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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: SKIPPY!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 || 11:25 AM

Above is a part of Xiu Ling's blog.
Fyi, that's a visitor counter, where they count how many people have visited your blog.

The reason I'm showing you this is because my not-so-bestie, Chong Yew Han has been doing it for so long. He's been sitting in front of the computer, in his room, in Czech, refreshing the page, from 300+ visitors until 519(you'll have to refresh 219 times & wait it to load), in order to make her happy when she goes to her blog and sees the visitor counter becomes '520'(which means I love you in Mandarin). But I think I ruined his plan. I visited her blog when he asked me not to. I felt so sorry. His back is aching now. I can't bear to see my not-so-bestie to do this without her knowing. He loves this girl so much. I feel so touched even when I'm only an outsider, or maybe you could say, something like a random lamp beside, watching and supporting them secretly.

So he's been talking to me about how insecure he is in his relationship. I just thought maybe he could spill everything out by himself to her, but all he said to me after that was just : "I think both of us need some time." Yes, it's true that time can heal, that it can make everything to be cooled and chilled, but what if this time it can't? Grab the chance to talk when you're already ready, or not. 'Cause you'll never know when you're ready. Maybe when you're not so pissed anymore? Don't talk about it when you're not in the mood (as in right after the argument). You'll just ruin everything, but chill yourself down as soon as possible and try talking about it to her, 'cause after some time, you'll forget how pissed you were, and then you won't talk about it. Same thing will just happen again. I bet you don't wish it to happen, do you?

I'm just here to tell this girl that, he really loves you. I don't know when he's gonna do anything more stupid than this(it's stupid but yet so sweet). Just that sometimes, he really does get jealous very fast. Which, I think he needs to change. I know that you've your own freedom and all.. but being in a relationship is just different from being a single. Although I've no right to say anything since I'm an outsider, plus I've never been in a relationship before.. Yeah, I may seem busybody, but because both of you are my friends, I really do look forward to that day, when both of you get married, have your own child/children etc. Never had I ever been so supportive towards a relationship before.

Just know that whatever happens in the future, I'll always support your decisions, and that both of you will be my awesome sweethearts forever . :)



Photobucket Photobucket
I went to Petaling Street with my mom yesterday! :D Bought these two pants.. The left one is for Leo Club full attire, it looks like some kind of OL pants. HAHA. Anyway the right one is a pair of skinny jeans, except I don't know if it's counted as jeans.

Total = RM79 :D

Then we went to UO aka Udahhhh Ocean (Idk why my mom calls it that way when it's written there in the website that it's 'Untung Orangramai', but who cares? HAHAHA), but I only took a picture in that place, a random one, because it's meant to be a 'superstore'.

SKIPPY, a good brand. If you put some on Julie biscuits, I tell you, it's like you're in HEAVEN.
My mom wanted to confirm if the ones we bought from Pasar Malam were real, therefore it's in my camera like that.


Then we went to..









Sizzling meats are awesome!


Mom's. :)


Couldn't get it right.


Mine :')

Awesome day because we spent almost RM500 on clothes, RM200 for food (my mom's friend treated us that meal).. Whee, awesome day, awesome food, awesome life!

Oh yeah by the way, it was a sweet day yesterday. ♥. Someone's back and I'm no longer bored.

I'm hungry now, dammit! But still gotta finish blogging about this morning. I went to SK corner with my dad to have our breakfast. Then after that my dad went to work and left me there with Zhan Yeh, Wan Teng & Li Anne. We were having a meeting for the Christmas Caroling event. So I was like forcing them to eat my Brownies. HAHAHAHA. Evil me >:) I don't know why, my Brownies seem to be like so hard after a few days. :/

A lot of people are coming to my house this Friday to practice Christmas songs. Afraid that my house will be too small for them. Sigh, hope they won't mind. YS I NEED YOUR HOUSE FOR A WHILE LOL, LEND ME!!! HAHAHA, just kidding. I sounded like a kid.

I'm in charge of food and am seriously afraid that Auntie Mee Leng wont be around/free to bake cream puffs for me.. ): *PRAYS TO GOD THAT SHE'LL HELP ME/LEO/ORPHANS & SPONSOR A BIT!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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