by Bernice Chee again.
Hehe! location in China, again! :)
oops, that girl's naked =.=
yay, you finally online and tell me you've moved!
I really miss you!
Okay, whatever, continue!
Cik Ser Wan Yin,
I still respect you, at least I added a Cik!
HAHA, I have a good mood to sing you :)
I heard you didn't wear _ _ _ wor, really arr?
(aww, i'm so bad) =(
Today you didn't know the situation, you came and scolded me then you complained to my teacher.
'cause my class split into 2 lines. okay, 1 line walk down there 1 line walk pejabat there to go science laboratory. okay, pejabat that line was my monitor's line, which is she asked my line to go 1st. 'cause she wanted to close the grille, (some of her friends stay there with her and waited her) so the actual line was my line. that's why we splited to 2 lines. that stupid teacher scolded me but she didn't know what's going on! then she go science lab to complain, blablabla! then we kena scolded by our class teacher, of course! I felt so sorry to my teacher :x damn hate the teacher now !!
damn it!!
It's not my fault right?!!?
Who agrees with me?
Just stand in my position and view the world outside there.
See who's right.
Cik Shaiha, sorry, you had to receive so many complains just because our 'dear' noisy edwin. and that stupid chau kia yong heng - say my name not nice la? you better watch out.
I feel like saying sorry to cik shaiha but thanks to siew chin, scared to say sorry. :x
good luck for tomorrow photography day for KRS, PBSM, Rumah and Clubs. :)