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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Pictures & my-oh-so-weird-feelings.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 || 6:16 PM

Our journey begins! :D (It looks like some kind of edited effect, doesn't it? )

"GIRL" wrapping paper for the birthday girl (:

Trying to be smart :P

I think she's the only one who knows how to play with the cube. 'cause I really have no-eye-deer how to 'fix' it.

The present for Zoe from Fiona and Cheryl (: it's cute isn't it? :D

Ky's and mine! It looks awesome doesn't it?

Aaron's prefect shoes ._. Note that it's prefect, not perfect

People walking REALLY fast.

Erm, Fiona's probably playing with Nicole's bag? :O

Birthday girl!

I only looked like that because the ice cream was dripping onto my pinafore! Look at my sweat from the picture! You can see clearly that its actually PANIC-SWEAT.

Too busy gossiping. Ooops. ^.-*

She was screaming : " SWITCHFOOT ".

YAY :') She loves it.

Kyleen's beautiful art work.


*Eating while reading.

"hmm, how do you open this?"

It was written there : "fruit ♥ you".

Probably enjoying :P

Was going to McD to buy some food.

Cheryl took a picture of Fiona taking a picture.

*secretly holding hands. hmm :P

A huge peach? :O

Clerk 1, doing something.. secretive. I still mind about HIM SAYING HE'S BUSY WHEN HE WAS DOING NOTHING AT ALL. At last we didn't get to take a group picture, because of him!

Gossiping. Tsk tsk :P

Mcshakers! :D

I took this :P

I have no eye deer why she's reading this. HAHAHA :)

My awesome pens! (:

Yes, on a tissue.

And yes, vandalism. We can draw on anything, so beware! :D AND YES, It doesn't belong to us! :D

memorable HOT stuff!

*whispers :" no eye deer".

learn to write! (:



I don't know why but I've this very weird feelings. I always have this kind of feelings, and I've no idea (finally spelled it right) if it's a bad or a good thing. I've been feeling weird, SO weird. Okay, so Jayesslee's concert is around the corner.. It's like 10 days away and I really love them. I've been desiring to meet them in real life. I love Lee Hom, too. I mean, I don't really love him, not as much as I love God. I just have that sudden feeling that.. God is really more important in my life. It's like.. my only idol is God, but why am I being so greedy, loving so many people in my life? Yes, they are talented, but they're not God, and I'm never worshiping them like my God. I like Westlife too. I wanted to go for their concert so badly. I put my hopes too high, I thought I could go to their concert, but unfortunately it didn't come true. I was aiming for Jayesslee's, just somehow feel like, I'm already fortunate enough to have what I'm having now. I really feel greedy, as well as selfish.

Should I go for laser tag?(For Aaron's birthday) To meet Valerie or not?(For her birthday) Or to go for Jayesslee's concert?

Oh God, why do they have to be on the same day?
I should really dump everything for God. I SHOULD.
So yes, I can finally make a decision.
It is to go to church on that day. To meet Valerie and wish her happy birthday.. as well as going to church to worship God. :)

Be a little fan of Jayesslee, I shall! (:


Posted by Bernice with love.
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