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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: After being sick... plan.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 || 10:28 AM

I've no idea how to be myself anymore.. Just kidding! :O

No, but seriously, I don't even know how to start blogging anymore.. I practically have forgotten how to actually blog.. Like, omgosh I'm totally clueless. No, I'm so tired, weird, energyless, weird, ugh, energyless, appetiteless, HAH thought of one! Okay I seriously have no idea what I was talking about! Forget it!

So I've been really sick for the past few days! So proud to be sick, NO! It was a very bad experience. It was. I'm surprised I didn't break down because of being sick this time. Being sick and lonely I mean. Break down as in cry. I was really sick and lonely, I WISH I HAD A BOYFRIEND HAHAHA, NO. Actually I'm okay with having 0 boyfriend, it's really better than having 10 in a year, I MEAN I'm NO a slut. I don't get it, seriously. People nowadays. 3 words for you, tsk, tsk and tsk! Okay you must be wondering how sick I was.

1. vomiting 9 times a day. (really, but only that day though, the first day)
2. diarrhea x4.
Thought I was okay after seeing a doctor but vomited after that. (already counted it into the 9 times)
Thought I was okay the next day, but..
3. vomited once because I couldn't stand the too-good-smell of my brother's perfume.
Thought I was okay..
4. Diarrhea the next day.

I practically didn't eat for 2 days and if the weighing machine was right, I've lost 5kg. 5kg, bro! Just because I watched Immortals the day before that. I'm not sure if that was the problem but all I can tell you is that, Immortals is about killing, no I mean, chopping. Chopping off people's head in just a second. I can't stand. And I wasn't supposed to watch since I'm not even 18 yet.. but no obscene scene though.

But maybe that wasn't the reason. Probably not. I seriously regretted to be so freaking greedy on that day. GLUTTONY kills.
So I ate a lot of junks that day.
1. famous amos cookies.
2. dutch lady milk.

1. curry rice.

break time
1. jacker potato chips.
2. Baskin Robbins Ice cream.

break time #2
1.french toast.

normal food you'll have for dinner.

1. popcorn.
2. coke.

Long list. It was the reason I fell sick. One of the food I listed here nearly killed me.
Never will complain I've no food at home. I don't wanna fall sick again.
(what?? I wanted to type : I don't wanna be another victim. LOL)

Anyway, I tried playing Sims 3 yesterday.. It was good until I left it on and went to watch TVB. It made my computer shut off by itself. Freaking annoying computer I'm having here, but I was doing other thing so I didn't get frustrated about it. Same thing happened this morning, I was away to get some food.. and I left it on.. Computer shut off again. Okay.. I promise I'm not gonna touch you anymore. So I've decided! I shall start my HIMYM marathon again! but I'm so dizzy now. Ugh. I shall see. Bye.

Hi, going out tonight YAY.

Oh did I mention, I'm going for church camp. YAYAY. My brother's gonna pay for me ^^. He's so rich now. He was supposed to get 3k salary per week. Yes, 3k a week. 30k 10 weeks. Crazy rich kid. We're going out for dinner tomorrow and he's gonna pay for the dinner.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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