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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

Click the following links to know more about me!

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Friday, August 24, 2012 || 8:20 PM

Okay I just destroyed my nice blogskin and wasted half a day to make this LOOKS nice but not of a use one. I'm gonna dieee. Monthly test is just around the corner. I'm gonna be dead in a few days time. I've only finished a chapter of Sejarah and am sure I will never pass any of my exams (you know my definition of pass is not merely pass but score at least a B, right?)

So yes, someone please do save me. I had the thought of starting to study since LAST month. Yup, thirty days ago and look what I'm doing now. I've only started everything last week, 1 page a day. I thought it would really keeps the doctor away but even doctors are lack of the knowledge to save me (not power because they don't have the power, they have the knowledge.)

After the 3 days of being killed (3 days of monthly test), I will redesign my blog so don't worry. I shall put a big close down for my blog or something before I get things done ._. but even so, no one would even realise 'cause no one reads my blog anymore, I guess? Since laziness is really overtaking me. I guess you need proof..  I will give you one.

Or two?

Let us make it three proofs.

I woke up at 2 today. 2pm. I guess I'm just gonna be a dead meat. Instead of raw ones.. You get what I mean? HAHAHAH (wait dead meats doesn't mean they are cooked)

I'm kinda dead since SCAS&FT probably won't be a good place for me to do charity work. Due to their place only decides to be a day care centre. :( BUT IT WOULD BE GOOD IF THEY KEEP THE CHILDREN TIL LATE AT NIGHT.


I'm off for dinner buh bye. <^.^>;

Posted by Bernice with love.
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