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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: You want my love? :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 || 7:13 PM

That drama is nice. Anyway, I just randomly found it when I typed "wonderful life" for nice images. It was so far, one of my favourite Korean Dramas. Although that drama is like 6 years old? :) I used to like it.. 'cause its SAD :') It's something about, look at the little girl in that picture :) She got leukemia and her parents who accidentally got her were crying like mad :( I kind of forget the story line already D: All I know is it's a nice drama. :D

Wonderful. Life is so wonderful! If only you can stay in your bed every second. Not moving and not getting fat. Just eat and sleep. Life would not be stressful. Maybe, you'll be stressed thinking what you're gonna eat, or when you're gonna wake up. But in 21st century, everything is different. Going to school became a must for every kid. Therefore, life is never going to be wonderful unless holidays come by and say hi. And it never lasts long 'cause I'm such a dumbo who doesn't know how to enjoy holidays. 'Cause I have parents who think I'm still a kid, who probably will be kidnapped by evil kidnappers some day. Well, who knows what will happen? God knows. God.. knows everything. :)

Talking about God.. It reminds me of last Saturday's CG. We were talking about mercy. About compassion. About what we would do if we faced some problems like.. got rob, or some strangers came by and asked for a transport. Yes, really. What would I do? So we were talking.. and it was ultimately fun because I met Sarah, the laugh-er. I mean, she's really kind. She's going to Shanghai next week. Hope she'll enjoy her trip there :D John was there too. It was so freaking awesome :D Also, Jehanne was there, so it's like.. a perfect day. But Kyleen was not there. ): So, Jehanne was asking us if we have faced any problem like friends who owed you money, and didn't seem like they're gonna return you. You just got to forget it (not really, I mean, like.. just let that be) and that, you're being merciful already. And if a friend of yours smoke, and if they asked you for money? You just give them but then what you HAVE to do is tell them what they're doing is wrong. So what I've learned on that day was being merciful is really not that easy. In Christianity, you just gotta be like how God and Jesus showed us. Be like our father, the way he is. It's really hard. Imagine you got rob. You'll just be angry, right? And then Bryan was asking, what if he was being merciful to this person but end up this person were being not merciful to him. Like, for an example, by John, you saw a guy waving his hand and asking for help but when you stopped by, this guy drove your car away. Honestly, what would you do? Yes, you may go report but what if you didn't get to find your car back? Would you swear for that? Or would you just go.. Oh, that guy will definitely get punishment on judgement day, and just move on? Or.. (that made my day) would you wave your hand and wait for a nice car like BMW to stop by so that you can steal his car? HAHA! :) And it just keeps repeating and it will be fun! HAHAHA. Automatically get an upgraded car :) I mean, isn't it funny? :D

Mummy didn't win. Mrs. Malaysia, I mean. But she really appreciates every one of your support. That was the first time she joined this kind of.. competition. Some other people joined like 10 times and finally got to be Mrs. Malaysia. It's really good to try again. Really. Not like there's a rule there saying you can't compete again. Mum, if you wanna join next year. I will definitely be there to support you. But I'm really proud that you won Mrs Most Beautiful Skin :b Good Job mum! But, don't be so nervous, okay? You were so nervous that you speak so softly. I mean, trust me, readers. The other contestants are really.. professional. One of them dance "Nobody" by Wonder Girls!! :O And another one even hired dancers.. And guess what were the songs she used for background music? Something.. by Beyonce (If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like Beyonce for me), "On the floor" by Jennifer Lopez. & "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO! And she's 46 years old. Can't blame her, she's an event/studio organizer or something like that. Mum, I love you! Just saying :)

Is this long enough? I'm like crapping a lot. I gotta stop now. And oh my goodness. Like first time EVER in my life. I joined something for sports day. I don't know what the heck is that that I joined but it's on tomorrow and I'm dead. Some jumping thing. Novette wants me to replace her so I just agreed and I kind of regretted it. 'Cause trust me. I'm no a sporty girl.

Oh my gosh, this Thursday is a day -.- 4 years. I don't know why I still remember that (maybe it's because it's my dad's birthday) even though I know I don't like him anymore, and I know I will never regret for letting this go. :) It's a good improvement, I know. I didn't manage to hold on to this for whole 4 years, but yeah. Still, at least, happy 4 years for being such a good lover. (Not really)

Okay, bye. See ya! :)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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