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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: July ♥
Friday, July 2, 2010 || 12:21 AM

1st of July.

Happy belated Birthday, birthday girl. I hope you'll be satisfied when you see this. ♥
I hope you'll get your C, soon, forever. WOOHOO! (who's the guy you told me that time? the one you told me he's your type, damn, I forget his name!)
I hope you'll be healthy every moment, so sicknesses SHOO SHOO SHOO!
I hope... you like my voice just now, wei yi, gai bian zi ji, kiss goodbye by Lee Hom. Woohoo! (Although I know it's so so nice) :D
I hope WE get to see Aaron Yan one day. :P
I hope your sims or their babies won't die so fast. :)
Nahh, happy birthday. I wanted to spray you, but it's raining, plus, you know I care you much, I scared you fall sick. ♥ (You know larh, I damn kind.)
& stop pointing out his ex-girlfriend to me. You know I'll get jealous, erherm. :) (I hope you're not reading this, since you are a famous-lazy dumb dumb! well, just like me xD)
I hope WE will be meeting Jo-Ann soon, since, we haven't been seeing her for so long. (half year. :P)
I hope you'll update Jo-Ann and my blog. Lazy dumb dumb! (:
I gotta tell you something...


weeeeeeeee! Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. ♥
I'll be getting Daniel Yoong's album tomorrow, I'm so damn nervous now, I wish there's somebody there tomorrow to teman me. xD
The day after tomorrow? Guess what? iPhone and Japanese food I'm coming.
You finally found a way to contact me. ♥ thanks.
Quick quick, ask the repairman repairs your phone faster. At least a bit faster than faster. :O

June 2010 is really a bad month. Seriously, I heard a lot of death news by quite a lot of people.
You know, that Korean drama's main actor, Piao Long He, passed away yesterday morning. :(
Drama: Dong Ji Lian Ge.
I'm seriously shocked! He's damn handsome some more. Why on Earth was he thinking when he planned to suicide? Damn, you leave us. :'(
My mother's friends. Yea. One bone cancer and another one passed away while doing Yoga.
Rest In Peace!

Oh damn, my blog post is getting scarier. Gonna change topic!

Let's talk about my emo stuff first. I don't want sad ending, I want happy ending. So, Emo first :D
Same guy, freaking made me cry over and over again. (you would probably think it's my him. No. although he's a he but he's not my he. he was my friend.)
Well! Story starts.
I've blogged about this guy like one month ago. Hmm, he's a great friend. :D But my family members don't like me talking to him, that's right. DO NOT LET.
So, haha, he's my friend, why not just talk, talking is a friendly act. I thought everything would be okay if I'm careful, but I just can't lie. :\
My mom had asked me:" Did you contact him after that?"
Of course I answered no. (Well, after that -after my mom asked me, I totally ignored him)
I just wanna let you know. You are a great friend! Please. Don't hate me! Never. I know I'm rude. And you said you understand. So, let us be stranger! :| better than live life scarily. You are my part of memories, I'll never forget them, of course. Even if I lost my memories. (hope it won't happen larh) You should be like o_o, you said we're be stranger, then why am I part of your memories? Just take it as different stuff, then. :D I guess this is the happy ending, but your "I already knew" freaking made me cried. & I didn't know you will delete me as your friend. I won't say sorry to you, 'cause sorry no cure! You were my pet brother (well, I have tons of that) we shared our happiness, sadness and even secrets! (maybe, not all.) But still my last wish to you, Good luck in everything. I know you believe in God too! ROTTEN TO THE CORE! Goodbye!
(Pretty hope this guy won't see this, I bet he deleted my blog link, hehe)

I guess I'm LOA. (maybe) Just to express my feelings, I posted everything on Facebook. I didn't know it would turned out to be like that. Why on Earth Hann Jian went to tag Daniel on my edited photo? Finee. Forget about it. :\
Tomorrow is the day. ♥

Today, Kyleen and I, due to teacher, she asked us(whole class larh!) to write an essay (dialogue) - about favourite idol! WOOHOO! Guess who we wrote about? (I'm not copying hers, we are in a group, and she wrote everything herself, 'cause you know, her English damn geng), Daniel Yoong!! 'Cause Kyleen knows Daniel Yoong, at least, she knows him, due to they're ..... (:
SECRET larh! Why should I tell you?!

Seccerthon 3 2010 sucks! Damn it, PIBG is sucking our money! Wth?! The card worth fifty bucks?! I told my mom, my mom was like, GIVE YOUR DAD 1st. :O Chillax! I just wanted to tell you what's SMK TAMAN S.E.A about. :D
I don't want to kick the ball, I don't want Jersey. -.- I know you want, Savaraj Pillai.

Nahh!! I hate today. (well, tears dropped automatically, Samantha told me it's normal. What again? To wash the dirts away or something? Eye ball hurts!) Thanks to who? Savaraj Pillai the class monitor and Ng Wei Xuan the prefect! They stupid lame asses la! Throw pencil box in the class. It's before maths, 'cause I didn't concentrate, Puan Sarwana was teaching and I took centuries to wait my eye from recovery.
*Story begins.
I walked to the windows with Kyleen, you know right side. Down there, can see the field. Yeah! We were standing there watching something. I think long hump or something. I was just being so 8 :O, wanted to see what's happening outside there. (so innocent, right? :O)
Then, I was off to be 8. Hmm, then I was back to my place. You know my place. behind there. last row. -.- I'm sitting with Kyleen! :D Kyleen was still standing there watching the something.
Nahh, I was preparing to sit down, & 'pompp!" Something knocked my eye. Damn it, left eye. You know I have this big-small-eyes problem, Left eye smaller, Right eye bigger. Left eye kena then it would be smaller than that smaller FOR SURE right? Seriously, they should have throw to my right eye. (well, of course. the best is don't kena! -.-') But, how lucky, Left eye. My tears... dropped, keep on dropping. Non-stop. Everyone was asking, ARE YOU OKAY?! (not everyone. Some were just sitting down watching what's happening just like I was standing there watching what's happening outside there :| Example: Siew Chin =.-' Then of course, Samantha came. :D & that stupid Savaraj didn't say sorry to me by that time. He kept saying, NOT MY FAULT, IT'S WEI XUAN'S FAULT, HE DIDN'T CATCH IT. I was like, wtheck? Vayshant's the head prefect so childish?! (I heard Vayshant, duhh, so, I don't care. I was tryesing my best to let my tears to clear off whatsoever dusts.) But then, Savaraj said sorry to me after I recovered. I'm not sure if Wei Xuan did or did not. So, should I say thanks? that I finally can wink my left eye? :O Hooray?

I'm going to school early tomorrow. YAY, Daniel Yoong! Good night. :P

Posted by Bernice with love.
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