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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: last Friday night
Saturday, July 14, 2012 || 1:00 AM

Thought of having a post about it since last Friday night. Not about the song TGIF, but guess what? It's something better, even better. (or it's just incomparable).. Anyway, so glad that I'm one of the firsts who watched The Amazing Spiderman. It's really good despite how I didn't really watch the previous ones (I did lah, but on the TV so I was walking around to get food the whole time during the movie when it was being played.)

I thought I was all alone.. (actually I was, you know) I regretted for even being there. It was a youth outing, which we only needed to pay RM5 for dinner and movie. It was so worth it, but so what when I didn't have any friend who went. & then I was like praying and was playing with my phone when I saw Yew Leung. (nyehehee, he's my school cf's president) Other than him, I saw some other SMK Taman SEA people too! And so I wasn't alone anymore. I was so happy for them(for their existence, I meant)! Then I was talking to Li Ren and Li Zhou (two BBSM members) about marching. (it was sports day that day in the morning)

Story time!
I woke up at 4:30 in the morning AUTOMATICALLY, even before my alarm clock buzzes (don't know if that's a right word but yeah. you get what I mean?), I guess I was very excited. But before that I was praying very hard, like *even if we don't win, it'll still be a great experience for us* for both my run and marching. I guess that's the reason why I had peace in me, I didn't really feel sad. (Maybe I did complain, because the judgment was ULTIMATELY unfair).. At least that's what I thought until I saw the video of marching, it was quite kelam-kabut at the end but no one fell down, AT LEAST. Okay, but I didn't really feel sad or cry about it even though I spent all my time every day (40 minutes each day) to walk home from school. Thank God for awesome friends like Siew Chin and Siew Yoong because I got to rest in their house, otherwise my legs will go broken or something because of tiredness. :b

 The run, unfortunately, though unexpectedly I got to the finals but still, 4th place. I guess it's because I had the mindset of not being able to win then I just let my another yellow house runner to win 3rd place. Never knew I could run (not really), but it's a miracle to have gotten 2nd in SARINGAN. :D

End of story.

Anyway, the reason I was so happy and thankful was that ALTHOUGH my CG leader decided to sit with me (since I was alone), we got separated seats. It was quite sad to know that, uh, I got the F-1 (F row first seat) and he got the G-14(G row last seat). Then he decided to change tickets for me so that we could sit together! And then guess what, we got the M-11 and M-12, which was the first row among all the seats, nearest to the theater screen. But before that, I was chit-chatting with Yew Leung about God-knows-what, I can't remember THEN, DENG DENG DENG DENG, I asked him for his seat number and it was M-13 and M-14, he was gonna sit with a person whom he didn't know and took the whole night to reach The Curve.

I was SO HAPPY that time, but at the same time awkward. I mean, imagine it lah k, you sitting with someone so.. NICE and almost PERFECT. (Nope, nope, it's not that I like him or anything, it's just a compliment by every friend of mine and something even funnier is that even Afrina thinks so and describes him as "HOOOOOO"-holy i guess?) It was super awkward whenever there were kissing scenes, really, I mean where else should I look at? At least if I watch my my friends like Kyleen and Zoe or Valerie, I would look at them with the ERR face. LOL. At least there would be something to do during the whole time of, you know, mouth to mouth thing. :/

Don't you think I'm pure-minded now AHAHAHAHA.

more like to tweet* about it? :D but it's true.

This made me smile:-

But let's talk about today? Friday the 13th. Or it was yesterday, if you count mathematically.
So, uh, in the morning I was rushing then I unlocked my door and brought the lock along with me to school. -_- it was so heavy so I decided to put it in my bag. Then my bag (the plastic thing that usually breaks, broke) dropped down (the whole thing) on the road when I was going down from the bus. It was embarrassing but it was okay for me since all I was worried about was if I remembered to close the door. :/ It was horrible so I prayed and YAY, everything went smoothly.

B.A.D too went smoothly. What I didn't expect happened. Both good news and bad news:-
The sketch I selfishly chose (the funny one) made everyone enjoyed their time. I really hope all the boys enjoyed, though :) And so, uh, everyone kinda praised me, as if I'm some kinda drama queen..

Bad news is, the water dispenser I lend in the name of KRS had gone missing. I really wonder who would just take it and leave. And I heard it's expensive. Someone please, return it or tell me if you've seen it. :/ It's written KRS on the cover of the water dispenser. It's such a huge thing, how did it even go missing?! Seriously, I'm starting to think that I'm the most irresponsible person alive!

God, please help me. Please..

Posted by Bernice with love.
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