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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: LLC first day
Saturday, December 15, 2012 || 3:29 AM

Hi. Anyeong haseyo. [however you spell it].
Currently, badly being tortured by what you SHOULD have to indicate that you are growing - pimples.
Or just a pimple, a super huge one that evilly decided to take a visit in my nose. Wanted to squeeze it since forever but it's only me, you know, whom will feel the unnecessary pain. Evil pimple. I've never seen anything this evil.

What I've been up to?
City Hunter.
I think it's by far the most amazing Korean Drama, ever. If you prefer a thrilling one, this is it.

Okay if you see this you would probably think it's full of romance but it's seriously not. It only has one kiss in the whole drama, that's what I like about it, at least it didn't end with a kiss again. I hate watching a drama which seems to always have kissing, I find it annoying AHAHHA 'cause I find Breaking Dawn annoying. :D

Oh wait there are two. ._.

after watching City Hunter I feel like I can fight. LOL. I really feel like I can protect myself now but no, hahaha. I've no skills at all.

Yeap, yeap. Lee Min Ho's fighting scenes. I like how this song always appear when he successfully catches someone unrighteous.

And the most touching one goes to Baker King (what my brother says, it's the only one he likes and watched), but for me it's Shining Inheritance. It's more about family, about how a grandma is so disappointed in her own family member and decides to give all her inheritance to an outsider.

It's also because every episode makes me cry like a baby.
First episode is about the girl's dad who died and also uhm her brother went missing.

Hahahaha, those are just my judgement but honestly in my life, I think I've watched less than 20 Korean Dramas. I'm not a K-Pop fan, so..

Anyway I'm supposed to blog about Leo Leadership Camp 2012 so here goes.. The first day! :)

Apparently the first thing we did was to listen to all the rules and regulations set by that place by Abang Zack - the extremely friendly brother whom told me to not EVER call him Tuan. (I'm a KRS so if I call you Tuan you should understand. D: We call even women seniors Tuan. We are non-sexist people ._.)

Only the first hour and everyone was already falling asleep.

But nope it wasn't boring at all. You probably think I'm weird because I like Lion Ivan's gentleness, his speeches make me so awake. They are interesting.

Also probably because I was born without having a chance to see both my grandparents. I like listening to their experiences in life!

Then Lydia, the medic of this camp started 'introducing' us her first aid kit.

Then we started cleaning our dorm. We had all the TamanJaya-ians together in one dorm (for girls) and also all the Assunta-ians in another one. [Taman Sea, Taman Petaling and also Damansara Jaya], all the boys - 9 boys - They gay-ed together at night. AHAHA, I don't know what they did so I assume only la okay. :D

Look what we found outside our dorms! Yeah all our dorms are pretty near, BUT SUPER DUPER FAR AWAY FROM THE CANTEEN AND SECRETARY ROOM. Sigh :( We needed to walk like almost 500m everyday, or more than that. Hmm...

By the way, it's a BIG BIG [nut] beetle, don't you think? :) A very pretty one too!


After that we were separated into two groups.

The red group which later that night, had their group name - Red Bull.
Red symbolises how 'fierce' they can be, Bull symbolises how determined they can be. :] In short, they can be really determined!
They had 19 people.

The Blue team, my group! - Blue Hawk.
Yes! I was the leader of the group and I sincerely felt bad for saying yes. Although we had really really good times together. Because we have - freedom, we search for experiences in life, that's also why we ended up landing in LLC. (still can't believe I thought of that, brilliant Bernice is brilliant.)
We had 18 people. We were supposed to have 19 too! :) But Jeslynn was sick so she wasn't able to attend.

Then we had our Ice Breaking - 30 seconds date. :D
Sounds like Ted and Stella, eh? Except theirs was a two minute date..

My typical hairstyle. So unladylike but I like it. Save troubles. LOL.

Then asking session.

Ju Yee's dream guy should have more piercings than her. :D It's somehow unforgettable. LOL.


My hair IS awesome. TROLOL.

Amazing, but I heard I did it the wrong way, wanted to do again but we had to move on, so.. It was FUN. :D

High Ropes


At night. We were gathered together and we had our flag! YAY.

Our paints!

Headache session.

In the making..
Coshyn is really talented! Really, really very talented!

Azarelle painting the wordings!

Red Bull's :)


I think I shall set a date for day two to be posted up.. 16/12/12, it is, then! :)
To be continued.. see you, folks!


Posted by Bernice with love.
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