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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: Fab Feb
Thursday, February 27, 2014 || 11:44 PM

What have I been up to, really?

I can't even remember what I blogged about last month. So I'm sorry if I will be repeating myself here. You can actually follow my Twitter(which I'm also not using it as often as I was anymore), but still, there's like a conclusion of the day thingy going on so it's still not as bad, at least you'll get to know what I'm up to from there(not entirely though) - but still not as bad HAHAHA funny how I'm promoting my twitter account but it's private. I don't see it a must to be private-d anymore, why did I private it in the first place? I should be privating my blog instead. Silly me!

Anyway, if you didn't already know, both my dogs Grumpy and Brownie have gone missing. I was so much more sad when I knew grumpy went missing. Where has he been, why did he leave, not a single person knows. It's really very sad because he's always been there for me although I am a really bad owner sigh. I wish I'd treated him better but what's the point to be even saying this, it's too late to apologize, it's too late. Now that he's gone, we only start missing him like a mad dog I'm not even kidding.

Brownie and Grumpy have gone missing. We certainly can't take not hearing dogs barking. We went to paws to look for Grumpy, but he wasn't there. Then Diane saw this dog (puppy actually) who appeared to be really friendly - the dog whom we have now called Gummy - he's not as friendly now. He was acting all along! He's so good at it!!

I would like to talk about my CG??

Caryl left. Grace and Joan joined. Can you imagine me thinking Joan was my ex's ex/ friend but she's actually my classmate in standard 5. That's like the most awkward thing 'cause I publicly announced that I've seen her somewhere in Yukchai but she was the one who sat all the way at the back back then. *shys away* Also, Mann, Fiona and Sean came back to CG. Although the main reason was because of Sarah but I was really glad that they joined us last Sat. After all it was the last CG before Youth Alpha starts (so soon, it's gonna start tomorrow).. Really hope God's presence will be felt and if things go well, all glory to God. I'm sure it will be a great experience for all. The Core team has really been working hard for it. Let's just be reminded that we're doing it for God and His people not by our own world wisdom and strength but by His.

I've also done my DISC test. I'm naturally an 100% S(teady) -.- and my sub personality is C(ompliance). If you're interested in finding out more about yourself do spend time doing this test: then click young adults. It's pretty accurate! ;)

I've been riding the LRT everyday and undoubtedly have met a few people whom I know like Jason Teoh (today), Emir(Amar's bro) & his cousin, a senior from SMKTS(last Friday), Zhe Yon, etc.
That isn't all. One black guy decided to talk to me today. His name is Ismarit (idk how to spell). I was kinda shocked but he was asking me the way to Lincoln college. I was really really praying hard that I wouldn't get kidnapped in return for helping him. I then started to do my part to show him love, since he's a foreigner. It got a little bit weird when our conversation went on about crime scenes in PJ. I was thinking to myself what if I soon gonna become one of the victims. I admit that I was stereotyping, but I was really trying my best to not think that way. Since I was gonna meet Thiam Joo later on I thought it would be better for me to at least tell TJ what I was gonna be up to - walk that guy to Lincoln college. - I MADE IT SAFELY BACK TO THE STATION I WAS REJOICING. Don't know if I was being too obvious that I was trying to stay as far as I could from him... but I thought of buying him an egg tart. I hope he loved it. D; at least thankfully I'm safe and sound guys. & helping a foreigner definitely was a rollercoaster ride for me but it made my day after it's done. Had the opportunity to tell him that there's a church in Lincoln building which I often attend to too. :)

Then I went to OU with TJ and saw my brother hiding behind his gf. -_- I swear nothing is going on between TJ and I so please. I will be in a big trouble if you guys think it this way, cause firstly, he's not available la com'on and secondly, I'm not even interested in being involved in this kinda thing. We had work to do and that's all I can say. Although it's undeniable that I had once thought he was cute in primary school hahaha (started to check out guys during then pfft such a bodoh right), I mean that was then. I don't know why I'm confessing this but I'm just saying this so that no one will misunderstand.
I also found out that my ex(crush) just had a girlfriend and didn't bother telling me. I'm gonna see him tomorrow see how I beres him weih.

Let's get to my working life. I'm getting used to my job but that kid has been bullying me by kicking, hitting, biting, knocking(with head), pinching etc. Just whatever you method you can think of to bully a person. I thank God it's only 3 hours of that per day.

I've been learning how to drive too but I'm really suck at it. Boo :'(

That's all for today lah. Hahah goodnight ;)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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