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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Tears.
Friday, August 19, 2011 || 10:51 PM

I guess it's destined that whenever I cry when I'm having my dinner, I'll get to drink bitter gourd soup. This time, it kind of reflected the way I felt. It's VERY bitter. I figured that Hot Bitter Gourd soup is way better than the cold one. Remember how I praised bitter gourd soup on that Monday? Well I've changed my mind. It tastes kinda bad.

This time, I cried for a person. Not my mom, it's my freaking brother. I had that 'useless' word in my mind. He's kinda useless. Well to me, I mean how can you fail 3 subjects when you're only taking 4 subjects? You're using our parents' money, HELLO? You graduate a year later IS your problem! But can't you just think about Uncle Hoe? They're almost having financial problem and what the heck are you doing here? Going out all day long? Driving like the world's suckest driver? Talking rubbish to me? Calling me a kid? Well who the heck are you to call me a kid.

I kind of regretted being so nice to you. At least I'm worried about you, you douche head. Mummy has been telling you MILLION times that you SHOULD NOT follow too near to the car in front. Haven't you been listening all the while?! And hello! I WAS IN YOUR CAR. You silly person. You wanna die right? You GO, I don't want to. I still have lotsa things to do. I haven't got the Doctor license, I haven't got to save people. You want to die you go settle it up alone!

So the problem was, why did I even worry about you? I should've known that you wouldn't like it but I still couldn't help it so I said it.. The argument was silly. Why did I even cry for that? I'm obviously the right one for this!

Readers, you must be curious what's actually happening. So I told my brother not to follow the car in front too close. Cause it's like few mm away only, NOT KIDDING, it's uber close. AND HELLO, he just got into an accident less than a month ago. Although it wasn't his fault, but he's still the suckest driver ever existed in my life. But he banged a car few weeks ago, AGAIN. YES AGAIN. slightly. My mom WAS in the car. And all he did was just complaining.. that his brake spoiled. And that we can't blame him for that. HELLOOOOO bro! Your brake spoiled and you still follow so closely. I don't know what your problem is but you're not a good driver. I only mentioned that close thing, I didn't complain about you using the phone right in my face! And that's the limit for me.

What made me cry was. He freaking continued the argument with me! He was like saying, you're not a driver, you don't know about driving. I was like what the hell. (Sorry Father D: I'll try to avoid saying that word) Then I said I'm gonna tell my mom about it. Guess what he asked me?? He asked me how old I am. Of course I said I'm 15. He said, yes, 15, still a kid, still using the tell mummy thing. I WAS LIKE, IS THERE A RULE FOR A 15 YEAR OLD THAT SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL HER MOM ANYTHING ABOUT HER BRO BEING THE WORLD'S SUCKEST DRIVER?! He said no, but still continue with the still a kid thing. So I was like SO?! He then replied STILL A KID LA SO? STILL A KID!

I got really pissed off! Like really. BOOM! Then I left the car to go in to my house. I was talking to my maid, with still a joking tone. Then I walked into the kitchen, prepared to have my dinner, thought of what my brother said, my tears just uncontrollably slid down. I know right. Such a sad life. Cry my whole life. Just for a silly brother. I can't believe I was worried about him. I can't believe I was still being so good that I didn't curse him. You know I can curse anyone by asking a simple question : " have you ever got into an accident? ". Trust me, never let me ask you this. 'cause you'll meet one sooner or later. I wanted to say something like:" next time when you get into an accident, you'll see who's right ".

I mean, am I really wrong to say whatever I've said? I was just being worried. I guess I'm just wrong to worry about the wrong person. Why not just leave this worryness of mine to something/someone worthy?

Posted by Bernice with love.
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