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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: KRS annual camp 2012 #1
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 || 9:16 PM

Got complained for not having an update about KRS annual camp 2012, because I had an update on CF camp 2012. Anyway anyhow, CF camp 2012 was still way more ..more awesome!

Time-consuming name tag made by our assistant secretary 2012, Zoe Chin.

Due to not knowing what to speak during post morterms (or however you spell it), I gotta leave some awful(or you can call it awesome, too) comments here in this post. I mean I'm really sorry for being such a blur Camp Commander (or Commandant) all along, but I seriously have no idea what to speak to the committees. FAILED.

Anyway, for Zoe,..
Responsibility level : Not bad.
(Shall I, shall I??)
Okay I shall.

Sorry for being so 9-gag addict, but I haven't been going on 9-gag for quite a long time. Ever since all I do after being sick was to sleep, sleep and sleep. To make it sound more ridiculously, I even skipped my precious dinner time to sleep. I was that restless. :/

Anywayyyyy!! Zoe abandoned us for church camp in MBS! I saw her in MBS! She was eating like a mad cow (no.) but hehhehehe! I saw her! I actually suggested a brilliant idea which was to ask her to "stay back" in MBS to join our CF camp, BUT she refused to stay, 'cause obviously the reason was that she didn't like me. :D Just kidding, Zoe if you're reading this 'cause I know you love me, deeply, a little bit shallower than loving Loki.

On the first night! Which was err.. 9/3/2012..
It was quite an awesome night because it was the first time (in my life) not having to sleep.. I mean, for staying up for around 42 hours, except I had a 2 hours nap in the afternoon, on Friday. (I can still remember! Look at the awesome mind I have!)
Anyway, on the first night, it was a crazy awesome yet boring night.
What I mean was, OBH was quite boring (I mean seriously!) but fashion time was like.. BAHHHHH!!! so awesome!
But before everything, we had to get into groups to create group name and group cheer, I assisted a group, which was Bunny Direction (Zheng Yi and Wan Teng's group). It was so awkward I didn't know what to say.
Zheng Yi suggested to have "Retarded Bunny" as our group name (or 'their' group name), but of course it's a no right. Who would disgrace (or discourage) their own group name? I mean, it's not like retarded is a nice word.. (sorry, the word 'retarded')

SEE, how awkward can this group not be?!


This made me realise how important CAMPERS are in a camp. In fact, how important FUN AND SPORTING CAMPERS are in a camp. They are like the centre and highlights of this frigging camp, seriously, without them, camp would be negative lvl 999999 boring.

And the winner was Diana Smajic! YAYYY!! *screams my lungs out*, it was still so hilarious. I love how they don't feel humiliated. LOL!!

(can't believe there's no photo for OBH, but anyway just so you know it was quite horrible)

Our dearrrrrrr president just kinda ruined it by trying her best to snatch the stick from Wan Teng and Zheng Yi. Zheng Yi's hands were both red. Their mood were so bad after that. Sigh. Not that I'm blaming her lah, but she was too playful, tsk tsk.

Second day. Wah it was.. boring at first, and it got more boring.. and TADA barbecue time! :P And then MK was awesome. And then.. it got childish (but FUN)..

Time to get serious by posting SERIOUS photos!

Iktiar Hidup station!

Marching station!

Pertolongan Cemas station! (I bet it was the most boring station :P)

Tali-temali station! (Coolest one? :D)

People smiled too okay!

I guess it's time to get into GAMESSSS, shall we?
Well, they said games were kinda boring for them this year compared to last year... Hmm.. We didn't have enough time to plan.. :( Sorry guys! But I heard food was SO awesome! YAY! Best compliment ever even though we weren't the ones who cooked it!




Water balloon station! (my station, quite boring also hahahah!)

Let's get dirty :P station!

Barbecue time :D MAKAN MAKAN! Committees were dying after preparing this awesome meal for campers! SERIOUSLY!!!


...Campers were preparing for Malam Kebudayaan :D

Meanwhile 2...
PP and KRS were doing this HAHHAH!


Meanwhile 3 :D

MK MK!! It was awesome :D

GamesssssSSS!!! :D -When you walk to your left and you walk to your right, and you walk and you walk and you walk all night, with your heels and your toes and a half round turn, with your heels and your toes, and a NEW FRIEND FOUND!!! :DD

It's the last day of camp! Are you ready?! (Aye,aye, captain!) Rolling time :O :O

Girls can do it too! GO GIRLS :D

The dog bone game!! :D

Okay I shall upload the group photos on Facebook, soon! Actually it should end with that, to look cool. But guess what I'll keep that for the next update! Peace(I just spelled 'peace' peach! -.-) out people! Chillax and shake your legs to wait for more updates!

Oh my gosh, another camp next week!!! Kem Muafakat here I come, you better be good to me. :)


Posted by Bernice with love.
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