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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: take my hand, take a breathe.
Sunday, August 22, 2010 || 12:20 AM

I don't know how to start this but I know I'm gonna blog something really long today! :)
I'm not being bossy, please don't say I am.
Well, this post will be a really emotional post, so it's up to you to read this or X this.
I mean, not really emotional, but you know, tons of 'general principles'. xD

Just gonna tell you how was my day on 20th August.
Don't worry, it wasn't my worst day. I kinda used to it. ;) but I just couldn't take it..
Something like very normal, I cried for nothing, ahahaha.

You know us, normal humans, will always have some stupid thoughts.
We'll think if there's anyone in this world that would care about you..
Okay, don't worry. I can assure you that there's always a person (at least) in this world who actually really cares about you, :) just that you don't know!

We'll think if there's anyone in this world that has already given up on you..
I'm sure that you know some of them who put hopes on you will easily give up on you..
but true friends wont. :')
So, don't be sad when your boss/whoever around you gives up on you, you know you still have your true friends or someone important in your life. ♥
Live for them, live for God!
Last but not least, live for yourself!
Live life wonderfully, of course.
Never give up on yourself, 'cause if you, yourself give up on your own self, how do you expect others to believe you??

We'll think something negatively like when it comes to love/friendship/stuffs, we should let go or shouldn't.
Of course, what I can say is never let go easily.
Even if you failed, just try again.
Just depends on your feelings, let go if you really think you can't bare the situation.
Never let yourself feel exhaust/frustrate. :D
Take a breathe, relax!
Inhale, Exhale!

I guess, the end.
Oh okay, back to the main point!
The reason I cried was because.. something really stupid.
make sure you zip your mouth first.
don't laugh. kill you man!

So, I was at my tuition just now lahh..
Molly! ;D
After tuition, I waited at least forty-five minutes.
I mean, exactly forty-five minutes.
It was like, damn lonely! standing alone..
without my handphone + carry 2 huge bags. :\
No one remembers me!!
Until I waited until I feel like crying my heart out.
Luckily I bring money to school. & I've coins to call my brother.
*phew* I finally memorized his number!
I used public phone to call him,
and what I know was,
what I heard was,
-without a sorry, freaking pissed.- >.< So, my eldest brother came and fetched me home lahh. My brother was planning to take me to dinner straight away. It was like so early. You know my dinner time is normally around 10pm right? D: with pinafore some more?! NO WAY! On the way to his friend's house, he explained why he was late.. He said: I reached home at 6.15pm just now, but then I thought it was too early to fetch you so I decided to play game. I didn't know after playing my game I would forgot to fetch you. So Julian called me at 7pm and told me about you. 'cause you called him right? So, I scolded him and blamed him, HAHAHA! but that's actually my job! Then we both went HAHAHAHHAHA! Suddenly, I had the tears-tears-shoo-away mood! :) Ramadhan foods are awesome! :D Tropicana houses are giant! It's my day! :P Btw, Lee Hom is coming M'sia today! :P 1 Utama 6.00pm! I WANT TO GO! :) The end!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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