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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: stalker much?
Saturday, July 27, 2013 || 9:36 PM

Hi, I actually thought of creating a new blog but meh. I'm too lazy to.
I'm too lazy to do anything right now so yea. Just leave me alone.

I should really quit every social network I'm involved in so that I can concentrate on my studies, but I can't bear losing any of them. Boo. I spam my Twitter everyday so I think everyone is annoyed (not really - I don't really care what people think of me now hehe, kinda inconsiderate but who cares)

Did I mention I was obsessed with this guy (although I never wanted to admit it) for a period of time. Yea. That's my life so far.

It all began with this video.

What did I do to deserve this? HAHAHA kidding.
Meh. Actually I was kinda obsessed with that song by Boys Like Girls and I decided to click on covers because I felt sad for Boys Like Girls. They deserve to be more famous but unfortunately that only happened a few years before I really liked them, but it's okay. I shall keep them to myself. And then TADA, i stumbled on to Lawrence's video so.. I started looking out for him because I somehow had an instinct that he could be a Malaysian so MORE REASONS to stalk, no? What more when he actually mentioned that he loves God more than anything else in this world in his description. Loves staying up late and procrastinate a lot- win. Internet addict-I am too. small eyes-I didn't mind, really. YEA MAN. Then my guess was right, he's a Malaysian. How did I find out? I really did my research okay? (I'm glad he kinda reveals everything on Twitter YAY!)

Let me tell you how I did my research.
I began searching for 'Lawrence' on Facebook but unfortunately there are too many Lawrence(s) in this world so I couldn't find him. And *lightbulb-ting* I searched the exact same Youtube name on Twitter and saw a person with that username too - that was the 'delightful' moment when I found out his username was 'Kiing' and didn't know how to pronounce it so I proceeded constantly reading his tweets. I got to know he is from Sibu then, and not to mention he's a pharmacy student studying in UCSI in KL (which lives so near me, but far too because I can't drive yet).. Which reminded me to think about my future. (I wanted to be study pharmacy before I met this guy) so I went to UCSI's website and found out the cost for the course and it's actually cheaper than any other uni which offers Pharmacy in town. (So yea, I thought it was God opening the door for me to pursue Pharmacy 'cause I really wanted to take up Medicine but it's too expensive and mom limited me to take up Pharmacy). -Deng deng, I'm still not quite sure what God wants but I will trust in Him no matter what happens. (I'm praying really, really hard)

So yes, I was really surprised to know that he was going to Famine 30 too. What really happened was.. I swear when I stepped into the stadium gate I gave up looking for him. Okay la, if you count peeping around then I didn't really give up. But honestly after my group leader called me up to tell me we're going in to the stadium already I gave up looking for him. Funny how things only appear when you really give up looking for it. So yes, he appeared when I was about to leave. It was really surprising when one of my friends told me UCSI was coming in from the gate which was nearby us. So of course I wouldn't so stupidly miss the chance so I started looking for him again and I saw him. He was the group leader I guess 'cause he was like almost right in front me me when I turned to look at UCSI campers. I was so amazed at that very moment by what I was actually seeing, but I chickened out when my friends asked me to take a picture with him. I'm glad I did take up the courage to talk to him which I really don't normally do and didn't want to do because I was really nervous. I was so happy, then.

I was even happier when he actually followed me on Twitter that night. You want proof? hahaha, nope cannot show you. HAHAHA. Anyway, I said hi and he replied yay. So we started tweeting each other. Only like 10 until now? Meh. I don't really mind I'm not so obsessed with him already since he said he waned to try Shisha, lol. Way to go. & I realised he's really really mainstream. Y'know, very. Not that I didn't like him already because of that, I'm actually okay with him and would smile when I tweet him because he's kinda cute sometimes LOLOL. Okay lah so now I sound like a creep but who cares anyway.

Oh and I look really awful in that pic ^, no? I actually don't really care also. & if he reads this I'm gonna die because don't I sound like I judged him too much? Sorry for doing so, I didn't mean it okay. Hope you understand. (:

But even so, it's kinda impossible for him to read such a long post. He's a busy guy. boo.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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