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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Thirtieth
Friday, November 30, 2012 || 7:46 PM

K la since it's the last day of November I guess I should at least have an update about myself. To tell you the truth I've become so much darker. I guess I'm currently even darker than the result of my burnt skin I had after the two weeks of hardcore marching. Imagine that okay, I'm darker than THAT.

So people have been saying I'm cute, adorable in Leo Leadership Camp, I guess now they have changed their mind because of my skin colour, oops. My mom said she wouldn't promise to let me go if she knew this would be the 'outcome' of the camp.

Let me just briefly tell you what I've learned about myself, being in a team and also about.. essential living knowledge? Hmm..

What I've learned about myself:
1. I'm a bad leader.
Real bad.
Well I guess I wasn't born to have a leadership skill in me.

Why do I think so?

a. I'm blur.
Yes I am, everyone says so but trust me this really is only one of the reasons. Just because I'm blur I have to listen to instructions for a several times. My mind just can't focus on what people say whenever they speak A LOT, as in A LOT, or not. I will just lose focus and look around then stupidly realising I haven't been concentrating then I will try my best to focus again but I still end up unconsciously repeating the losing-focus steps.

b. I'm an introvert.

Whenever I have something in mind I wouldn't speak up. (Can't believe I always tell Kyleen to speak up but I, myself can't.) I'm too afraid to say something that sounds stupid but whenever I have to, THEY SOUND ABSURD. That's why I prefer to keep my mouth shut because the minute I speak I will regret. -_-

I still have no idea why whenever I say something, they're always wrong; but whenever I shut my mouth up they turn out always will be right.


c. I'm not creative.

Yeah man, I really admire people who have so much ideas in their mind. I think creative minds=master minds. Whatever they say just makes so much sense. In the sense of uhm..because most of the games require thinking.. Just because I'm the leader I need to make decision but I just can't which I don't know why. I think it's because I don't have my own stand, which is bad.

d. I'm slow.

Slow in understanding, digesting whatever people say.

2. I'm cute.

HAHAHA. I know how I don't admit it but everyone says so, so..


3. I'm kinda emotional. LOL.

I cried in front of the crowd because I'm a bad leader so I apologised.

4. But I'm a kinda happy person too.

The way I try my best to entertain each one of my group member even when I'm down. The way I cheer for other team members/ team(without having the kiasu feeling. I'm impressed, LOL.

What I learned being in a team:
1. To trust.

Trust each one of them.

2. Everyone of them has their own yet-to-be discovered talent.

Whether in memorising, remembering, having a creative mind, being a total artsy fella, etc.

3. Teamwork

4. To support everyone in the team.

Whether when they are discouraged, afraid of something, feeling depressed about themselves.. They'll find courage through trust and from supportive teammates.

5. Listen to only one leader.

To avoid causing confusion.

6. Not to put pressure on only a person.

They will be so stressed out, you just won't know if it's not you.

Essential living knowledge like surviving:
1. In the jungle.

What if one day you find yourself being stuck in a jungle? What would you do?

a. Find a stream and follow the stream until you can find a village.. or you may just need a stream to drink water.

b Eat leaves/ fruits from trees by following these steps below:-

First, look around and see if the fruit you've found is eaten by any animal, of course if you ever see monkeys eating them, you will be sure that the fruit is edible.

But if you don't seem to find animals around.. follow these steps below:-
i. place it under your nose to smell it for at least 2 minutes until if you feel the itch that means it's poisonous.
ii. rub it on your thinner parts of skin for about 3 minutes if you feel the itch then you will know if it's edible.
iii. place it under your tongue and leave it for a while. If you don't feel the itch then you're sure that you can eat it.

Make sure the leaves are about 5 feet tall because they are not easily touched by dirty wild land animals.

You just have to keep folding and repeat the steps i have mentioned to ensure if a fruit is poisonous.
i. fold once and place it under your nose.
ii. fold a few more times then rub on your skin.
iii. if it's still fold-able then place it under your tongue to taste it.

2. In the water.
Whenever you are involved with activities that are related to water you MUST wear a life jacket. So that's why if you ever ride on a cruise the first thing you do is to search for life jacket so that you know where they place them.

I've learned to float on the water with the life jacket on. YAY, but I'm still scared, but not so scared.
I've also learned to turn a kayak boat when it overturns. YAY.

3. Above the ground.
Flying fox was so FUN!!! :D Oh uhmm I've learned repeling thingy and safety thingy, how you should put them and stuff.. HOORAY :D

Overall I've experienced SO SO MUCH. RM240 is worth it, really!

But now, sigh, I've to deal with Rumah Hope, which is kinda annoying! I've been dealing with them for almost a month and they still refuse to reply my email etc.. I'm so tired of that. :( Feel like being irresponsible but I can't! SIGH.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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