds. (See James 2) Oh and, we're not bound with laws, because our Savior has taken it all when he was hung on the cross. So it's really all up to us, to fast or not, we're not forced to, because if you have faith, you will eventually fast? I'm not saying that they are forced to, but.. some Muslims really fast sincerely, with faith, strong faith. And I gotta admit that I'm impressed. Some of my Muslim friends are really nice, I can't deny that fact, but that doesn't make me or anyone wants to turn to Islam because of how nice they are. That just doesn't make sense.

Okay, maybe I should be more understanding, because the title of the video is "how Christianity..." not "how Islam..." I thought for a few hours after writing what I've written above and realised I'm a little unreasonable myself, if I wanted to watch then I should have known from the beginning, even before the video starts that he will be giving false teaching about Christianity, or, what he doesn't know about Christianity to claim that he was a Christian and how good Islam is for him to convert, because whatever he says just brings false messages to people and I feel sad. I don't know if I'm feeling the right way.

But anyways, last Saturday's CG was da bomb since there was a discussion about whether primary judgement is a sin. Well there were two sides, it is a sin/it is not. So I've done my researched and I found one really really good one. And it has been explained. I seriously thank God for that.

I gotta keep reminding myself to pray for the truth every time I search for something. Hmm.. so is it right to judge? Click here to check out!

I also need to remind myself to keep going back to the Word and not judge based on what others have experienced. Experiencing yourself definitely makes you wiser, I guess? (I don't think wiser is the right word to describe, I guess experiencing something divine yourself feels much more real?)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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