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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Penang '12
Saturday, January 28, 2012 || 2:28 AM

I guess it's time to update. I heard my monthly tests will be on February 8th-10th, it means i wont update so often. You do realise I don't really update nowadays right? It's either I'm really busy or lazy. I mean, please, humans need to be lazy sometimes. Okay, that doesn't sound so right. I think being lazy is also one of the sins right?

Anyway, I went to Penang for CNY! I thought it wouldn't be so fun this year, since I didn't really wanna go. Thing is, Edwina and Erica still aren't talking. Sigh, after years of blogging about them not talking, I feel kinda bored talking about it. I can't believe they are so stubborn. The more I want them to talk to each other, the more I think I'm useless. So, I think I shouldn't think about it anymore.

That two persons? Hopeless.

But I'm glad they took good care of their dad. Really glad. His dad is getting better. I still remember last year, he was still lying in a bed, in ICU. It was bad, I guess I will never forget everyone's frowned face. Some cried. It was really one of the saddest moments that has ever happened in my life. How could I ever forget? I was praying so hard. Elaine, my previous CF president, was also praying for my uncle, even Kyleen did. I really thank God for them. And of course, God heard our prayers. Thank God again, my uncle is getting better.

Good thing is, he can recognise everyone of us. He understands what we're talking about. He can drink water. He can.. well.. walk, but he needs someone to support his movements of course.
The negative sides? He's VERY skinny. He can't really eat. He can barely swallow. His left side body is weak. It's hard for him to swallow his saliva, it'll become dry, and he'll get chocked.

Past few weeks, he was coughing so badly that one of his blood cells in his left eye ruptured. Thank God it didn't affect any of his body system.

I hope he'll be fully recovered. Really. If you're reading this, I hope you'll be touched and will spend some of your time praying for my uncle. I just want you to know that I really appreciate your prayers. I guarantee you that God will hear your prayers. Thank you in advance. :)

You must be wondering what I did in Penang for 4 days 3 nights huh? I was supposed to be back on Wednesday but oh well, as usual, delayed. My eldest brother, mom and maid went back earlier, which is on Wednesday night because my mom had to go to work today. She needed a day to rest.

Guess who went to Penang to..

Okay, you probably didn't even guess, right?










I swear everything I ate in that food court was unbelievable awesome. You can never find any place that is better than their food. Well, maybe except asam laksa, which I didn't try (The asam laksa in the road side somewhere in Penang is good. Just that the one my mom always buys in SS2 pasar malam beats it a little.) I'm actually quite confused, do you spell asam laksa as 'assam laksa' in English? What's the difference anyway?

I couldn't quite believe, even the apom in the food court is like heaven. It. really. tastes. very. good.

Actually the best food reward would always go to ..

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Maybe it doesn't look so convincing, but please don't judge a book by its cover (although I always do it). In fact, never judge a food by its look. Furthermore, I'm no a good photographer. Above photographs are taken by a 3.2 megapixel phone camera. Thank you.

By the way, it's called Char Kuey Kak. Best food ever.
One of Edwina's aunts actually sells it in a morning market. If you haven't tasted it, now I'm sorry to tell you this but you've been missing out fun in life. How could you, NEVER, have tasted such an awesome food. Oh, you can get it from ze Thursday SS2 Pasar Malam (I think.) But it won't taste as good as Penang's.

Some pics I took which are located near the food court by a 3.2 megapixel phone camera.

















Time for camwhore pictures. Peekaboo.


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Best game ever ahhahahaha.











That little boy is super cute right? His eyes are definitely NOT asian eyes. :D Future mister Malaysia hahaha!

Guess who.. :D

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I found this when I was doing homework in her room. AHHA, was supposed to do it today. Oh gosh, still have tons to do. ):

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I'm such an awesome hair dresser right. P/s, this girl likes me a lot. :) HEHE.

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THIS GIRL. She used to be so shy when she sees me, but now? Different case, bro. :)

She doesn't feel shy anymore, even to my brothers. Funny thing is that, she loves to play hide and seek with my brothers. And both of my evil brothers.. will act like they're interested in playing. They would say "We count until 100, then we'll go find you." but end up sitting in front of a laptop, and wait for them to come to find them instead. Evil right.

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Time for.. you know what it is.

Camwhore pics! HAHAHAHAH. With kids.


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We are handsome(maybe not HAHAHA) and hyper. 'Nuff said.


Penang views are awesome too. At least it does look awesome from a 17th floor. :D


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I'm glad to say that.. I'm FINALLY done with my long post. Looooooooong post.

A lot of camps coming up this year. GO FOR ALL THE CAMPS!

I bet I haven't wished you guys a..


Now I did. :D Goodbye!

WAIT. Did I mention the real reason I delayed coming back to KL, or rather, PJ?
Guess who watched The Journey 2? :D


Posted by Bernice with love.
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