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because I know you love me

Name♔ Bernice Chee Wai Yee
Nickname♔ Ber
Age♔ Eighteen(2014)
Birthday♔ 13th of September
Height♔ Too short to be revealed
Weight♔ Around 40kg.
Nationalist♔ Malaysian
Race♔ Chinese
Religion♔ A follower of Christ & a child of God :)

God loves you and He created the beautiful you and the jaw dropping universe. You are beautiful and unique in your own way so don't you doubt that. :D
"Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God."Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. - Luke 12:6-7

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Title: I love batman .
Friday, January 29, 2010 || 11:33 PM

"Do you believe in batman?
I believe, he will save me one day."

What a cute day!~ =)
It was raining just now, cause of Pn. Aida :)
Oh my God, I'm really problematic.
Modem spoiled when my brother is in Penang.
I'm really cacat.
Oh ya, I shall talk about yesterday.
I saw kai wern, Yap Pei Yen, boo kean, gerald, and one of a boo kean's gang :)
Boo Kean was like ~ Wah!(He's so unlucky)
I'm used to be that. :)

He was there yesterday too, but really tak jodoh, he was in kayu, I was in the other end. :'(
Really unlucky.
My phone's battery cover's missing.
walked a whole round but still couldn't find.
Mom was like so angry...

okay, pei shan.
you are so bad!
I can't believe....
Oh em gee, rain!
touch wood man!
I know it was a joke :)
only pei ru, wei qin, woei qi, jing wei, wei chi knew what happend :)
OK... what now?

Happy birthday, Loh Pei Zhen!!!
Can't believe I'm fourteen years old now!!
and that time we were besties.
play barbie doll, masak masak...
and now? you left me...

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: problematic .
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 || 10:27 PM

"The sunset is nice.
Everything is nice in this world,
it's depends on how you look."

I have a problematic gate,
I mean, I'm a problematic woman and own a problematic gate :)
I was cam-whoring just now.
then I put the camera back into the cupboard.
what happened?
err, then I heard the gate opened.
OMG, I thought my mom came back.
but the gate kept opening and closing by itself.
I felt so scared!
then I shouted: Kakak!!! DATANG!!!
My kakak was shocked.
She was suspecting that I did that.
I said NO!!!!!
It kept going on like this, I tried to find many reasons to let myself not to be scared.
My maid shouted this time: Kenapa begini? Hantu!!!!
We shouted and ran inside to the house.
I locked the door everything.
Wah. My maid went to check what the problem was.
Finally!! Guess what?
Under the camera got a phone.
& the phone was actually pressing the gate remote.
scare me man!
Thought of something: Quicksilver says RELAX :)

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: all or nothing .
Saturday, January 23, 2010 || 12:44 AM

"It's a shiny day today,
(i am a lesbian please intro me more girls thank you)
Of course I'm not!
KJ, stop crapping :)"

Today is Saturday, so?
and it was a "great" school day.
I'm getting lazier =D
Pei Ru, nice feeling yeahhh?
tell me how you feel!
He will stalk you everyday and every moment :)
You slapped me!! :(
Ouch! =)
I sweat crazeee today in school.
Luckily didn't wear Baju Kurung.
Pei Shan, it's not all your fault.
Be happy like me!
If i were you,
I think I will misunderstand too.
1 thing to tell you all,
NO RUDE WORDS in front of me. thanks.

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Cried for hurty-purty things .
Thursday, January 21, 2010 || 10:04 PM

"I cried in school just now.
It's quite embarrassing, so I'd to lie."
~Bernice .

It was a rainy day today.
and I cried.
Cause I heard something that hurt me.
Rewind the situation just now,
It was actually not that hurt.
But I just couldn't control my eyes from crying.
(Wei Chi & Kyleen, thank you!)
(Wei Chi was the one who sang '哭过就好了')
(She has a nice voice)
(It was really touching to listen to this song after crying)
(and I got a tissue paper from kyleen)
(It's enough for me.)
(thanks, is the only word i can say)
(this is from my heart.)
Last month, the same thing happened.
I bet this will happen every month. :(
I can't avoid it.
My cousin sister - Erica, said something that was really hurt.
I cried that time.
Oh yeah, I promise you Jing Wei.
I will be strong, won't cry for this anymore.
Wei Chi, BINGO!
Crying means I'm weak.

From this moment, I will be strong!

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Say hooray!
Friday, January 15, 2010 || 2:09 AM

Today is the Baju Kurung Day!
Gahh! I'm wearing it of course!!!
I'm going to spray Li Xin today :D
This is a promise with Kah wai..
& the Denise Loo's husband - Edmund...
But, Siew Chin & Jing Wei don't allow me to do that...
I know they advise me...and it's good for me...
I know they're worried that Pn.Julie or Pn. Gengga will be there tomorrow.
But, can I just betray SC & the genius once?
Let me have fun one time.
Okay, if the Juliet and Geng-ahhh are there, I won't do that...
And can I just spray a lil bit?
Err, please, I beg you.
I know!! I know that Li Xin was sick and just recovered a lil,
but birthday girl can't just go school like a normal person...
FOR ME~, birthday is very meaningful!
Though I don't know why I will think it this way..

Feel like betraying them and spray Li Xin, PLEASE!!!!
I WANNA SPRAY. :(( but I scared SC and the genius one will get angry.
Maybe I hope my birthday will be very fun and wont be a boring lame day,
So I also hope my friends' birthday will be very memorable...
This is what I think...
ARGH, I have pressure now, & I feel like dying...
My heart's gonna pop out... I'm really scared of it...
Can I just scream it out!!
I'm very sad right now :(
help me, I wanna bite something to let go my pressure!!
I don't understand myself sometimes,
why am I like that?
It's just ppl's birthday, I can choose to not bother.
but now....
haih, really don't understand...
Can someone make me laugh now???
I'm lonely :(
(maybe i just too careeee about birhdays)
(don't care, don't care)
(It will be alright someday)

I'm reading a book called Kira-Kira means glittering in japanese :D
Thanks Elsa...

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: Updateeee :D
Sunday, January 10, 2010 || 10:02 PM

Happy Birthday to NORMAN LEAW :D
No kiss no kiss no kiss!! =D
Just gonna sing,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Norman Leaw,
Happy Birthday to you!! :D
How are you going to celebrate?
Invite chicks to your house?
Invite besties?
Or invite me, your sister... :D
Tonight call you and wish you..

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: L-O-V-E
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 || 9:50 PM

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things; believes all things; hopes all things; endures all things.
This is a love story:

OVER the mountains
And over the waves,
Under the fountains
Under floods that are deepest,
Which Neptune obey,
Over rocks that are steepest,
Love will find out the way.

When there is no place
For the glow-worm to lie,
When there is no space
For receipt of a fly;
When the midge dares not venture
Lest herself fast she lay,
If Love come, he will enter
And will find out the way.

You may esteem him
A child for his might;
Or you may deem him
A coward for his flight;
But if she whom Love doth honour
Be conceal'd from the day—
Set a thousand guards upon her,
Love will find out the way.

Some think to lose him
By having him confined;
And some do suppose him,
Poor heart! to be blind;
But if ne'er so close ye wall him,
Do the best that ye may,
Blind Love, if so ye call him,
He will find out his way.

You may train the eagle
To stoop to your fist;
Or you may inveigle
The Phoenix of the east;
The lioness, you may move her
To give over her prey;
But you'll ne'er stop a lover—
He will find out the way.

If the earth it should part him,
He would gallop it o'er;
If the seas should o'erthwart him,
He would swim to the shore;
Should his Love become a swallow,
Through the air to stray,
Love will lend wings to follow,
And will find out the way.

There is no striving
To cross his intent;
There is no contriving
His plots to prevent;
But if once the message greet him
That his True Love doth stay,
If Death should come and meet him,
Love will find out the way!

Pn. Julie today said some funny stuff about LOVE :D
talk about Rules, rules, RULES!
arh, only the LOVE part i never feel sleepy.
I yawn like hell other than that...

Posted by Bernice with love.
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Title: 1st day of Form 2
Monday, January 4, 2010 || 8:50 PM

Guess what?
I'm Form 2 now...
1st day to be a senior, to be form 2-ian. :D
Full of boredness before recess...
I love Rehat...
Pn. Gengga, really Geng-a!!!
She's not the kind of teacher that 'fair' :)

Oh gosh, thanks to me...
Ng Siew Chin be the ketua of 2 Angsana!!
Savaraj be the penolong ketua!!!
Cause I'm the one who shout their name.
Savaraj shouted my name,
I also shouted: Oi! please la... I'm irresponsible kid :D
ok, going to eat dinner, byebye

Posted by Bernice with love.
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