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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: I do ! I do ! I do ! :p
Monday, April 4, 2011 || 1:59 PM

" 愿上苍赐给他坚强的生命力
让他平安快乐 我相信在我有生之年, 一定可以再遇见他的 " :D

That's so sweet of both of them. Is there any couple in this world who loves each other so much for 5 years and in these 5 years, they pray for each other every single day? :) Uhmm, I wonder. :D
And I? I used to pray for him. :P

Someone says my blog is too emo-ish. So, this is.. something to make my blog get back to.. hyper-ish? LOL. There's something I wish I could say, since so long time ago, jk. (: Well, just gonna tell you this fact that, distant relationship is really hard to.. maintain? :) Is that the right word to use? HAHA. I knew him since .. LOL almost 4 years so I'd say.. I knew him since 4 years ago. Which is since 23rd of June 2007. I know it's kinda weird. You must be wondering how the heck I remember that. But it's my dad's birthday. LOL LOL. So it was, awesome. For the first day! HAHA. At least he was hilarious. Well, he used to. And then, sigh, wonder why he changed. Or maybe he didn't, I just think he did. :D Oh ya, I mentioned distant relationship, well, it's more to friendship, or.. sibling-ship! By distant relationship I mean I didn't see him for like 2 years already. And we don't live like 2km away. We live like 12432453654767km away! I nearly saw him in February, but I really regretted that I went away after that. Seriously, I'd been with him all the time. The day he had few girlfriends at the same time, (I know this is.. -.-) the day he broke up with all of them, the day he had new girlfriend, the day he broke up, uhmm again.. then.. well, until the day he got back with his ex! HAHAHA. That's what I think lah. I'm not really sure if he got back with his ex or not. But who cares anyway, it's all puppy love. Whatapooh, I don't wanna love him anymore. See-raa-ious-ly. Look at me, I'm no longer stupid. :)

CAN I KNOW WHAT'S THE LITTLE BUG CALLED. IT & ITS FRIENDS ARE SO DAMN FREAKIN' ANNOYING. The small little tiny black bug, like fly? May I know? -_______- Oo la la! Nexttt. Well, uhmm what else? LOL yeah this. It's funny how one of my friends really supports me to be with him, but others are all like, GAH why are you so stupid. You shouldn't wait for him. And stuffs. My this friend LOL, we used to be close, 'cause we're like, the shining stars. HAHA, just joking, I think it's because we keep talking about the same particular guys. It's just funny. Maybe in life, there's just something some people can really support what you do, some other people who don't, or some people who don't even care.

KRS camp, you're coming. WHEEEE. Jk. I'm not that excited actually. I sense I'm not going to get enough sleep, like.. how, I'm doing it now! :P

Shizz you, Yew Han. That freakin' not awesome guy Yew Han wants me to sing 3 songs, just to let him agrees to go to KRS camp. It's like it's already so obvious, that, he won't go. Because of that basketball MSSD training. Annoying beeeeeeeetch, (sounds like my name huh?) :D I don't give a damn.

KRS campppppp. No, time's passing too fast -.- Tuition later, pffffffffst.
Nyehehe? Bye.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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