Finally, after.. few months.. This song is finally out! :D
Requested by Kai Sheng. LOL. He's challenging me.
Kiss Goodbye is really a hard song to sing. And Lee Hom is that awesome to sing until so nice. HAHA :) Sorry for the off tune thing. TEEHEE hope you enjoy it. I mean, it sucks, how are you supposed to enjoy it? LOL.
So I just simply sang it LOL 'cause I just recovered from my cough. Ahem ahem. Yes, I had been coughing more than 2 weeks. Suffocated much. :( HAHAHA. :) I'm healed now, thank God. Finally can sing, but it didn't make my singing skills improve. Still sucks. I want to be like my mom! :D
See I'm posing with HER TROPHIES :D

She has tons of trophies. (: You can just come to my house and see them if you don't believe me (:

Non-edited :D
That girl beside him is pretty and cute ahahha :D Jason Chen is so awesome HEHEHE. ♥