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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Anthem Lights & Peer Pressure.
Thursday, November 20, 2014 || 12:42 AM

Did I did I did I did I tell you guys that..

I found out about Anthem Lights and I like them? HAHAHA but too bad all of them are married! (Not that I thought of being one of their wives but..) HERE YOU GO. ANTHEM LIGHTS!

And one of them is ultra hot HAHAHA! And when he sings he's so hot also BAHAHAHA. I a bit siao now.

Actually honestly I don't think I'm the type who would scream when I see hot guys. Maybe I used to be like that, especially when my life direction was.. nothing, it wasn't to worship the Almighty/ to live for Him and in Him or anything like that. I think I used to stalk guys with my friend, Zoe when I was thirteen. HAHA, "when I was thirteen I had my first love"[baby - J. Bieber lyrics], it seems now like when you're thirteen you do all the weirdest stuff. Not that having his first love when he was thirteen is weird. But how does a thirteen year old define love, anyways?

How do you?

Going back to stalking guys, I think we weren't very creepy. We didn't follow them to the gents or did anything else that you may think is creepy. We were just teenagers looking for people who looked like my ex(crush) then somehow started to look out for good looking form two guys and labelled them as One Two Three Four Five Six. Now thinking of it, I don't remember who they are anymore HAHAH! The only thing I remember is that One looked a lot like my ex(crush) and Two looked like One. HAHAHA, some good memories there maaaan!

Okay maybe my memory is not that bad lah. I can still remember One and Two. Not the others though! I really don't. Meh, don't care~

Anyways ah, my life has been so busy since Semester Two started. It's so sad. I don't think I had a day off from everything. It's been too long! My Saturday mornings and Sundays that were meant for resting have been replaced by working. It's really sad how coming home means rushing assignment deadlines and completing homework. Hardly get to slack, even if I get to, I selfie. I know, I know. What to do man? Selfie is a frigging disease. I tried fasting it before okay! And that week was the most productive week in my life, no kidding!

I still wanna watch the movie, The Song badly lah! The Song's the song is so nice right? *mindblown* Yes, the song title is the song, the movie is also called the song! :O

Sorry I just cheesecake-d a bit!
If you actually are a regular reader, you would know what 'cheesecake' means. If you don't know then you ask the other readers or ask me lah kays. (I doubt there's even an alive human reading this but still)

I shouldn't actually be blogging since I have to start studying! Exams are in about two weeks! Armagaaaardddd. The stress. And I have so many things left undone! Presentation tomorrow. And truth is I just finished one a few days ago. D: And it didn't go that well. Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow!

I've been wishing to drive and wanting to get a car, a guitar and am actually waiting for my brother to get a new phone so I can "inherit" his S4! Half a year to go, YAY!! It gets kinda stressful to see everyone around me drive except myself. Some more I'm one of the earliest to get my P license! But they have instead, been fetching me around. It's really not that I don't wanna drive but I don't have a car!! I've been asking for one but at the same time I feel so bad. I don't get why the generation today demands every eighteen year old to drive!! It's like you're out of the norm and "rejected-ish" if you don't drive! Do you feel me? I'm not that rich sigh. If only I could afford my own car! (Which I think I will have to wait for a few years lah!), Definitely peer pressure and I'm really tired of waiting for transports that sometimes require me to wait for hours! Sigh, but all in all, I should still learn to be patient and grateful!

I do ask God for these things, but I know God knows best. He knows my real motive which I don't think I myself am very clear of. So really, my situation now is, demanding yet don't want to. That battle in me, uh oh!

A guitar because my guitar is kinda broken and it's quite old! It's actually sad you know.. I've been playing for years now but it's broken once it's passed down to me! Need a new one that sounds nicer! But I need to first learn how to take care of my belongings right? ;'( (you know I nearly forgot about my Mac in college!! And I already did forget my phone and left it somewhere in college for hours! I'm just really thankful that it didn't go missing.. ._.

^ Just a song that is kinda encouraging. I don't think a lot of people even think of looking for all those qualities mentioned in the song nowadays. Maybe it's because I don't look that pretty it makes me realise (or self-comfort) that looks can be deceiving and fleeting. But I shouldn't think that way right? Not all pretty girls behave badly! There are good ones too! HAHAH! But honestly and genuinely, I don't think anyone around me looks horrible!

So yea! I haven't seen any la! But I'm sure you who are reading this are beautiful in your own way so it's okay if you don't think you look pretty! We can look normal but we just do our best in being the best we can be, alright?? :)

I think I've told too much crap I need to stop so ciao loves! God bless and don't forget that God loves you k!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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