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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Why did I join..?
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 || 3:25 PM

Yup what the pictures said.
My last update was almost a month ago! I'm sorry for that. Although I know I said I would try to update frequently, but really.. I guess maybe you should blame twitter for it! I mean, if you really wanna find something to blame at.

Well let's talk about this month. I passed Bio! Oh, such a joy! but I failed Chemistry. 2 more marks to pass, ah close enough!
Anyway, the second week was KRS annual camp and I just wanna share this video with you. (A video I spent so much time on! And I actually liked doing so!) Although after that my eyes were tired (so tired that when I looked at the wall I could still see the white screen appearing.)

It was not bad. 'cause it's not like I did great last year. I don't know what to say about it but we may look united.. I hope in reality we are too. Turned out there were so much conflicts after that. & Kok Xuan hasn't replied anything til now. A week after coming back from his State Camp, STILL NO REPLY. I'm so fed up, actually. I've talked so much, but I still didn't manage to make things better.
Wei Ying still insisted the Post Mortem we had was too serious and she didn't like getting scolded (or rather, being advised.)
I hope everything's gonna turn out be alright after some time.

That was for KRS.

What about others?

Nothing is going well, trust me. It's like when I'm in a team, the team goes DOOOOOOWN.
Let's firstly talk about LEO.
Why did I join LEO?
I wanted to serve the community and God's people, but at the same time have fun. I heard it was fun so I joined. Nope, that wasn't the major reason but yea.. The BODs, NONE OF THEM are doing anything except the Key Officers. Okay, and maybe Jiao Yin who was the OC of MLP2? but the others.. NONE of them. Well, I was in charge of 2 projects last year and I admit they didn't go really well but this year, I don't see any project on progress. Although they said there was gonna be a trip to Genting which was supposedly Gerard's job to plan. He didn't care about Melissa at all. Didn't even attempt to do any single thing, not even calling the Genting Hotel or a bus driver. NOT A SINGLE WORD WAS UTTERED OUT OF HIS MOUTH ABOUT TRIP. Let's go to Wei Xuan. I don't know if he's doing his job but I heard he was working on something. I don't know if things are still going well but yea, I hope something will be done before we step down. Hmm, Chee Kong.. not bad lah. He did the car park painting and it went pretty smoothly. The board isn't updated so as the blog.
Not like I'm saying I did anything but I really should start pushing myself and my assistant to get the fund collected before this month? I should. Ugh. Wish I could be more responsible.

Secondly, Yellow house.
Kinda got forced to handle a post - Secretary.
For that, I feel really sorry for Pn. Teh who does all the job by herself. As a secretary, I should be more responsible, but I don't even go for meetings. I need to be more responsible on that.

Thirdly, CF.
Why did I join CF?
Well, because again! I heard it was fun. It still is. Hmm I've been a Christian for about 3 years already? I accepted Christ into my life in 2009 tho. Was it July? Not very sure. :P
But anyway, it's a joy meeting God who loves us so much!
Hmm I'm not doing a great job also though.. as an assistant activity planner, I haven't been doing a lot. The pond is dirty.
I'm actually pretty willing to do anything for CF.
So I joined choir because there wasn't enough people! (& I was supposed to be in charge but I pushed my responsibility to CF, *feels kinda bad*, but for a person who REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't wanna be in charge of this thing which I was totally clueless about, I still stayed to the end.) Although it hasn't ended yet but it's in a few days time, I hope it all goes well!
Practices didn't go really well because of all the complaints, but I hope after the heart-to-heart talk just now, everyone would feel appreciated and be cooperative.

I need to be more responsible. I really cherish all the experiences I've had! Really really appreciate them. Even though I might have felt really down at times, like in LLC, I thought it was the worst experience but it turned out to be the best out of all. I've gained SO SO much through it. Thank God for everything He has done man!

Hmm, especially for the moment when..

And it is. I'm supposed to be memorising The Lord's prayer now! :)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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