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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: #301
Thursday, February 24, 2011 || 7:42 PM

Just one text. A simple text. Hi. Two letters, such a simple meaning. But then that one text, leads to another text. Pretty soon, nightly phone calls are a necessary habit. Phone calls die out, and you're meeting up at the local frozen yogurt or smoothie place, hanging out. Hang out after hang out, a kiss appears. Kissing leads to hand holding, and soon your relationship status changes to taken. Year after year, "I like you" is changed to "I love you". And then that one day will come, that one date that will change your life forever. The one date, where, the "I love you" changes to "I do.." A two letter text, changed to a two word phrase. A text, that changed someones life forever.

It has been exactly a week since my last update. Miss me?
I was not really in the mood this whole week since someone didn't talk to me.
For so long.
And finally cares about me after.. so long -.-
And guess what, end up knowing that I'm no longer important in his life anymore.
I don't know what's wrong.
I wish I knew.
I really don't know if I should be proud or shame that I'm still holding on until now, although I told him I wanted to let him go. It's all lies. I bet I'm gonna like him another 4 years. It's gonna be 8 years omg. Suddenly feel that I'm stupid to hold on, but really, should I just let go, and let both of us not to be so awkward or.. what?

I know he wouldn't like me again.
He never will.


4 months to Trials. OMGOSH. Kill me! Please!

“‘What if “fine” isn’t good enough? What if I want “extraordinary?”’
‘No such thing.’”

"It takes a lot of strength to hold on, but sometimes it takes much more strength to just let go and move on."

So true :')

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Attention guys! :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011 || 7:17 PM


"It because she’s tired of always being the first to make conversation. She’s tired of always being the first one to hit you up. Sometimes, it’d be nice if you were the first to just text/call/IM/message her. Anything really. After a while of always being the first one to do it, she tends to feel as if she’s being annoying. She has no intention of being annoying towards you. She just likes your company and wants to talk to you but if it seems like she’s being annoying — eventually, she’s gonna stop trying to talk to you. She’s going to give you your space because she thinks that’s what you want from her. And now that she’s done hitting you up, you wonder why she doesn’t. Just hit her up. It’d really mean something. It literally takes seconds to text: “Hey! How are you?” That’s all you need to do. Next time you wonder why that person who used to talk to you all the time stopped talking to you, take a second to think why it happened."

Oh my gosh. So true :(
Ah, I hope you're reading this.
But it's impossible.
'Cause it's the end of our relationship.
And friendship.
I think.
For boys! Ahaha, you know what to do now, right? :)


Sometimes we just have to let go of someone who matters to us not because we want to but because we have to, because it’s the right thing to do..

Let us remember that we can’t force anyone to love us.

We can’t beg someone to stay when he/she wants to leave and be with someone else. This is what LOVE is all about. However, the end of love is not the end of life. It should be the beginning of understanding that LOVE LEAVES FOR A REASON, BUT NEVER LEAVES WITHOUT A LESSON.


for more ? :)
here :

really love her blog :D

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: What a valentine's day..
Tuesday, February 15, 2011 || 12:21 AM

I know this wouldn't work, but I was hoping so hardly that maybe this will happen one day. But truth told me it won't. It will never. ever, going to happen.

He never liked me. He never loved me. He will never going to.

Well fine, the truth is, maybe I gave him too much pressure. UGH. I hate myself now.

*inhale exhale*

Wasted my tears again. Zzzzzzzz. Good night.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Sigh....
Sunday, February 13, 2011 || 5:06 PM

I have this indescribably mood now. Sigh, girls are really weird. It has nothing to do with me, why should I jealous. Yeah why? :( Just don't feel like smiling, although I'm trying too. I don't know, I'm so weird! :O
She is pretty. She is tall! She suits him better than I do. But they broke up, and I don't even know why they did and how did it happen. Maybe he still loves her D: I will never know.
So yeah, tomorrow is Valentine's day. I'm just hoping that the plan wont fail! But I got a feeling that I'm gonna be disappointed tomorrow. So insecure. I'm so unreasonable. So bad. I'm not good.
Introducing pretty girls to him just as Jing Wei says he will fall in love with Suet Mun if I show him her facebook page. Ahhh :'(
I'm so sad! Starting to think that I'm not pretty. I've no faith, at all! I am so weak! :(

I don't wanna complain. Shall off to jog with my maid.
Boo, this mood really makes me feel like a lazy bump. So lazy to do everything. To go jogging.
My maid wants to, so I must follow. D:
She chose the wrong day to jog with me. I'm so crazy. I'm in this bad mood for no reason. :(

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: awesome God!
Thursday, February 10, 2011 || 7:21 PM


I want to smile, just let me be.


He's finally conscious! He's got response!

I want to praise you Lord. I want to thank You! You're the the best! ♥


Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Mixtures , mix mix mix .
|| 2:39 PM

Happy birthday to my dear,
Siew Chin!! :D
Happy sweet fifteen.
You're an awesome good friend. :)
You're a genius.
And you're extremely kind.
Don't be so mean to me already.
You must love me okayy. HAHAHA. :D
No vulgars.
Sleep earlier.
Okay? :)

Oh ya, btw, nice sweet 15th birthday picture for you, Steph :P

Phone credit is killing me, seriously.
It's not because of the internet thing or whatever.
But it's because I text him way too much :)
I feel happy but I've to sacrifice, sigh.
Just hope that my mom wouldn't notice or ask me about my credit.

*LOL at the picture!*
Few days to valentine's day!
Anyone's celebrating? :)
Enjoy with your valentine :D
God bless you guys.
A purple rose for you guys! :D

Uncle Hoe gets better, a bit.
He opened his eyes a little bit.
And moved his fingers a little bit.
Awesome, I believe he'll get better.
Even better.
Better than better.
God bless you, uncle hoe! :D

(The only pictures on Facebook of them, when they were still talking to each other)
I wish they would talk to each other since last last 2 years. -.-
But my wish didn't come true.
Maybe it's not time yet.
Both of them are not mature enough.
They'll know that one day, they need each other.
Edwina,mind me to say that you're not mature enough to not talk to your sister.
No matter how bad she is, you are still her elder sister.
She needs someone to teach her how to respect elders.
But you, just stay silent and say she's not mature enough.
If you're mature enough, you wouldn't say you don't trust her.
If you didn't try to avoid her, you wouldn't say you'll wait until she learns how to talk to mom nicely.
She's the youngest, and she's immature.
Maybe it's because of her friends. Her friends aren't mature, that's why she's not too.
I'm not saying that I am mature. But at least I know what's right.
So you want your mom to cry, until Erica learns the lesson?
You want your mom to cry, until you talk to Erica because she's rude now.
If she doesn't change, you won't talk to her, and you'll let your mom to cry forever for both of you? Please don't avoid responsibilities, you're the elder one, you should try to talk to your sister, try harder. Failed once? Try second time, fail again? Then try again. No one says you failed once you'll fail forever. Right?
I really hope you can consider.
Maybe I've no right to say all these.
But I really hope you understand. You're the best cousin.
And I want you to be the best of the best!

promise me, talk to her, okay? :)

*smiles broadly*
I have huge eyes in this picture! :D
Jo is so hot in this pic :P
Jo Ann! I miss you! How have you been? :)
I almost forgotten about your blog!
I just read it. Sorry :(
Happy Chinese New Year!
We did the same thing!
We ditched our shared blog! HAHA :)
I hope you're reading this. ♥

Bye! Gotta go! Just some random stories about me.
Mixtures, mix mix mix. :D

Oh, wait! :D Here's a picture!
Jo Ann's hand and my hand formed a nice love shape huh?
Credits to me.
I changed my formspring picture to this.
And I change my formspring url too :)
It's .
Feel free to ask, tell me something? :D
With lovessss.
Burn the ice. :) -Bernice.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: :/
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 || 10:15 AM

Siew Chin, second falsafah for you. Please sleep earlier.
See, I'm so kind la. I blog this just to give you 2nd falsafah. Muahaha.

I don't know what to say. But tumblr is so scary.
I just posted a morning post and there's a guy asked me to post my picture of how I look today.
He's from England & he's creepy. Ishhhh :/
And I said I'll post it up later, not now.
It's really creepy to chat with a GUY who wrote there in his tumblr that he likes to s_x. You know. He's so sick. Gosh. Help.
I'm just fifteen. Leave me alone. I'd rather be les -.-
Seriously, in my thoughts, girls are forever better than guys. Except, you know who ahaha :)

Okay, get out from this. It's sick.
I'm reading vanished written by Meg Cabot, it's so awesome. :)
And addictive. Just can't stop reading. I wanted to at least touch my homework but failed. Sigh.

My phone or digi really tilt my life. I checked my balance the day before yesterday it was RM28. Yesterday was RM24 and then RM20 and then RM16 and then back to RM20 and then RM23. Omgosh, what's wrong? And then that hit RM1 digi call plan texted me and told me I actually hit RM1. And I didn't really use my phone yesterday, except, well, sms Edwina (fnf) and downloaded some applications for blackberry :/ Which they were : Facebook, Twitter, some games like hangman and tetris, facebook chat, dictionary and holy bible. I can finally get in to that holy bible thing but I'm afraid it will charge me or stuff so I didn't really use it. Also, games can work, and maybe dictionary can work too. But Twitter and Facebook just.. don't seem to work where it says 'You are currently on a service plan that does not support this application if you want to use this application please contact your service provider to upgrade your data plan'. Seriously. What on Earth is that? I'm using my wifi, does it even related to my service provider thingy? Help me, man. :/ My brother had no idea, too. La. la. la. D: And oh ya, this early morning which is 3 o'clock midnight. I was asleep. I just put my phone aside. Guess what? This morning I checked my phone and I received 3 messages. Which were from the digi hit RM1 call plan thing. I didn't even use my phone and they charged me. :/

I'm so dead. :(

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Roses for rose :)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 || 11:33 AM

It's a touching story, isn't it?
I found this from tumblr.
:'D much?

Uncle hoe is getting better. Elaine is so awesome, she's really kind and friendly. :)
Thank you, Elaine.
Uhmm, what else? Okay, photos.
Became a cam-whore freak again D:
Monthly tests in a week.
Form 1 chapter 1, chapter 2.
Form 2 chapter 1, chapter 2.
Form 3 chapter 1, chapter 2!
Shoot me.
Angsana class can make you die. :O
But I guess it's a good thing, teacher's trying to force us to study! :D
But PENGETUA. Are you trying to make me fail my Moral?
You never come in to my class before!
And you just give us lame speech in perhimpunan and sit there to get your 8k salary per month.
I thought you were nice.
Oh gosh, what's wrong with me?
HAHA, but it's my free periods during moral tho. :)

Off to continue Vanished :)
Meg Cabot For The Win! :D

Oh waitttt.
Before that right, upload pictures!
It's time to change my profile picture on facebook/msn/tumblr!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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